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If they started a subscription now would you invest?

So I got thinking today, what if IS started a subscription system now and allow dedicated people to help fund AOC more and in return they would give those players cosmetics for either their mounts, housing, or their avatar. Each month it would be a different prize and the longer that you subscribe the more you get.  What are your ideas?


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    My idea is that they finish the artwork for the stuff they have already promised backers from the KS/Summer from 4 months ago. We saw great mockups of proposed forum badges before PAX, since...crickets. Summer addons is still ongoing, mainly because the artwork for all that stuff has never been released. So before throwing more cosmetic obligations on their plate for dessert, finish off the main meal first.
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    This depends on what I get out of it. If I get rewards while my subscription also counts towards play time on release, I might consider it.

    However, IS already confirmed there will be no more crowdfunding or funding in any way. Subscriptions before release are not crowdfunding, but still unlikely.
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    My idea is that they finish the artwork for the stuff they have already promised backers from the KS/Summer from 4 months ago. We saw great mockups of proposed forum badges before PAX, since...crickets. Summer addons is still ongoing, mainly because the artwork for all that stuff has never been released. So before throwing more cosmetic obligations on their plate for dessert, finish off the main meal first.
    I agree with this
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    Star Citizen does this, I have been "pledged" to their monthly sub for nearly 18 months now, maybe more. 

    Say what you will. It works.
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    I tend to agree that they need to deliver on some of the things that were promised in the kickstarter before anything new is rolled out.
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     @UnknownSystemError I agree with you there, I would need to see them produce more before I would give them anymore money
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    @freelancer Funny you should say that, since that's were I got the idea from, I've already given 300 bucks to star citizen and I'm still waiting for my game, so we will see if they make good on their promises.
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    It would depend, does it give me access to the current testing phases? If it does, definitely, just so I can give feedback, and try to make this the game the best it can be.
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    I donated to the crowd funding and I knew it was a donation and an investment to future fun.  
    Paying a monthly subscription I expect a service not a so called prize.  

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Star Citizen does this, I have been "pledged" to their monthly sub for nearly 18 months now, maybe more. 

    Say what you will. It works.

    This is like giving money  to the meth addict on the street every month when you know he's buying meth and not food for his kids.
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    A good method is to give full access to players at beta phase without the risk of losing progress. Many mmos do that and they include content, bug fix, etc in every patch.

    I am kinda scared for star citizen, they said 3.0 comes in one month and I was ready to pledge but I also saw some topics in forums " they eat all the money and 3.0 wont come because no money for it"  and I decided to wait and see if it actual comes... well I got an update email for many months of delay, then a second mail for more delays.. hmm

    So pledge into a game that I cannot see and I am not certain and I am not willing to be the experiemental mouse, I would say THEY HAVE to pay me for this.. lol
    In addition, developers if they see lots of money in their pockets, before even the game is at the final stage, maybe they dont need to finalize it at all.. lol
    Many I know they read about AOC but all of them say, I wont take part in the experimental stage, let it come, lets see it in action and then we will..

    Beta phase is nearly the final, so I dont have issues with that.  Anybody knows how much this game cost all in all allready?  I saw the kickstarters but this belongs to the past. Is there any information for how much they got allready for it?

    Star citizen is crazy! And they haven't delivered 3.0 yet, so it is just my curiosity. Today I read about AOC in another forum (not AOC forums) for 2020 release date!!
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    The game was fully funded through Steven's efforts before the Kickstarter even occurred. The Kickstarter was to add funds for extra resources to add content that they felt they would not have time for in the planned development cycle before launch. The 3 million provides the salary for some of the extra staff brought on board to develop those assets. The estimated cost of the game is around 30 million to develop. Steven stated back in early days that if the game does not launch he will refund any crowdfunding.
    All testing progress WILL be wiped before launch. The server that the testers play on will NOT be a live server. The idiocy that games like Albion Online have instituted where they allow the testing community to continue at max level keeping their resources after game launch is guaranteed not to occur here. Since people don't like information that isn't to their liking without quotes, here are some.

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    I was also going to mention Star Citizen. I subbed long enough to get a character named and I did enjoy all the hangar flair. I think it is a nice option but I think it'd clash with the different funding events like the summer event and whatnot. I'm a pretty big fan of collections so I'd probably do it... depending on the price.
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