Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Suggestions - Perpetual Thread
There are a lot of great ideas that get buried into the nether realms.
I think it would be great if we had a stickied thread where people could come and make suggestions in one post.
This way we could have all the great ideas in one location and when there is a great idea people like it can be referenced via quote and built upon and evolved.
It could also help developers to be able to skim through ideas and see which ones are constantly being brought up in one thread.
Please No Banners in replies to this thread as it can get quite long and banners will add to space and clutter. TY

I think it would be great if we had a stickied thread where people could come and make suggestions in one post.
This way we could have all the great ideas in one location and when there is a great idea people like it can be referenced via quote and built upon and evolved.
It could also help developers to be able to skim through ideas and see which ones are constantly being brought up in one thread.
Please No Banners in replies to this thread as it can get quite long and banners will add to space and clutter. TY

edit changed post to thread.
My first idea.
Having musicians in taverns that take requests would be awesome I think.
People could pay a certain amount a coin and choose what they want them to play.
People who own taverns could purchase songs from song vendors to teach the musicians at their taverns. Having a larger selection of good songs could increase their earning potential and get a cut of the tips their hired musicians make.
In NPC taverns they could be loaded with various list of songs. This could be something that adds to the enjoyment of people socializing at taverns.
We could even have a thread where if there are musicians that play the game, they could submit their music for play time and having their name next to the song in game. If some really stand out maybe the developers could hire them to make some releases here and there.
So the person making the suggestion is the one that decides if if it is worth mentioning
Great Ideas people like will live on ideas people do not like will die out.
There are times where people Itemize the ideas that they liked into a list. It has a tendency of developing a life of it's own after a while. I have seen some great Ideas created through stickied posts like this where various people evilved an idea and have seen some of those ideas get implemented into the game.
People could also hit the like button when they read an idea they like showing the moderators and developers which ideas were popular when they skim through them.
Here is my suggestion on how transfers should work:
Honestly here is something people need to consider, reasons for server transfers:
- Job hours changed and there for not many people are on during your free time on the server you are on.
- Geographic change people have to relocate for Work, School, etc., their old server just does not work out for the time difference.
- People found out a real life friend is playing the game but on a different server.
- People start out on a PVE and decide they would rather go to a PVP now. Was pointed out by danjohnson3141 that All servers are PVP so this would be a mute point.
Sometimes reasons are different for people wanting to change servers and sometimes it is not something they are in control of. When a person has spent a lot of time playing a game years even, it is bad enough they have to leave all their game friends behind as well as their guild. To make them start from scratch is a bit more than some people can bear and could result in some people leaving the game. Cause they had to move and their guilds and population is just low and they have to move to a new server but dread the thought of losing all the gear they worked so hard for.How I think server transfers should work.
- 2 weeks wait time from the time you request to switch servers.
- 1 month wait time prior to to being able to move again.
- 2 month wait time for the second move.
- 3 month wait time for the third move, Maxed at 3 months wait time.
- Every three months someone does not move the wait time is reduced by 1 month till it reaches a minimum of 1 month.
- First server move is free after that there is a charge.
- Person is able to take all their money and possessions with them other than housing. Rank and citizenship does not carry over. This could be handled in the same way as if someone decided to switch to another Map area for citizenship.
- People cannot take items that are above their level range and class range, this will limit the ability for people to create new accounts just to move things to a new server at a low level.
- It should not matter if someone has a legendary gear and move to another server they should be able to take it they put the work in and earned it why should they lose it? If King Arthur was sent to another realm by Merlin would he lose Excalibur, no he wouldn't.
Having the proper amount of wait time will limit the amount of abuse and make it not worth it, and limit the amount of abuse. People should not be punished because they have real life situations.Most people that transfer for selling gold and items if there is enough wait time and real money cost for transfers this will limit this abuse. Especially if people can only take items within their class and level range people will not be able to creat new accounts just to move high value items and bypass wait time cause they will have to level up that character in order to move items above their level range.
This also brings up a good reason why we should not have a global Market and things should only be sold locally via bazaars at stands or a physical location cause this will limit the ability for people to horde and throw markets off
Put in good systems to limit abuse and there is absolutely no reason to allow people to change servers and take the items they worked hard for.
For people worried about consistency you could think of it as traveling through a magical portal to a Multi-Realm ( Multi-Verse ) another realm that is almost identical but different in some ways.
Yeah I can see your point and of course people will post in a standalone thread and for some things could probably be better. But I have seen many of these perpetual sticky threads before and while they get very long they work quite nicely. There is no reason it couldn't be both
Would be nice if we could sort through threads and posts by likes.
I know I was only a bit serious and mostly in jest