Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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No Dailies, please!

One of the poorest design decisions in current MMOs is the notion of Daily quests that provide some necessary or highly coveted reward. Every time I log in to such a system, I feel compelled to go "do my dailies" to make sure I get my daily rewards, before I do anything else. In extreme cases, the only play time I have allotted will all be spent doing dailies and then logging out. No time left for exploration, experimentation, or other unstructured activities. Not fun.


  • My experience with daily quests has been: "do repetitve mission, earn reputation for this faction". I'm not sure about a solution that can stop a tedious small quest from being a tedious small quest since that's what dailies are... so, I guess I don't need them... but, if the daily quests were centered around my playstyle versus how the devs want me to play, for example, one daily quest could be "Go inspect your farm operation." and the reward for it could be a bit of money... nothing that makes you feel that you missed out on something if you didn't want to do them.
  • They have stated a couple times that there will be no daily quests as you have seen them in the past. They are actively looking to kill that mechanic from other mmo's. They have said that they will have "tasks" that can be completed daily that are node/npc dependent but that are changing and not the same on a daily/weekly schedule. So you will have small, filler stuff to do if you want, that won't be stale.
  • A better solution than that is things that you can create a turn in as you want and as many as you want. For instance, instead of making a daily where you have to catch 10 fish and bam, reputation for the fishing faction, maybe you can just farm as many as you want, whenever you want for as xp turn in. It's not a daily then, there is no time table that you HAVE to do in order to maximize rep gain, but it still has part of the MMO aspect as far as earning reputation...Then again, that may fall under grindy category.
  • "There will be no grind. We hate the grind." direct quote.
  • Daily quests (especially grind based dailies) will not feature in Ashes \o/
    The closest thing we have in relation to daily quests- but are not quite the same- are Tasks.

    @Tiberious  There was a stream a while ago (I will try find the video) that had devs doing a npc quest collecting wolf products. I remember them saying that the players have the choice to part compete, turn everything in or not at all. ;)

  • @Diura Excellent, that makes sense  B);)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    Dailies and Grind are stuff that make people keep logging everyday and stay logged during the day, so the statistics u know ...

    I guess intrepid studio wont need this since they look smart.
  • Dailies and loot boxes. Which is worse?
  • Both?
  • For me, dailies, because they actually affect what i do in game.
    For gaming, loot boxes, because they are a scourge on the whole industry and really just promote gambling to children.

    Any game with dailies is dead to me.
  • You guys do know that most dailies get centered on what you actually do anyways right? Well for most of the games I have played that is the way they are, such as Destiny 2 giving you a rep bundle for running something that most people do anyways such as public events or strikes, but if you decide you dont want to do it then you dont miss out on much.

    I actually enjoy daily/weekly quests because they sometimes lead you to things you wouldn't normally do and can lead to some good times. I do on the other hand understand where everyone is coming from and I have heard of certain games that do random annoying stuff for dailies just to frustrate people it seems like.

    In fortnite when you get that "kill 500 enemies with a constructor" daily . . . :neutral:
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    I agree with no dailies, but in a sense everytime you log in your goal is to level up.

    And that would be through advancing the node, running dungeons, etc.

    So every activity you do is considered a daily.

    Hope this didn't sound pretentious. 
    Image result for gem png
  • I might log on and help level a node daily, but I would prefer to not feel obligated to do a specific quest every time I am logged in. If it's something I am doing for the advancement of a skill or a trade (smith for exp) then I have chosen that daily task, it was not forced on me.
  • I'm also not a fan of dailies and the reason why I have taken an extended leave of absence from ESO. I mean I would log on and by the time I had done all my crafting dailies and collected my rewards on all my characters, and done my assassin quests, I was ready to log off! I often didn't even have the time to accomplish anything new just so I wouldn't get "behind". The treadmill finally became too much and I said no more.
  • You guys do know that most dailies get centered on what you actually do anyways right? Well for most of the games I have played that is the way they are, such as Destiny 2 giving you a rep bundle for running something that most people do anyways such as public events or strikes, but if you decide you dont want to do it then you dont miss out on much.

    I actually enjoy daily/weekly quests because they sometimes lead you to things you wouldn't normally do and can lead to some good times. I do on the other hand understand where everyone is coming from and I have heard of certain games that do random annoying stuff for dailies just to frustrate people it seems like.

    In fortnite when you get that "kill 500 enemies with a constructor" daily . . . :neutral:
    What if games made a random unique weekly event in lieu of dailies? You would have the ability to do something new and get new content...
    This could be a dynamic world event which could change balance of power, rather than getting some goofy gear to stating you did the daily.

    Just a thought.

