Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Looking for a reason to go 500 deep pls help
Hello there I have been playing MMO's since I was about 10 and I have to say that I have a great feeling about Ashes of Creation. I just need to know that I wont be disappointed after I purchase the $500 pre order. I really only have two questions/concerns. and once these are answered i have a feeling I will be 100% on board the hype train.
The first question is really just clarification for myself, What exactly will pre-ordering the $500 package give me. I know that I get access to the cosmetics that are featured each month afterwards. How much will those cosmetic packages be?
The second question is about the combat and loot rewards in general. I have logged a size-able amount of time on both Black Desert in the recent years and the only thing that has brought me back is the engaging combat mechanics. The thing that has made me want to quit Black desert however is the incessant RNG gear grind that is the end game.
To condense the last paragraph, Basically If there will be decent combat mechanics and an endgame that isn't so hellishly RNG dependent then I am in.
The first question is really just clarification for myself, What exactly will pre-ordering the $500 package give me. I know that I get access to the cosmetics that are featured each month afterwards. How much will those cosmetic packages be?
The second question is about the combat and loot rewards in general. I have logged a size-able amount of time on both Black Desert in the recent years and the only thing that has brought me back is the engaging combat mechanics. The thing that has made me want to quit Black desert however is the incessant RNG gear grind that is the end game.
To condense the last paragraph, Basically If there will be decent combat mechanics and an endgame that isn't so hellishly RNG dependent then I am in.
I think watching all the historic videos might help you in a 'gut feel' on the devs.
Also highlighting the major architectural differences between AOC and other MMO might help.
Namely the Node system which seems to suggest a totally dynamic world that's always changing (so to me that means almost no end game just a forever changing world)
Within these nodes players will be running the governments. You could be mayor one day and your town destroyed the next.
To me personally this sweeps aside the whole static talk about levels/end game/ gear and shifts the discussion to ' hey whos the mayor of this town' , what city can i settle in, what do i do to help build/trade/defend this town of mine etc. ...holy crap we just uncovered a dragon in our mines!
I personally dont care if combat is a little bit worse than say BD, as the holistic nature of this game and these new mechanics are what really excite me ...thats just my personal view. Not sure if i just confused you more. Apologies if i did.
In regards to the cosmetics you will be able to buy from future packages and the prices are around 25$ for a costume and building/ships etc. skins, 75$ for a racial skin (if there will be any in future packages), around 20$ for mounts.
I bought it back around April and I have not had a second of regret yet.
Plus, the packs are a pretty good deal.
I mean of the $500 you spend
12 months of sub-time is $180
Embers you get $150
That right there is $330
Now, in this pack you get the following costmetics
Now, the cosmetics are $110 total. If you think they are worth it or not, that is a purely subjective.
So that's $440 (give or take)
After that, it depends on if you think Alpha 1&2 and Beta 1&2 are worth $60.
It also depends on how much you think Name Reservation is worth.
So, pretty good deal.
I broke down the other packs and compared them to the Kickstarter packages here:
Welcome hopefully you join the community even if you do not drop 500$