Quests in the game
Sorry for my bad english.
In order to illustrate my idea, I give a link to a map from one famous game. Points are NPCs that can give the player a quest. Most of the points are located in the settlement in the east. The subject of the quests is directly related to the topic of location and settlement. This is the typical location of the quests. The player comes in to the new location and firstly gets into the hub, where he takes quests. Now let's imagine the situation in the AOC. There is also a settlement, but its status is very changeable - from the tent city to the metropolis. Thus, the city in the AOC can not serve as a hiding place for quests. It would be illogical if the NPC asked the player to collect wood for houses as a tent level and at the metropolitan level. Of course, it is possible that there will be quests for each level of the node, but this is a great amount of work and I hardly believe that this is possible. Perhaps the quests will be located evenly across the map, in this case the nodes will be absolutely empty and serve as a decoration. Did I miss something?
Also the questing system is not purely Npc driven, but also location in the form of tasks. Wander into this area and a quest will "pop" in your journal to gather X amount of this or that, or kill X amount of this or that. Other variations on kill, fetch, and escort quests are planned. Nodes will not serve a purely decorative purpose. The livestreams and quotes that support everything I have written above are out there. Happy Hunting!