Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.


They releases any info on servers? Like how many there are? Will there be an Oceanic server, so us Aussies don't have to verse everyone else on 300-1,200 ping?


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017

  • OCE servers is just another reason, one of many I am so looking forward to AOC, really does annoy me the ping disparity we have. My one fear I have is that there may be in initial influx of people onto OCE servers that may subside somewhat leaving too few on the servers and eventual server closure. But hopefully this will not happen and we will have a healthy OCE community, with decent ping.       

    Does happy dance.
  • I'm glad to see the oce community growing :)
  • Plenty of players from OCE and SEA regions play on NA servers. Instead, they can now play on OCE servers, which are closer to them.

    I believe there should be enough people to fill one server at least.
  • I'd prefer we'd have a single server, I feel like it would make our actions mean more and increase immersion. 
  • Elder said:
    I'd prefer we'd have a single server, I feel like it would make our actions mean more and increase immersion. 
    There is one major problem: where would the international megaserver be located?

    Distance means higher ping and ping can be crucial in pvp fights. It it not right to give one region or nation a advantage over the rest.
  • @FliP You misunderstand me, I was talking only about the oce region only.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    It all comes down to how many accounts are created after launch. And how many OCE ends up with after the 3 month mark. All new mmos experience a spike in sign-ups and initial subs. The trick is managing the plateau that occurs once the new car smell has been tainted with the farts of old gamers. Would be upsetting to many on this side of the world if they dropped 5 servers at launch...then had to close 2 of them, merged into the remaining 3 after 3-6 months. 
    Since we know as of last info drop that they are planning to go with google cloud servers, it is a simple thing to get one up and running, and economical. No need to have a physical server farm, no paid staff getting huge salary and per diem because they had to go through the "hardship" of physically relocating to paradise, and auto-updates from main office.
    I know you Australians think you are who these servers are intended for, but there is a huge contingent of people in Singapore, and to a lesser extent China, Korea, and Japan that are going to want to not have their ping impacted. Since Oz and Nz have terrible ping for those of us up north. It is often better for me to play on NA servers than deal with a ping from data centers located in Oz or Nz. So hopefully they will have servers for you, and a server for us. Not too hard if they do go with the google data centers. 
    Imagine how Ashes will blow up if they actually get popular in China. Lots of headaches on that one with fraud, and the playstyle may not appeal to most, but they have people pissed off at p2win asian-themed games as well, so there could be a huge market.
  • @UnknownSystemError Might want to watch your wording, as I understand it Intrepid has a strict policy when it comes to racial slurs. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    Is kangaroo a race? Or Australians a race? Or since I changed it to jockeys do you mean the policy is against people who race?

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    Ethnic Slurs then.  :D
  • There ya go...changed it to the nationality.
  • As an aussie I actually expect the servers to be situated somewhere in south east asia not here in Australia, as vastly more people up there rather than down here plus infrastructure is quite simply better, than the half assed nbn we have here.
    Even so the ping will be better than the US.
  • I wish an mmo would just fit the latency into the world lore and interconnect all the servers around the world. That way a person playing in NA could travel across the world to an area of Asian nodes, their ping would steadily get worse as they travel, increasing difficulty, and giving locals a home field advantage in any warfare or fights. Be kind of a fun challenge if it was explained in the lore and expected...
  • Will EU servers be all internationals ? or we gonna get somes frenchies, deutchies, spanishies servers ? just a question, cause as u can see, idc cause my english is da best bruh.
  • They should be international.

    Having them nationality based would just be a discrimination of all countries that would not have one of their own.

    Why would French, German or Spanish be in better position than other legit EU countries?
  • Gothix said:
    They should be international.

    Why would French, German or Spanish be in better position than other legit EU countries?
    That was only exemples.I can't imagine a server for a very small country or with not much players since they want to make massive great again.
  • Elder said:
    I'd prefer we'd have a single server, I feel like it would make our actions mean more and increase immersion. 
    I agree.  I'm okay with OCE server, NA server, EU server.  But what I cannot stand is if there is NA - Bluthre Server NA - Chamyd Server NA - Foutie Server. OCE - Blarf Server OCE - Kremao Server, etc.

    That tihs drives me crazy.  Please please please, keep it one server per continent w/e. Puhleeasse Intrepid. <3
  • Cuuhi said:
    Elder said:
    I'd prefer we'd have a single server, I feel like it would make our actions mean more and increase immersion. 
    I agree.  I'm okay with OCE server, NA server, EU server.  But what I cannot stand is if there is NA - Bluthre Server NA - Chamyd Server NA - Foutie Server. OCE - Blarf Server OCE - Kremao Server, etc.

    That tihs drives me crazy.  Please please please, keep it one server per continent w/e. Puhleeasse Intrepid. <3
    Unfortunately you will have multiple NA or queues as they are intending concurrent user server caps of approx 8k users
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