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Playable Rat Race

I would love to see a playable rat race, i always wanted that.
Like the Skaven race from Warhammer universe!


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    We have the above races as well as a mammalian / reptilian “corrupted” Tulnar race that dwells in the Under Realm.

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Belewyn said: 

    We have the above races as well as a mammalian / reptilian “corrupted” Tulnar race that dwells in the Under Realm.

    We aren't corrupted, you are!

    but yea, what bele said. The tulnar might give you the options you are looking for. They are a combination of several races that managed to escape underground and sound like they will have a lot of options for customizing. Beyond what bele said we don't know much but rat/rodent could be part of the mammalian options.
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    sigh and I just wiped out the Skaven and the lizard men dam you @PlagueMonk and @McStackerson just die already ^^
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    Life IS a playable rat race...
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    @Karthos that’s deep man, we are all “IS” rats in their game of life.
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    Will we have playable ninja turtles also?
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    I mean the devs from eq2 must love the ratonga from Eq..... Come on Intrepid......
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    nagash said:
    sigh and I just wiped out the Skaven and the lizard men dam you @PlagueMonk and @McStackerson just die already ^^
    ......wipe us out, oh you poor misguided dead thing. You may have culled a pocket or 2 of us but that's it. The UnderEmpire is vast, stretching most of the known world so you will never be rid of us! Queek! It would be easier to rid the all the beaches of the world of their sand than remove the ubiquitous claws of the Skaven!

    And as much as I would like to believe you have wiped out the Lizards, I fear the Slann are far beyond even your powers to destroy.

    He is not a Shill and I SWEAR (/holds up paw) I have no knowledge of this Dexter person. I have never met them nor have I ever had dealings with him......../deftly hands Dexter a small pouch filled with warpdust.........honest! >:):*

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