Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Archetypes Utility Skill Playing a Important Role in Raids and Not Just a Gimmick Spell!

Hey after a discussion with friends last night, we came across a cool topic in regards to your Class ability taking part in raids and not as a Gimmick.  For example, during the raid a mechanic will have a Poison Fog spread towards the Raid, and a Well timed Cleric Cleanse will allow for it to disappear, but a not so well timed Cleanse, will not allow for the Cloud to disappear and now becomes an extra issue the raid needs to deal with. 

I find this could lead to an interesting raid dynamic, because players would have to be engaged and all archetypes would be needed, because not only the dps/tank/heal/utility buffs they bring to the raid but also able to change or prevent Mechanics or alter the Mechanics of the Raid boss.

For most MMO's Rogues/Rangers usually have a very Gimmicky utility be it lock picking/tracking.  (ex: Rogue disabling traps before or during a fight, allowing your Raid more leeway to move the Raid Boss, or have a fire trap be disabled, that if it wasn't disabled do massive damage to the Raid) If Intrepid could find a use for it and have it be incorporated into the mechanics of the fight, we might for the first time feel that our Avatars are there for more than just the DPS, Threat, and Healing numbers. 

What do you Guys think? Let me know in Comments below! 


  • I have a strong feeling that you and your friends won't be disappointed.  
  • I have a strong feeling that you and your friends won't be disappointed.  
    That's the understatement of the year ^^
  • I am just hoping that the abilities wont be just the gimmick, and have real value and a skill in place of using them at the right time, for a certain scenario. Because I know a lot of Rogues/ Ranger players they feel their gimmicky spell really doesn't have much of an effect in the world. So it makes me happy seeing other people have the same hopes as I do.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    I'm curious how ranger tracking will work.

    I have seen videos of rangers following tracks to the quest giver. But...
    ...wont people also be able to find this quest giver by just exploring the area and walking onto it.

    In which case rangers ability becomes pretty low valued (not to say practically useless).

    Or will these secret quest givers be invisible unless you have ranger in your party that found the tracks?
  • For rangers tracking, I would expect more value than just leading to specific quest givers... tracking players across zones, tracking specific types of mobs to allow more efficient hunting, etc... If it only leads to a quest, I'd be disappointed, and I don't even play rangers/hunters much...
  • I agree, that the ranger track seems to be less useful for party utility. The only way I could see a Ranger Track being vital, would be that you are able to Track Stealth and that way that utility could protect groups from Stealth Mobs or potential players.

    This would make them useful in helping tanks control pulls from "Stealth Mobs" or Help track down PVP players "especially Rogue players" I hope this is more the idea in which Intrepid would go with rather than just finding quest givers, because once wiki's or things become more known the value of that skill becomes useless. As long as it gets balanced and doesn't become overpowered or under-powered.
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