Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Intrepid studios year in review (2017)
Hello again everyone, I decided to take a moment to step out from hiding to make a post I had been excited to make
This past year has been a long one what follows in a compilation/timeline of events to make for easy access to any of you who'd like to take a journey back and take a peer into what happened in 2017. Over the course of 2017 Ashes of Creations/Intrepid Studios has brought together this huge excited community, one that had been aching for an MMO where a player felt valued in the realm of the game, where every action had some level of importance, and where someone could feel wanted/important in the community. Though this ever growing community I've made a lot of new friends, there have been some rough spots, but they were there the whole time, for the laughs and the sad parts, and I am truly thankful to have met them, as well as I am beyond excited to see what more lies ahead. I decided I'd make this post for anyone who maybe missed some of the early events of the year, or for those who just wanted the easy access. I ended up cutting out some information and segments that I originally wanted to put in, but due to this post already being delayed I figured I'd put it out as is, and possibly edit stuff in later. I'm also sorry if I missed something that happened this year that you really loved, I can always edit in those as well. If you take the time to look back at all the previous events, I hope you feel the same nostalgia I felt when I did so to make this post.
January 11, 2017: On this day marks their first huge reveal of the year, previously they had shown short reveals of the landscape/environment in Dec 2016 . In a Q/A video , Steven along with Peter, Jeff, and Matt gives us all some insight into an upcoming game of theirs, they talk of a dream they see where the MMO genre is truly made great again, one where they players feel important in their identity and in the outcome of their world/game. This is where we get to hear on their Node system and their ideals.
February 27, 2017: Our first look at Pre-Alpha footage of the Mage class running through a dungeon.
March 27, 2017: Intrepid studios follows up on talk of their nodes, thankfully willing to go into a bit more detail on how it works they post a short video to explain the idea. With a second part shortly after,
May 1, 2017: Intrepid studios announces their kickstarter as well as they reveal more on their project, we learn about the masterminds behind the game, the different races of Verra, and their 4 pillar system that use when designing their game. A kickstarter that ran for a month, and was one of the fastest ever funded MMORPG, making $750,000 in under 12 hours. A craze caused simply by word of mouth between people excited to see a game like Ashes, become a reality. Throughout the month of may we see many streams, showing off the world as well as some mechanics in the game such as the monster coin mechanic. (May 25 2017) The end of this month marks the end of the Kickstart campaign which has 19,576 backers who in total pledged massive $3,271,809 towards the Ashes of Creation dream.
June 1, 2017: Following the end of the AoC kickstarter Steven takes us all on a tour of their studio/design space.
June 20, 2017: Due to demand, Intrepid studios announces that they will be continuing their crowdfunding on their own website so that others who could not pledge on Kickstarter, could do so there as a part of their Summer Campaign. From here out Intrepid continues to stream content and announcements every 2 weeks.

June 30, 2017: Intrepid studios following their schedule of streams, but a key announcement is made, they will be at the following PAX West as well as they themselves will be selling a PAX package for those who are interested in picking up tickets just to see them there, as well as VIP packages for those who really want to get to know and spend time with the Dev team they are supporting in making Ashes of Creation.
July 28, 2017: We get a bit of a teaser of what the PAX experience of Ashes will look like.
August 30, 2017: The tutorial for PAX gameplay was released.
September 1-4, 2017: Intrepid studios shows off their stuff at PAX West. We get a ton of information and those who could come were able to get a small taste of the game in both a PvE and PvP standpoint. Steven in standard fashion, reveals the world name in their panel.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
PAX Panel:

November 4, 2017: The last major event of the year, intrepid studios did a 24 hour live stream for the Extra Life charity. and raised roughly $15,000 towards the cause.

December 15, 2017: To round off the year the Devs show off the AoC alpha 0.

For those of you who made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read through this, I don't post too often, but I always seem to get a nice audience, I hope this new year goes well for all of you. And I hope to make even more memories this year with this community.
This past year has been a long one what follows in a compilation/timeline of events to make for easy access to any of you who'd like to take a journey back and take a peer into what happened in 2017. Over the course of 2017 Ashes of Creations/Intrepid Studios has brought together this huge excited community, one that had been aching for an MMO where a player felt valued in the realm of the game, where every action had some level of importance, and where someone could feel wanted/important in the community. Though this ever growing community I've made a lot of new friends, there have been some rough spots, but they were there the whole time, for the laughs and the sad parts, and I am truly thankful to have met them, as well as I am beyond excited to see what more lies ahead. I decided I'd make this post for anyone who maybe missed some of the early events of the year, or for those who just wanted the easy access. I ended up cutting out some information and segments that I originally wanted to put in, but due to this post already being delayed I figured I'd put it out as is, and possibly edit stuff in later. I'm also sorry if I missed something that happened this year that you really loved, I can always edit in those as well. If you take the time to look back at all the previous events, I hope you feel the same nostalgia I felt when I did so to make this post.
January 11, 2017: On this day marks their first huge reveal of the year, previously they had shown short reveals of the landscape/environment in Dec 2016 . In a Q/A video , Steven along with Peter, Jeff, and Matt gives us all some insight into an upcoming game of theirs, they talk of a dream they see where the MMO genre is truly made great again, one where they players feel important in their identity and in the outcome of their world/game. This is where we get to hear on their Node system and their ideals.
February 27, 2017: Our first look at Pre-Alpha footage of the Mage class running through a dungeon.
March 27, 2017: Intrepid studios follows up on talk of their nodes, thankfully willing to go into a bit more detail on how it works they post a short video to explain the idea. With a second part shortly after,
May 1, 2017: Intrepid studios announces their kickstarter as well as they reveal more on their project, we learn about the masterminds behind the game, the different races of Verra, and their 4 pillar system that use when designing their game. A kickstarter that ran for a month, and was one of the fastest ever funded MMORPG, making $750,000 in under 12 hours. A craze caused simply by word of mouth between people excited to see a game like Ashes, become a reality. Throughout the month of may we see many streams, showing off the world as well as some mechanics in the game such as the monster coin mechanic. (May 25 2017) The end of this month marks the end of the Kickstart campaign which has 19,576 backers who in total pledged massive $3,271,809 towards the Ashes of Creation dream.
June 1, 2017: Following the end of the AoC kickstarter Steven takes us all on a tour of their studio/design space.
June 20, 2017: Due to demand, Intrepid studios announces that they will be continuing their crowdfunding on their own website so that others who could not pledge on Kickstarter, could do so there as a part of their Summer Campaign. From here out Intrepid continues to stream content and announcements every 2 weeks.

June 30, 2017: Intrepid studios following their schedule of streams, but a key announcement is made, they will be at the following PAX West as well as they themselves will be selling a PAX package for those who are interested in picking up tickets just to see them there, as well as VIP packages for those who really want to get to know and spend time with the Dev team they are supporting in making Ashes of Creation.
July 28, 2017: We get a bit of a teaser of what the PAX experience of Ashes will look like.
August 30, 2017: The tutorial for PAX gameplay was released.
September 1-4, 2017: Intrepid studios shows off their stuff at PAX West. We get a ton of information and those who could come were able to get a small taste of the game in both a PvE and PvP standpoint. Steven in standard fashion, reveals the world name in their panel.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
PAX Panel:

November 4, 2017: The last major event of the year, intrepid studios did a 24 hour live stream for the Extra Life charity. and raised roughly $15,000 towards the cause.

December 15, 2017: To round off the year the Devs show off the AoC alpha 0.

For those of you who made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read through this, I don't post too often, but I always seem to get a nice audience, I hope this new year goes well for all of you. And I hope to make even more memories this year with this community.
Thanks from the Community