Kickstarter Backer

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited January 2018 in Forum and Discord Help
Hello all, I pledged 25.00 on kickstarter and also 25.00 on the ashes forum after the kickstarter was closed. I was hoping that I could get the backing package for the combined total of 50.00. I also wanted to know when ashes will be able available for download and game play for the backers,Thank you and have a wonderful day. 

(email removed for privacy reasons)


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited January 2018
    Hello all, I pledged 25.00 on kickstarter and also 25.00 on the ashes forum after the kickstarter was closed. I was hoping that I could get the backing package for the combined total of 50.00. I also wanted to know when ashes will be able available for download and game play for the backers,Thank you and have a wonderful day. 

    Your first request for merging your funding packages will need to be sent to Intrepid Studios by clicking on the Support "diamond" on the bottom right side of

    To answer your second question, 
    • Alpha 1 and 2 is scheduled to start sometime later this year. This is for Kickstarter and Summer backers and those who have purchased access through the store.
    • Beta is targeted to begin at the end of 2018 or the beginning of 2019.
    • Release estimate is "before 2020".
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