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What type of emotions would you like to see in the game?

I don't know about you guys, but I would love to see a drawn the line in the sand type, with a sword or staff. Meaning don't cross this line or else. lol


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    Dance moves = Tavern parties and a emotion that makes PvP'er salty for not getting me killed haha 
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    How about some flourish type emotes for the different weapons you can use.
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    I would like positional, persistent emotes included.

    Player being able to lean on the wall, or sit on a rock, lay down on belly at edge of the cliff, sit down in different positions and possibly based on terrain.

    I know some of these would be challenging to develop, but if developed, these would be awesome, and for me at least, much more useful than short classic emotes that include only short temporary animation.
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    How about NO EMOTES UNTIL THE GAME IS OUT! I have done quite a bit of programming and character animation and that shit takes quite a bit of time. I could live with there being no animations until most if not all of the main game is done.

    Otherwise I just want an animation to lay down on the ground and sleep. Laziness FOR THE WIN!
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    Flameh0t said:
    not gonna lie, I facepalmed when I seen that dude lol

    yes, yes, and please yes

    OR an emote called "spartan style" and it's literally just a T-bag emote
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    I second @Gothix motion of being able to sit places - there's nothing worse than playing an MMO and not being able to /sit in that very nice looking chair. 
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    to sleep on my stomach
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    Well, what is it?
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    Ass kiss for all kind of ellitists. :)
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    I would love there to be some comedy emotes, like the friendly finger that was in Friends
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    All the ones you do in private, but refuse to do in public.
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    Where my mage can control her magic to create captivating lights, preferably in the form of butterflies. 
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    Out of everything this games needs to stay alive longer than 1 year, emotions and dances are of no importance at the moment.
    When the game is perfect then they can add trivial things.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    Perhaps even better, then right now is being thought off. ;)

    Reference from;
    Q&A with Steven in Discord 2017-05-14

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