Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Will Gatherers & Miners fight back, flee, or "Stay green?"
I am interested in what those who prefer gathering and mining would do if attacked while gathering or mining.
I'd most likely try to run away, SHOWING that I'm not interested in PvP, if the person persists following and annoying me I'd probably fight back. If I win; great for me, I'll go back to my gathering spot. If I lose; will call for back-up to take out that annoying person, simples.
I would only fight back if i am in a group.
With the current mechanics you don't want to kill any green. Green might lose some mats, but it's nothing compared to losing mats + a piece of valuable gear.
What are you going to do Diura?
There is not supposed to be any difference no pve/pvp gear but that being said there may be stats on gear that are more favourable for pvp as opposed to pve, which I honestly hope is the case. There is a lot to yet to be revealed concerning gear and stats and how it all works.
Well that was quite wrong, I should spend more time proof reading. Should have read I honestly hope that is NOT the case, I want to see no stats being better suited to pvp.
This comes from the point of making a stronger cummunity. So when you go out in the world you will not have the desire to be alone so you can have all the gathering resources to yourself. This type of system should also be incorporated into other aspects of the game. Think I will start a post how to build a strong cummunity.
You needed 5 ore to make a intermediary mat, and then I think 3 of that to make an ingot, and then 1-2 ingot to finish a gear piece (along with other pain-in-the-ass to get/process mats). And one harvest per half hour was just 15 ores (at best).
Rarer mats appear only half as much (once per hour), and need much higher skill to harvest (best harvesting gear), and you can only get a few per harvest because you have to use other skills than the +2/gather one just to hit enough to gather at all. So you tend to get 2 to 4. At least this was true as of patch 3.1. Yet they're still visible and harvestable for all who show up, not a one-time harvest and then all gone even for others.
I'm not sure I like the fixed-in-place respawn points thing, but I like the not-fighting-for-the-ore with the other harvesters (enough for everyone). Like you could kill the competition if you really really want it, but I'd prefer if it wasn't necessary (to kill everyone else) to gather at all.
They will learn to never underestimate a melee Siren!