Pre-Order Pack (solved)

I'm a bit confused on the pre-order pack where you can get additional cosmetic items each month, I've heard some people say you dont pay for the new cosmetic items, but i've also heard that you do? Can anyone clarify please? :)  

"In addition to the cosmetic items granted with the Expeditionary Pre-Order Pack at the time of purchase, you will also be entitled to purchase future monthly cosmetics as add-ons for the Expeditionary Level Pre-Order Pack and below. Pre-Order Pack cosmetics are only available during the month they are featured, and will never be available again for purchase. In order to own a Pre-Order Pack’s cosmetics, you must either purchase the Pre-Order Pack during the month that the cosmetic is featured or have purchased that level pack or higher in a previous month in order to buy the cosmetic as an add-on"


  • Sounds like you have the option to buy the cosmetics without having to buy the whole pack. Where others would have to buy the whole pack for that particular cosmetic.
  • A real-life example is what I've done. I have the leader of men pack (1000$) but I wanted the items from the store but they where locked behind a pack that you had to buy to get them, but now you can get the cosmetic items individually, so I purchased the plague and necro sets on top of my base game price instead of buying two pack where I only wanted the items, if that makes sense.
  • thanks for the answers, appreciate it! ^_^
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