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Be real careful... Buying KS pledges.

Seems this is going on in the AoC discord.

People are talking about buying KS pledges. Go for it. I do not know if it violates ToS for KS or AoC.
Whoever buys that pledge will be screwed when the original buyer charges back on their credit card. You will be able to do nothing but loose your money!

I do hope Intrepid addresses this and bans these people.


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    Uhh, Mods? Any insight on this?
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    Don't do it. If you don't want to risk it. Simple.
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    I've raised this issue with Intrepid. I'll get back with an official response soon.
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    Most credit cards have a 90 day limit on chargebacks and disputes, so they wouldn't be able to chargeback anyways. Since the money went to KS and not Intrepid, who was then paid out, Intrepid would not lose any money on the deal and most likely wouldn't even deal with it unless KS made a fuss.
    Buying and selling of accounts has pretty much been a no-no activity from an official standpoint for almost all companies. Does it still happen? Sure. No real way for anyone to check a transaction between two parties unless one of them is unhappy with it. 
    Just like those that buy powerleveling or gold, the chance of you getting ripped off is high, so let stupid people do it, and when they get burned, just laugh.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017

    No Monetary Transactions

    Under no circumstances will monetary transactions be permitted on the forums / discord. This includes offering or requesting payment for help leveling up, in-game items, alpha/beta keys, artwork for your character, etc. This is simply because we cannot help you if anything goes wrong and certain types of things (such as payment for help leveling) against our game’s terms of service.

    The buying and selling of KickStarter / Summer Sale / PAX package do indeed fall under this guideline.
This discussion has been closed.