Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Received an email stating my account email address was changed, but...

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited December 2017 in Forum and Discord Help
I never requested the change.  I tried logging into the game site to view my account & it now says that there is no account with that email address.

I tried contacting the email address listed in the the email I received about the change ( but received an error that the recipient was not found as a valid email address.

I pledged for a Braver of Worlds package & from what it looks like to me, my account has been stolen & the email address provided by Ashes of Creation's system goes nowhere.

Need some help here & have you implemented a 2-factor authentication system yet?  


  • Hi there, have you tried contacting customer support via the website support button on the main page?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2017
    Yes, I have tried that.  It has been nearly a week since I last heard from anyone at Intrepid; Peter Pilone emailed me saying they would fix the issue, but as of this time nothing has been done to restore my account to me.

    I had to create this account to be able to take part in this Alpha Zero time slot, but I still don't have my account & at this point I guess my name will never be mine again & from my perspective my Braver of Worlds package might as well be lost as well.  

    If anyone reading this is internal at Intrepid, you need to know that your support structure does not work from the perspective of your users.  I caught the theft of my account within the hour it happened, and 2 weeks later I still have not had my account restored. 

    This is very unfortunate, as I had high hopes from this project, but if you can't restore accounts that are hacked & stolen from your customers that gambled a few hundred dollars to help you try to achieve your vision, then what hope is there for those that you are leaning on with financial incentives to market your project.  Maybe someday before release I will get my account back, but my trust in this project is not what it was going in.
  • This has just been escalated to the Intrepid CS team.
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