Will underground nodes effect the above ground areas too?
Ok I get the fact on nodes changing the area around them, but what about the space above it? Case and point the underground nodes.
When the underground node levels, will we see changes to the areas above ground too? example being maybe a new sinkhole pops up, and now you can enter that area from a new location? Maybe a town that is above ground close by that node, will see good or bad effects from this underground node?
I have not seen much on this topic, so I was just wondering.
Kind of like the sewers in Futurama.
Right, Like if the above ground city is a level 6, will that imit the underground node too. Same if the Underground node was at the top level, will this stop the above ground?
This evil cult from the First Evil, is underground, and the rituals they perform make all the trees above the ground they are die.