Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Combat scroll bar?
I was looking around a bit and didn't find any threads on combat, maybe I didn't look hard enough who knows.
But as I was looking around for videos and the stream vids, I noticed the combat looks absolutely horrid, the skills don't look like they do anything, it looks very slow and boring, not to mention that little scroll bar above the skills that you press to combo or something, it reminds me of the action reload from gears of war, but completely unnecessary in an mmo, sure you want to be unique but it looks like it takes your view away from the battle and more to the bar so you have to focus solely on that bar if you want to combo. Clunky, slow, boring, and unnecessary seems to describe the combat i've seen so far, not to mention the lack of mob density. I know it hasn't even reached alpha yet and i'm hoping to see some changes, but every time i talk about ashes to my friends or others who have heard of the game and has seen some footage, they only talk negatively about the combat.
But as I was looking around for videos and the stream vids, I noticed the combat looks absolutely horrid, the skills don't look like they do anything, it looks very slow and boring, not to mention that little scroll bar above the skills that you press to combo or something, it reminds me of the action reload from gears of war, but completely unnecessary in an mmo, sure you want to be unique but it looks like it takes your view away from the battle and more to the bar so you have to focus solely on that bar if you want to combo. Clunky, slow, boring, and unnecessary seems to describe the combat i've seen so far, not to mention the lack of mob density. I know it hasn't even reached alpha yet and i'm hoping to see some changes, but every time i talk about ashes to my friends or others who have heard of the game and has seen some footage, they only talk negatively about the combat.
MMOs are more about developing your character over months/years and having his/her power determine the outcomes of fights.
FPS games are more about the skill of the actual player determining his/her success, which is why FPS games don't have character advancement.
I do agree that the clicky bar borrowed from 90s golf games is pretty out of place. I'm hoping they use visual cues based on the character or mob for these kinds of combos.
The lack of Mod density is not even a concern at this time at all and is not even on the mind... its about design of the world, general environment, lighting, just seeing if the plants they create even fit into the world they are creating.... Hell...they just gave us their first ideas for class names . I'd suggest reminding your friends of this simple fact to avoid confusion about how games of this scale are developed.
the polishing of combat animations and speeds and UI design decisions etc etc etc a long way off still. I would hate to see people making judgements on a game thats barely into an Alpha 0 stage and has a few years left in development and they havent even hired on the whole development team yet.
Your friends are judging this games potential combat on something that was released for PAX prior to the Alpha-0 stage. I agree with @CrazyCanukk and would just ask them to visit the footage again at Alpha and Beta stages.
The Devs have had lots of feedback about this, but all is welcomed.
Btw, welcome to the community!
Intrepid have always made it clear that they are always listening to the community and willing to adjust for whatever works best for the community
The purpose of the weapon use ability is to offer players an alternative to auto attack. Using the weapon use ability will charge your ultimate skill
It should all be about actively used abilities that are individually activated by player, so called "yellow attacks".
What's even dumber is folks who are against spamming a single attack button, yet are for auto if they are different in any meaningful way.
You see that attitude a lot from the Pantheon crowd who are yearning for another EQ1 experience, but are mis-remembering what actually made EQ1 great. Hint: it wasn't the slow boring combat.