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Role play

I did not see many people talking about role play. 
Yet, Ashes of creation seems perfect for me to offer this kind of gameplay. Why I would like to know if some know about certain things which will be made in this sense ? As for example specialized servers, either of decorations usable by the players. Because I think that many will agree with me, that the proposed gameplay is very realistic and completed for this kind of role play on a large scale.

P.S : I am French guy and I apologize if I do not write English very well. I learns it quite in daytime and I hope to improve always more but I really want to get involved on this forum.


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    Welcome to the Ashes community!   Your English is fine.  Most Americans only know one language.   

    There will be no designated role play servers.  There are many role players looking forward to Ashes and there has been talk of trying to all meet on one server.  

    If you do a search for role play you will find several posts  concerning it.

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    Oh I see ! It's not a bad idea after all. In any case, I'm really waiting to learn more because the game looks very promising ! Thank you for your answer !
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