Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

PvP Coordination/Strategy Ideas and Concepts

So I've been thinking about pvp lately as that's what I love the most about MMORPGS. The only competitive/serious pvp experience I have in MMORPGS is in WoW's rated battlegrounds where 10 players pit themselves against 10 players in a base capturing, flag capturing, or overall objective holding game mode. The coordination is quite simple, you get your team into a voice chat, you designate a "target caller", an overall strategy caller, and then construct your team to your liking combining various classes and specs for specific roles or abilities needed.

Now in hoping AoC is completely different and it's looking like it will be. My question is: how do you all see how coordination/strategy will work on large scale pvp battles where supposedly hundreds of players may be involved? Some of my ideas are a team divides into "squads" with squad leaders coordinating their units together to achieve ultimate victory. This would take the pressure and chaotic nature of battle of the hands of just one or two strategists or target callers. An example of this strategizing can be seen in the FPS game "Squad" where a team is compromised of various smaller units working together but partaking in different objective to achieve ultimate victory.

Anyone else have intriguing ideas of large scale pvp strategy? Would love to hear some!


  • You and I should have a talk...

    i literally have dozens of documents about this for various games I’ve played.
  • So 90% of the time Large scale fights in games have only 1 valid strategy. Zerging the enemy and spamming all of your biggest AOE heals and damaging abilities and throw some aoe CC in there to break their ranks. breaking your group into smaller groups just results in a 10vs40 situation and the blob just takes out 4 groups of 10 easy. 
  • It would be brilliant to have players on both sides going into war like situations with the plans of generals and sergeants. I don't think Ashes can directly influence this though, meaning it will come down to each guild/node to designate strategy during an attack.

    That siad, if @Efroc & @Karthos are in guilds that do contain this level of strategy during conflicts, those are the types of guilds I would flock to. I love my realism in battle!
  • Smaller groups being effective will depend entirely on the nature of the objectives. Things like drawing the opposite team to an area with the zerg, while perhaps sending a smaller team to take a needed objective might be possible. For the most part though it will come down to who has the bigger zerg if the objectives are rather straightforward.
  • Sorry for not responding sooner (may or may not have completely forget I even posted this question!). @Karthos, I would definitely be down to discuss strategy with you! Battle/Military strategy is one of my favorite historical subjects and my favorite types of games to play. Hit me up and we can discuss potential battle plans!  

    @Azathoth, My guild for AoC (and when i've run other guilds across games) has and will always put this level of strategy in not only military conflicts, but political encounters as well. It may not always be necessary but it definitely gets me and my members immersed in the game! If you're interested we are always looking for like-minded people!
  • Rivest said:
    So 90% of the time Large scale fights in games have only 1 valid strategy. Zerging the enemy and spamming all of your biggest AOE heals and damaging abilities and throw some aoe CC in there to break their ranks. breaking your group into smaller groups just results in a 10vs40 situation and the blob just takes out 4 groups of 10 easy. 
    Sure hope AoC doesn't turn out to be a zerg fest in large battles :(
  • Karthos said:
    You and I should have a talk...

    i literally have dozens of documents about this for various games I’ve played.
    Let us discuss then!
  • Reading this thread actually got me really excited even though I traditionally am more of a PVEr
  • Zastro said:
    Reading this thread actually got me really excited even though I traditionally am more of a PVEr
    Well... if you're looking for a guild that can offer both...  B)
  • I am currently in a guild, but I anticipate doing both  :p  I am just really hopeful for this game no matter where I end up
  • Haha ah, fair enough. You and me both, this game is always on my mind and I haven't even played it yet!
  • Efroc said:
    So I've been thinking about pvp lately as that's what I love the most about MMORPGS. The only competitive/serious pvp experience I have in MMORPGS is in WoW's rated battlegrounds where 10 players pit themselves against 10 players in a base capturing, flag capturing, or overall objective holding game mode. The coordination is quite simple, you get your team into a voice chat, you designate a "target caller", an overall strategy caller, and then construct your team to your liking combining various classes and specs for specific roles or abilities needed.

    Now in hoping AoC is completely different and it's looking like it will be. My question is: how do you all see how coordination/strategy will work on large scale pvp battles where supposedly hundreds of players may be involved? Some of my ideas are a team divides into "squads" with squad leaders coordinating their units together to achieve ultimate victory. This would take the pressure and chaotic nature of battle of the hands of just one or two strategists or target callers. An example of this strategizing can be seen in the FPS game "Squad" where a team is compromised of various smaller units working together but partaking in different objective to achieve ultimate victory.

    Anyone else have intriguing ideas of large scale pvp strategy? Would love to hear some!
    'Since we will have guild perks that enhance small groups (guilds) with power buffs. I am really interested to see what godlike team you can gather. Like if you said (rbg in wow) if you have a top rated rbg team with a power buff that will be in ashes there unkillable A-team.
  • PvP Coordination/Strategy Ideas and Concepts

    you bring out a pick-nick and tell the enemy if they want some tea then once you got them all comfy you ambush them. they'll never tea it coming.

    i tried...

  • Rivest said:
    So 90% of the time Large scale fights in games have only 1 valid strategy. Zerging the enemy and spamming all of your biggest AOE heals and damaging abilities and throw some aoe CC in there to break their ranks. breaking your group into smaller groups just results in a 10vs40 situation and the blob just takes out 4 groups of 10 easy. 
    It doesn't really matter what game it is, zerging is just the easy way out and is usually a self-glorifying act. It's not that black and white because when you do the trouble of splitting up, you should keep in mind how you split up.
    I have done countless posts in GW2 about it and put some of them into practice to the point that we where outnumbered on the map by a large degree as was shown by the outnumbered buff and still managed to take down two keeps of the side map nearly at the same time. 
    Zergs are inefficent and with just half a competent "shotcaller" lose even more effect. It's sad and boring really and I will do my best in Ashes to anihilate them.
    Terrain, composition, leadership can all make a huge difference. I like theorycrafting and shit so I expect to have a lot of fun in Ashes that way.
  • If I PVP Siege, its going to be with a guild that has clear strategy. It doesn't have to be as serious as a reenactment of the Alamo, but, I expect serious effort form my team and the enemy. Fighting for power so that my city is distingusihed and well-known and traveled to will DEFINTELY be an incentive for me. Remember: it takes WEEKS for a Metropolis to form. World domination will not be the goal since I.S isn't allowing that, but just defending your base from sieges or world bosses will be enough in that area.

  • So is this a subtle guild recruitment thread after all? Our guild also plays Squad, and our guild also enjoys strategy. We happen to be recruiting as well. 

    I think the key to it not being a zerg rush will be multiple objectives that have to be simultaneously managed. If you have to attack and defend multiple points at once, necessitating a split of your forces. I enjoy Squad because the squad leaders have to make their choice how to deploy, but then the Squad also has to win their engagements. You have to win on both the strategic and the tactical level. 
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