Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Human Ego in MMORPGs
One of the reason we're playing these kind of game is that we want to differentiate ourselves from other players in form of having better, more rare Items than others. This comes along with reching goals in a sozialised group, killing heavy bosses , earning something special. BEEING someone in a virtual world. Having struggle during questing with friends etc. Thats why so many are complaining about World of Warcraft today, these aspects are gone. Game Creator have simply to please human nature. Imagine we all get it easy peasy trough the world and have all very very good items pets, etc. its communism, no fun at all, only work.
Fighting system is a matter of taste of course. ( I personally have never played a action based mmo, only stuff like flyff, wow, 4story, little bit black dessert, therefore i like this target attack system a lot)
Story telling, design and stuff are irrelevant if the pleasure of the ego is not given.
Kickstarter. why did people donate?
1. They like the game, want help them to create a fantastic game, of course.
2. Getting Items others wont have after game launch. This is the main reason.
Fighting system is a matter of taste of course. ( I personally have never played a action based mmo, only stuff like flyff, wow, 4story, little bit black dessert, therefore i like this target attack system a lot)
Story telling, design and stuff are irrelevant if the pleasure of the ego is not given.
Kickstarter. why did people donate?
1. They like the game, want help them to create a fantastic game, of course.
2. Getting Items others wont have after game launch. This is the main reason.
With Ashes of Creation, instead of just creating a new character, you could also start on a new server with that new/same character. So many possibilities.
Plus I got the lifetime membership, that really was a nice bonus.
I donated because,
1) I would still be playing Morrowind/Skyrim if I had somewhere new to explore.
2) Lifetime sub
I have a huge ego, being the central chaos of the universe tends to do that to people.
-I don't care about rare gear, having exclusive gear, world first, leader boards etc. My ego prevents me from caring what you figments of my imagination are doing in the background to add flavor text to my life.
-I have no desire to "be" someone in a virtual world. I love immersion and if I can't create a unique character with a name I chose I usually check out. But when I am playing, even if I engage in role-play, it's not because I want to exist as a virtual component to a world that doesn't exist. It's because it is fun to be different and not always play by the rules this world limits me to.
Storytelling is VERY important to me. If I was just running around in a world that had no purpose, history, effort put into lore I would be playing [insert a variety of "rpg's" that I think are crap].
***EDIT: I have played games, like Viva Pinata, that reward you every 5 minutes regardless of what you are actually doing. Sure, they stoke the ego, but they get boring real quick too***
However, the way you phrased your OP I do agree that your ego needs to be stoked!
Jk thats a bit much. But no I did do it for the sub and this game seems like a genre changer. Im down with supporting that.