When is the next Key Drawing ?

When is the next weekly drawing ??? pls help me ^^



  • Soon™. That aside, no one knows. But your chances are going up against an estimated 500,000 other accounts, so it isn't like anything you should stress too much about. Unless you have a history of getting bitten by sharks or getting struck by lightning repeatedly.
  • Soon™. That aside, no one knows. But your chances are going up against an estimated 500,000 other accounts, so it isn't like anything you should stress too much about. Unless you have a history of getting bitten by sharks or getting struck by lightning repeatedly.

    i know about my chances xD but maybe im lucky xD i mean ist possible so why not ^^
  • It's quite unlikely these days, for awhile it was focused on activity and community merit, but folks cried.about it being personal bias.exoect a lot of dead or alt accounts to be awarded keys in the future.

    Best of luck though!
  • @Xombie thx ^^ did u buyed ur key or are you one of the awsome winners ?
  • You can't purchase Alpha 0 access, I gained acces via a weekly drawing many moons ago.
  • The recent key drawings were announced on discord and here in the announcement section. These covered 3 weeks of key winners. There is no specific date as to when the next drawing will be. Keep a look out!

    Also, yet again I have had to remove personal attacks from both @nscheffel and @UnknownSystemError. Please take this a firm warning not to do so in future. If either of you are unsure about the rules, please consult the code of conduct
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