My wife is now looking at playing this game also, but she will not pvp, she loves to do quest,crafting,gathering,building, etc. She asked will the PVE areas have plenty to do and enough to gather to do her crafting, also if she builds a house will she be able to add friends and guild who can use the house same as her.


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited February 2018
    No PvE areas, sorry.
    It's open world PvP with a corruption mechanic in place to deter PK-fest.

    As for the freehold we know that there will be a mechanic, or it has been mentioned, that will allow you to include others into your freehold. That might or might not be true for in city housing or instanced apartment housing.

    As for your freehold, it can only be attack if the node it is in is successfully attacked during a siege, then you have a time frame to defend it to keep it.
    If you lose it, your general design is stored along with your furniture etc. so you only likely lose some gatherables.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited February 2018
    There are several things not mentioned in the first post that may lead to a wrong impression. You can equate the game world to the world today. The world today is open-world pvp. You have a chance of a terrorist or nutjob just randomly killing people at any moment. Your actual chance is very slim. There are several strong mechanics planned that will allow people that enjoy pvp to participate in meaningful options. Will there be the occasional asshats that try to go around attacking people? Sure. But they will be few and far between, and after the new car smell has worn off the game they will be gone.
    Freeholds will be no pvp safe areas, except for a two hour window after a successful siege of the controlling node. (confirmed in Januarys livestream). So your wife's crafting and other activities that take place there will be relatively quiet and free from conflict. Sieges are not some constant affair that people just do for shits and giggles, they are long, timed events with a large cost to those initiating and no guarantee of success. There is a 10x cooldown after a siege successful or not. At the minimum level, after a siege there is going to be a month where it is unable to be put back into conflict.
    There are 4 states that make attacking other people impossible outside the duel mechanic. These are in group, friends list, in guild or allied guild, and same alliance (meaning citizenship or allied node citizenship). So you may be out gathering and come across someone from your node who is also a citizen. Make sure to give them a cheery wave, because you are not able to be attacked by them as the system stands now. NPC guards in settlements will also attack others who are doing "bad actions". 20 people standing around that kiosk and some random mage decides to aoe the crowd? Doesn't work, because to attack people he is not in combat with he has to force flag each of them. Citizens from that city decide to aoe back? No problem for people not interested. Just like friendly fire in other games, affiliated aoe damage doesn't damage you.
    A fair amount of the hyperbole and Chicken Little arguments that are flying around the forums the last couple of days are from people new to the forums who admit they have very little background information and haven't bothered to do the required research, just a whole lot of "I think this is the way it should work from the other guys post that I read, who also hasn't done any research about how they have said they plan for it to work."
    Look at them as you would Fox News viewers who complain about the imminent attack and coming under ISIS rule when ISIS implements sharia law in Birmingham, Alabama.

    TL;DR: If she doesn't like pvp, she won't have to do it.
  • I 99% back USE's statement above.

    I however don't think you should assure your wife that she will never have to participate in PvP. Although following the outline above, she should be able to avoid PvP way more often than not.
  • What you should do, instead of assuring your wife that PvP will happen rarely (or not), is to show your wife how PvP can be a fun addition to game.

    Help her improve her combat skills, and she will soon start to enjoy PvP, and not think of it as a burden. :)
  • Hahahaha...would love to see a video of how that conversation went. Gothix must have had way more luck than masses of others with the "Honey, if I go real slow and use lots of lube, you will love my fun addition to our game." argument. :p
  • I would sell it as 'Critical PVE'with a risk.'
    Critical PVE ---I say this because you should tell your wife PVE is the engine room for growth of a town, gathering resources, making things and questing are just as important if not more important to her town than just raiding and killing. But now her PvE adventures have a slight risk and to me a bit of adrenalin rush as she 'might'encounter belligerent foes as shes picking mushrooms. ....but the town needs mushrooms!!!

  • Refer said:
    My wife is now looking at playing this game also, but she will not pvp, she loves to do quest,crafting,gathering,building, etc. She asked will the PVE areas have plenty to do and enough to gather to do her crafting, also if she builds a house will she be able to add friends and guild who can use the house same as her.

    Assure your wife that if she gets in good with a large guild, PVP won't be a concern for her.
  • She should talk to my wife.

    My wife hated PvP until one day she finally had enough, sought out a PvP mentor and then I had to basically keep from from killing everyone she ran into.

  • PVE vs PVP

    well the PvPrs will win because PvErs will be focused on some boss while the PvPers will be taking them down one by one.

    (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
  • Refer said:
    My wife is now looking at playing this game also, but she will not pvp, she loves to do quest,crafting,gathering,building, etc. She asked will the PVE areas have plenty to do and enough to gather to do her crafting, also if she builds a house will she be able to add friends and guild who can use the house same as her.
    Glad to hear that Ashes may well turn into a family affair :). There are no PvE areas but there'll be plenty for folks to do. It will be possible to be a full time crafter for instance, and exert quite a bit of influence over the node as you do so. There's been mention of a permission based system for housing but it may well go beyond that as we get closer to launch.
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