  • Jaikant said:
    Dailies and Grind are stuff that make people keep logging everyday and stay logged during the day, so the statistics u know ...

    I guess intrepid studio wont need this since they look smart."

    I guess this depends on the dailies or grinding. In my experience with mmo's In the past 5+ years dailies have become playing with strangers from servers you don't belong to, running a boring dungeon which leaves 0 rewarding factor. Which I simply refuse to do.

    I am not against the idea of grinding, as long as the grinding comes with a rewarding feeling. The sensation which no longer exist in current mmo's. in the early 2000's grinding was a team event, which often was done with people in your clan, or people who knew of your skill sets and deeds. Getting that rare drop off of a rare spawn mob, or gathering a ridicules number of items to unlock a piece of equipment which everyone else was envious of.

    Now in MMO's you may need 200k exp level up, however if you do your daily you get 200% exp bonus. Rather just making the requirement 500exp to level. This often makes it far too easy to hit cap, and creates players who don't how to properly play their classes. And for me, makes it feel kind of pointless playing.

    I can understand the "Casual" argument to a point. Casual gamers only may have an hour or two per week and want all the same things as someone who plays everyday. If we they feel they are unable to keep up or irrelevant they will leave to another game, where they can earn exp bonus for not playing, or perhaps get a skill book to push them to cap.

    The truth of dailies in today's market, it's a tool to secure casual's who are the largest percentage of the gaming market. There is many ways to make the level 5 player feel just as important as the level 50 however, developers just seek the easy way out, toss in dungeons with a daily rotation, rather making content to suit them.

  • Honestly, I think daily quests were originally implemented to give longevity to a game.  After all, if you completed the main narrative to a point, what else can you do while you wait for new content to be released. Developers just needed something to keep people subscribed until the next raid was released.

    But I agree, they can be boring and mundane, that is why I never really did them. This system can be a bit boring, but I believe AoC can be dynamic enough to minimize them or exclude them altogether. After all, since we are constantly fighting each other for nodes and city advantages, we are constantly in strife with not only the players and creatures near us but the world itself. Our actions change the world, and as they said: "no two servers will be alike." 

    At the same time, if daily quests must be implemented, a simple fix could be a random rotation of several quests, each with memorable stories and mechanics, so that we aren't treated to the same narrative each day that we log in. 

    Think I ranted again.

  • One of the poorest design decisions in current MMOs is the notion of Daily quests that provide some necessary or highly coveted reward. Every time I log in to such a system, I feel compelled to go "do my dailies" to make sure I get my daily rewards, before I do anything else. In extreme cases, the only play time I have allotted will all be spent doing dailies and then logging out. No time left for exploration, experimentation, or other unstructured activities. Not fun.

    Completely agree with everything here.
    No such dailies please.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2017
    You guys do know that most dailies get centered on what you actually do anyways right? 

    If it's something that you already do, then what's the point of adding an extra quest to tell you to do it?

    No dailies gives player a sense of freedom, and eliminates a sense of obligation, which is CRUCIAL for the way you will see the MMO and how much you will like it.

    Dailies in any way are just bad. More random dailies that seem more casual oriented are just "less bad". They still give you the sense of obligation.

    We play MMOs to get away from our RL obligations, to forget obligations for a while, and not to get more obligations.

    Play stayle should be completely free, you should be able to get in game and do what you want, and not have a feeling that you missed out on something, because you didn't do it... specially not each day (daily).
  • I have a love/hate thing with dailies. I hate having the game decide what I will do when I log in, but I do love having a goal for something I might not have bothered with.

    What I would prefer is a list of 10 things and I get to pick which 3 of them I do to complete the daily.
  • I would hope to see most "daily" quests are player given quests you go out and find on boards. Without auction houses, people may be posting requests for items, especially crafters who need parts to make a finished product. You would still be gaining XP for your node by simply doing these things other players need you to. It can also build up a player's reputation among the community.

    As far as NPC quests, I hope they are more like events. I don't want, every day giving the tavern keeper 10 pieces of venison and the local healer 20 herbs from the forest. Honestly though, I don't see any way to make dailies interesting. It's no problem when you just have one main character, but if you have alts it becomes tedious. Having to do daily chores on each character is more frustrating than rewarding (no matter the reward, it just burns me out).
  • Thanks for the confirmation that dailies are not planned. While I do enjoy goal-driven work, I prefer more long-term goals that require dedication and reward perseverance with something unique, even if it requires some grinding. I remember one of our most satisfying moments in WoW was when my wife and I earned our Snowlion mounts. Everyone who saw us knew what we had to go through to earn them; that was worth the effort. 
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