Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What MMO are you playing until AOC comes out ?

I am playing ESO and I am having a decent time. However I am looking forward to Jump in to AOC as soon as its available. I have to be honest tho, Stevens enthusiasm is the main reason that I am excited about the game


  • I am playing fortnite/Destiny on XBONE and LoL/Tera on PC until it comes out. If anyone looking to chill on any of these games let me know :smiley:

    Crazywhiteguy99 is my xbone tag

    whitedude31 on LoL

    "Blaine.Hall" is my main on Tera

    I am a bit of a no life :smile:

  • Currently playing BDO and I just got ESO cheap on humble bundle yesterday so I might play thet every now and then.
  • Due to the fact that I've played one game for about 9 years now, I got too many games on my "wishlist". I'm currently interested in ESO, Secret World Legends and Warframe. But I've installed more than those 3.

    I need more time.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Not really MMOs, but one is close. There's just no current MMO out now that I'm not either bored of or avoiding because of P2W

    I've been playing a super punishing yet really fun game called "Bomber Crew". Check it out on Steam. 

    I'm also in the Sea of Theives Tech Alpha which I recommend you sign up for. Under NDA, but check out some of the Dev released videos. I secretly wish I'd been born 400yrs ago to become a pirate.. 
  • I played a couple of months of FFXIV recently, but got bored of it again. So, not playing any MMOrpgs, just games featuring multiplayer atm- Nioh will release soon on PC and I'm looking forward to cooping and PvPing in this one.
  • I jump from MMO to MMO to whatever random game steam has for sale.  I will most likely be trying out Bless online when it releases next year on steam for not im playing divinity 2 and ELEX and I just bought COD WWll.  
  • I am intentionally not playing anything right now so that I'm starving by the time I get into Verra.

    I'll just keep working on my writing until the doors open.
  • I'm playing Albion Online, currently. It's incredibly in-depth and has a true class-less system.
  • Been playing ESO since beta, I only play MMO's and if there were another option that appealed to me besides ESO I would be there but for me there isn't. So its ESO atm mainly ava even with the horrid lag being from AU 350ms ftw, but do partake of some pve from time to time, enjoy all of the content honestly.
  • I'm playing Albion Online, currently. It's incredibly in-depth and has a true class-less system.
    i heard it's hard and very very very very long time investment to get to end game content, so i wont give him a chance since i will move to AoC. Is that true ?
  • Just started GW2 and I get on ESO and Destiny 2 from time to time. 

    I have a sub card for WoW that I'm trying my hardest not to use. Very hard with the expansion getting announced and "classic" coming out. 
  • There is nothing good out there now really.

    I play Neverwinter a bit (just started it for the first time recently cause I was bored), but its also CS game with money = power, and I'm not giving them a dime because of that reason. I just chill and explore a bit.

    Ashes can not come soon enough.
  • Gothix said:
    There is nothing good out there now really.

    I play Neverwinter a bit (just started it for the first time recently cause I was bored), but its also CS game with money = power, and I'm not giving them a dime because of that reason. I just chill and explore a bit.

    Ashes can not come soon enough.
    You can make easy money by leveling your exploration tasks and unlocking more worker slots.

    It takes some  time to level and build up your worker empire, but you can definitely win NW without cashing.
  • @Althor I started gw2 about a week ago. I might stick with it at least until Alpha.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    I laughed today hard in Neverwinter.

    I got an item drop, epic gloves. Besides regular epic stats that had this...

    Equip: your attacks have a chance to proc an extra damage, but at financial cost.

    Meaning, you get extra attacks while fighting at a continual cost of your gold / diamonds getting drained from your wallet. XD (you can get diamonds with real cash exchange).

    I was speechless.
  • Elder said:
    @Althor I started gw2 about a week ago. I might stick with it at least until Alpha.
    ITS been fun so far. I get to about level ten and delete a character since I only have two slots with the free version. I think I'll stick with my thief now. GL HF
  • Playing WoW, destiny 2, divinity 2,anda lot of past mmos as well. Really looking forward to AoC though because of the enthusiasm and fresh factor, by talking to the community it's  sidestepping problems other games run into. 
  • I just started WoW for my first time not too long ago, plan on sticking with it for awhile
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    I played Albion Online. not bad. but AoC will be the best. :)
  • None at the moment because I don't know what I can play that I would have fun with AND have enough time for at the moment. Part of the reason I'm interested in Ashes is because it's probably being released after my finals.
  • Don't these forums and discord count as Mmos?
    Life, that's what I'm playing. A lootbox rng of 'fun' everyday.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Read that and imagined Megs channeling Brad Pitt. "WHAT'S IN THE BOX!"
    Image result for gwyneth paltrow halloween costume
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    FFXIV.  I admit it will be hard to pull me out of the game, but I would like to see Ashes for myself, as it was the game I wished FFXIV was when I first saw it.

    I mean, at the end of the day I have a lifetime subscription, so I can take it easy, It'll be there for me when SE inevitably screws up beyond redemption.
  • Every month or so I resub to Warcraft trying to catch the feeling from the good old days, but I end up only playing a total of 2 or 3 hours the whole month. GW2 has always been my baby, but all the changes kind of turn me off.  Archeage has sucked away more of my life than I care to admit since it's beta. I play ARAM's in LoL, I reinstall /HoTS/Rift/ESO/Wildstar sometimes, and pop into Dragonage Origins and Inquisition from time to time.  Everything is just really stale at the moment. VERY excited about Ashes in the future!
  • None... that's why I am here. Not to disrespect anybody or any game but the genre has been sub par for a decade  (to put it nicely).
  • CavalryPK said:

    I am playing ESO and I am having a decent time. However I am looking forward to Jump in to AOC as soon as its available. I have to be honest tho, Stevens enthusiasm is the main reason that I am excited about the game

    Hi CavalryPK I'm ex swtor player got bored of it after playing it for six years atm I'm playing the Total War series not doing any mmorpg  until this comes out.
  • Hi! Personally, I'm a player of "The lord of the rings online". An old-fashioned one, but always so pleasant and restful.
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