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Player Housing

I am just curious how in depth should we expect the player housing to be? Will it be part of the standard world or separate from it? Any info you can tell us about the building style and options available to the players. Thanks for any info available to offer at this time!


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    Moved thread to general discussion for continued discussion
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    RedZade said:
    I am just curious how in depth should we expect the player housing to be? Will it be part of the standard world or separate from it? Any info you can tell us about the building style and options available to the players. Thanks for any info available to offer at this time!
    as far as I am informed, it is similar to Archeage but if you search youtube " Housing gameplay"  it is even better than archeage. 

    The thing I wish to know, how we built it, we get the design and materials like archeage?  It is something I am searching as well, I want to be certain before I purchase. How this thing works, how we craft, a demo all in all.

    I wish to see a video from scratch, a toon without a house and the whole process of building it, decorating it, etc.  Is there going to be any land grab or the land is unlimited?

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    THere are several livestream and developer quotes about how housing will work. Here is a sample.

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    @RedZade Steven Knows all O_O

  • Options If I own a freehold it cannot be randomly destroyed and is only in danger If the entire node is under attack?
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    Yes. If you and your buddies can protect it for a certain amount of time during/after the siege it survives.
  • Options If I own a freehold it cannot be randomly destroyed and is only in danger If the entire node is under attack?
    Yes,  and if it is destroyed you still keep all your items.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017 If I own a freehold it cannot be randomly destroyed and is only in danger If the entire node is under attack?
    Yes,  and if it is destroyed you still keep all your items.
    Correct, can only be destroyed after a successful siege of the node during a two hour period after the siege ends. So if you fail at defending the city and it falls, hightail it with your friends to your freehold and hold off attackers for two hours there. If it is destroyed completely there will be a template for you to place it in a new location with all your furniture and such already set up.
    The one small point we don't have confirmed yet is whether gathered resources will be lootable from the freehold during that time and in what percentages. Currency will never be lootable (confirmed). Freehold layout and design saved and replaceable. (confirmed). Other loot from freehold destruction. (not confirmed). Risk vs Reward is one of their pillars. If you win a siege and burn down someones stuff, there will be a reward associated, just like with caravans.

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    plus freeholds have 4 building slots, so you can place things like a house, tavern, farm and stable and take up the 4 slots
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    Can't wait for housing! I really hope it is what we all hope and dream for <3:smiley:
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    Yes am really looking forward to setting up my own freehold.
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    Would be cool if we could build some defensive structures on freeholds, to help us defend them while they are vulnerable. Like some defensive towers, or walls and fences around them.

    Of course building defensive structures would take away space from your farming area, or area that could be used for something else. You get a choice what you wish to build.
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    Gothix said:
    Would be cool if we could build some defensive structures on freeholds, to help us defend them while they are vulnerable. Like some defensive towers, or walls and fences around them.

    Of course building defensive structures would take away space from your farming area, or area that could be used for something else. You get a choice what you wish to build.

    Would be fun if you could make it like your own little holdfast so it is not too easy for those rampaging attackers to destroy.
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    Varkun said:
    Gothix said:
    Would be cool if we could build some defensive structures on freeholds, to help us defend them while they are vulnerable. Like some defensive towers, or walls and fences around them.

    Of course building defensive structures would take away space from your farming area, or area that could be used for something else. You get a choice what you wish to build.

    Would be fun if you could make it like your own little holdfast so it is not too easy for those rampaging attackers to destroy.

    May livestream [29:00] Even if city goes down, you can defend your freehold?

    1. Yes. There will be structures on your freehold and guards you can obtain that will help you defend your land.
    2. Could be a roaming band of marauders roaming the countryside after node goes down
    3. If you lose your house/land it will not be extensive to replace it.
      1. “Will not be end of the world”
      2. You will be able to save designs etc.
    4. You will have a certificate that tracks major milestones (such as furnace as exmaple) that might be there next time you rebuild
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    I really do like the idea of my Freehold being able to be attacked and destroyed during a siege. Of course I don’t ever want that to happen to me, but I enjoy the idea that it could :)

    The Freehold, while probably a little more impractical than housing in the node, is what I am most looking forward to. Just knowing I can put down my little plot in a forest, and knowing my friends and guildies can too, is one of the more exciting things that Ashes is bringing.

    If they manage to do it right, I think this aspect of the game could keep a large number of people busy indefinitely. If, as @Gothix commented, we could really customise the look of our freehold to be anywhere from an open plan farm to a small walled fortress then this is going to absorb a vast amount of my time in planning and building and finessing the design and functionality – and that is not even taking into account furnishing the bugger.

    I do think that the resources that are stored on the freehold should be able to be looted by the victors. Even if this was 50% (or higher) of the stored resources able to be looted I would be ok with that. It would mean that in the short period of time between notification and siege there would be some panic shifting of resources and caravans heading all over the bloody place, creating some real chaos and replicating what would really happen in such a situation.  

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