Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Support Role (crowd control) vs Healer
In EQ, the "holy trinity" of tank/dps/healer was actually a quaternity which
included the support/crowd control archetype which has largely been
missing from MMO's since Vanguard/EQ/EQ2. The Enchanter (I believe it was
called psionicist in Vanguard) was the master CC'er and every group
wanted one. They didn't just crowd control though, they had mana regen
and attack speed buffs, some great damage spells, and debuffs other than
I am interested in the combat mechanics as it relates to the need for crowd control in groups. This speaks, in part, to the intended difficulty of the leveling experience and group content/end game mechanics. I would be curious to hear the communities thoughts and if it was something that interested any one else. Also if anyone has any info on this and if it is meant to make it into the game it would be much appreciated if you could point me in that direction!
I am interested in the combat mechanics as it relates to the need for crowd control in groups. This speaks, in part, to the intended difficulty of the leveling experience and group content/end game mechanics. I would be curious to hear the communities thoughts and if it was something that interested any one else. Also if anyone has any info on this and if it is meant to make it into the game it would be much appreciated if you could point me in that direction!
This really appeals to me because it adds another variable to the combat cadence to keep all members involved and ensure that they communicate with one another so they don't waste or double up on the CC.
Im extremely curious to see what the purist archetype abilities will be! 😍
My worry is the homogenization of classes (i.e. all class have some form of cc, stuns, roots, snares, etc.). If all classes are meant to do everything, where is the class definition and interplay?
Obviously they are still a ways out on this, it's just a concern after every modern MMO kinda does the same thing. Every class has some sort of CC, self heal, and ranged/melee damage. They all feel similar without much setting them apart.
It would be interesting to actually have class choice matter in a big way in terms of what you do in a group, especially for non tank/healers.
I don't think all classes will be able to do everything, just have access to a variety of tools you can choose to use or not. I believe the Tanks CC will be different from the other CC's, but we will have to wait.
I don't think all classes will blend together in the end either. Each of the 64 options will have a variety of routes they can take. And although all Bard/Healer combo's will be similar, the choice of cosmetics, the no armor/weapon lock, and the preferences between tab-lock/action abilities in combat should make everyone feel unique.
Although with 1000+ players on a server, several builds are bound to be identical.