Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Will we see storms in AoC?

I know we will get the change in weather and seasons. But I was wondering, will we see different storms in this game?

Be it a storm at sea, or a huge snow storm on land, maybe toss in a wind storm or two.

Is this something we will see?

Your thoughts?


  • It's not something I've thought about really, but it would be interesting to see some aspects of extreme weather like sandstorms or snow storms maybe you could have some otherworldly storms like a rune storm or ash storms. 

  • Just an extract from the "our immersive world" blog
    Weather is there in the list and if we look at the seasons first look video we can see some scenes that looks like rain with a flash of lightning alongside other types of weather ^^

    How extreme they will be is yet to be seen but we know weather is part of Intrepids vision of an immersive world :)

    I look forward to risky caravan runs during dark and stormy nights :3
  • Sea storms please. 
  • Storms would be so clutch during events.

    Plan a siege in Winter, you may have reduced visibility.    Running your Caravan out, run into a Rain storm, mud slows you down.   

    So many things could be built around storms.

    And even if they weren't, just having storms would be visually appealing

  • Maybe only the gods can control the storms.
  • Storm of sandals....
  • Likely
  • Storms that can impact sieges or battles would keep things interesting.  @Diura post indicates a lot of factors to be impacted hopefully. 
  • I'm hoping this would be part of the environmental factors. I think it would make a lot of sense especially in situations like the extended summers or winters that they had mentioned with the node events.
  • Environmental effects affecting the node and combat was talked about. Extreme weather effects are something they are staying away from. The examples given and answered during a livestream were hurricanes. Steven got all excited, and Jeffrey shut it down with talk of resources and time. Don't remember the exact livestream, but the info is out there for people to find.
  • *whispers* "Procedurally genenerated clouds would be cool".
  • Agreed, cloud cover with ground shadows would be nice. Especially if the cloud type/shade changed based on weather pattern.
  • Sandstorms, blizzards and torrential rains limiting visibility and adding a howl would be awesome. Next tier would be if water dampened the effect of fire and other spells, sand arrows, snow melee, or such. 
  • So many great ideas but weather that effects the terrain can cause hell with server stability
  • This would be awesome if it affects sea travel like in AC Black Flag. But maybe it's too much to ask xD
  • So many great ideas but weather that effects the terrain can cause hell with server stability
    That's true but for a short time event it should be ok such as the winds of death 

  • Earthquakes would be interesting as well. they could open and close entrances to dungeons and the underrealm. Wash outs and floods from rain would be cool to.
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