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Creativity Challenge Part Two Zones.

Monsters should not have hp bars until they are attacked with an hp bar on all the time no chance to sneak up on you.

Have small random dungeons in a zone.  I want to avoid long posts so I will try to summarize.  There are random dungeoun generators but if you do not like those then you could make 100 dungeons with 100 diferent mobs to choose from  with 100 mini bosses to choose from.  You could even make a Dungeoun Creator and Have the cummunity help you make them.   In game you could have like ten portals that lead to those small instances  every time you go in it is different or just have some creative reason to disappear when the seasons change. Have to have quest of course to do dungeoun.

New Quests every so often again you could use cummunity to make them.

Monsters that hide like earth elementals that look like rocks that way you will pay attention to your surroundings. Polars bears that hide in snow.   Only possible if monsters do not  have hp bars until attacked or they attack you.

Rare spawn that hunts instead of just sitting there waiting to be killed.  Moving around in the zone. Spawning at diferent locations so no camping.  When found toons have to gather a force to kill it and kept an eye on from a far so as not to lose location since it will be moving. Rare Spawn equals world mini-bosses need like 15 poeple to kill. Drops good loot of course.

World Bosses that are not static that make their present known.  So while you are adventuring you find one or it finds you and it is a surprise. I was listening to a discussion and a longer spawn timer makes sense.  I mean if it always there then well you can do it any time you want to, but if you have to hunt for it a while it makes  the sense of accomplishment feel great.  Think a timer that enables toons to have a crack at it ounce a week is in order.  (That is not a 7 day timer. A 7 day timer comes out to maybe ounce a month depending on when and where it spawns)

Rare Spawn NPC that give special quests.  Like very,very young dragons that need help(Cool if we could watch it grow over time)  There are also Fairies, Druids, A Pheonix, Centuars, Treants and a lot other traditional magical creatures.   

Plus as far as the Sky is concerned would like  to see  rings around the planet.  Two or three moons different colors.  Maybe even able to visit one of them.  Would also like to see rainbows and clouds.  Day/night and weather cycles. 

Saw an NPC chop wood.  Guess he has been doing that night and day rain or shine year after year.  Should have some type of activity cycle. 

Uncommon Spawn.  Randomly Generate some creatures that are not normally there.  Not just same 6  bears that are always there. It is ok to put a giant spider there ounce in a while and really easy too.


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