In What Way Would You Participate In World PvP?

I am surveying how the community would primarily like to participate in world pvp and the goal they have in mind for the decision they've made.

This poll is meant to gauge the roles of players in general skirmishes and the motives behind their actions/inaction.


  • Gotta protect those goods. Woulda chose bounty hunter aswell if i could have.
  • So I take it mercenary is not an option?
  • If it happens it happens. I will defend myself and what is mine as well as my friends and what is theirs.
  • Materials are going to have to get from one node to anther somehow.
  • As long as the pvp has some meaning other than juding some kind of epeen (ladders/rankings/battle grounds/whatnot) I'm ok with it.

    Just feel that all the descions to take "the pure pvp game" aspects into an mmorpg is just a going against the whole point of an mmorpg. 
    Efforts to try to have/force even matchups in power class vs class, in numbers etc etc. It's basically makes the mmorpg into several individual versions of a CS server. The mmorpg becomes an overdressed Lobby for the match plays.

    The whole point of the mmorpg flies out the window.

    What I hope for is that someone can make the reason to PvP actually be meaningful in terms of the gameplay and world of the game. What I've heard and seen sofar about AoC sounds promising.

    I mean, yes you need to PvP to control a node/fort/land/tree/stub/whatever that is the first point but it's only a miniscule part of what I want to be there. The major question that needs to be answered is why should people want to control the node?
    The incentive to control an object, it needs to have ramifications on how the game plays either locally or regionally (and not only to the individual) otherwise it's back to the basic question, why do we need to control this thing?

    That is the only thing that would give the PvP part any longevity to me. It's not an event that is there to be done totally unsynced with anythingelse in the game world. As long as the incentive to pvp is just to pvp (be it for ranks, ladders, some meaningless fortresses etc), many of the non hardcore pvp players will just ignore it and probably be annoyed when game development resources is eaten up by trying to achieve the impossible of being total equality in 1 vs 1 (and 2vs2, 3vs3 etc etc) of all combinations of classes without the classes being the same with different names (and predefined group setups).

    Ok, sorry for the wall of text.

  • I've never been in a game that has a Bounty Hunter System; I've chased and fought members of an opposing faction ganking our faction's players (which is tons of fun even with no incentive).
    It would be interesting to see how the benefits
    and utilities you'd recieve with the status
    of "Bounty Hunter" actually shake out.
  • @Khuul, thanks for the input, no need to apologize for being word heavy. It seems as though you value meaningful conflict that shapes the world around the community; as for why the community would care about the objects in that world I'd imagine they would want to protect it because it emerged from their collective (pve) effort.

    A world that emerges through collective effort and is transformed by community conflict is the primary reason I invested in the game.
  • Need to make some money so that I can buy good gear and then PVP more!!
  • also siege and everyone watch out for Mr.Spook when the game goes up!
  • Be safe, and kill some monster :3
  • No siege option?

  • I'm not really going to commit myself to one activity and the reason i kill will have a lot more about who i'm fighting or what i'm fighting for then the system i am fighting in. 
  • I'd also be up for Node raids, bounty hunting, newb stomping (just a couple of times then let them get on with it -- I'm against corpse camping / griefing), 

    World PvP cannot be contrived or forced.  It needs to be organically ingrained into the game so that it naturally happens for immersive reasons that seamlessly fit into the gameplay and events happening in the world.

    The Southshore / Tarren Mill open world PvP was just epic as hell.  No real rewards; no scoreboard.  Just go  take over their town, kill their flight point, kill the quest givers and make them come take it back from you,  Good times.
  • For the most part, I am avoiding.  However I will protect my goods and those of friends and guild mates.  
  • Althor said:
    No siege option?

    @Althor, I wanted to measure the more common world pvp interactions and the motivations of the individuals involved as they would seemingly be more varied than the goals of a player participating in a siege.
  • lets put it like this, your whole caravan is now mine.
  • I'd have to say that being a bystander would be the best fit for me currently. I can't say I want to be some all in fighter or a caravaner until I know the game and what it has to offer upon release.
  • I'll also be there standing next to my guild/allies fighting for what's ours.
  • I'll be protecting my guilds caravan... Obviously for a price. ;-)
  • It's a bad choice of options, all-around-PvP is missing.
    Corrupted insinuates a criminal focused activity only.

    I would like to participate in everything, and would like PvP to happen everywhere.

    I chose corrupted because there is no better option in this poll, but what I would really chose is All-around-PvP, meaning I would not focus on PK criminal activity, but I would just PvP everywhere I have a chance, not focusing on "light" or "dark" side, but doing both.
  • @Gothix, Corrupted could be seen as criminals, but I think that's just a matter of perspective. If a rival Node were to be plauged by bandits it would certainly be a boon to your Node; nothing they've mentioned so far would keep a Node's leadership (or affluent citizens) from employing "privateers" to disrupt neighboring Nodes.

    As for the lack of an all-around-PvP option,
    I wanted to see the drive behind distinct roles in common world pvp scenarios.
  • It's great to be able to go around killing people with a good excuse :naughty:
  • Taking all the caravans and trade ships that I come by.
  • a little bit of help anywhere i can hopefully.

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