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Hello AoC Community

Greetings Everyone,
it nice to join you all here on the forums! I'm Abbreviate aka Aaron, im' a 20 year old from Australia. I'm excited to be here in the making and discussion of AoC until its release date.
a little bit more behind my MMORPG life, i have played many years on and off on World of Warcraft of a total years altogether. I'm currently playing Blade and Soul just to pass the time and get back into MMORPG. i mainly play a DPS role i just feel like i'm more effective in that type of playing style when it comes to raids, dungeons or group quests. 
which brings me to the questions i have for all of you whats your favorite playing role style? (Tank, Healer DPS... ect.) 

on that note thank you for accepting me in the community.



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