Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Any ETA On When Alpha 1 Begins?
I'm not a huge fan of trying to win the lottery, thus I've been debating on purchasing the Intrepid Package from the store so I can test the game. The only thing holding me back is that I also don't want to blow $500 and then wait an excessive amount of time (6+ months) before I can put that purchase to use. If I had to wait a long time, I would much rather just buy a package later when I can actually use it. Is there any estimation on when they're planning to switch into Alpha 1 testing?
/start personal estimates
I think Q3 looks like a strong candidate for A1 start. A2 shortly after end of A1, somewhere in early Q4. Then we get B0 at the end of the year, moving into 2019.
/end personal estimates
Still, if it happens that way it would be nice.
It is optimistic, but I still believe it
Don't get me wrong, the game looks pretty cool from the review videos, but until I know that I can actually go into the game and try it out, I am not putting a penny anywhere near it.
Most of the money I have spent on video games have been games I have never played before. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. Assuming a 15$ sub, trying Ashes for a month at release (give it a week for server issues) wouldn't be a bad route to go. If you are not super concerned about cosmetics, and don't want to invest in a game pre-release (even if alpha/beta are possible) there is no real reason to invest beforehand, except to help IS.
Until we get into Alpha 1, 2 and Beta 1, 2 there's no real way of knowing the amount of playtime that we will be getting or the level of play we will have access to.
If you haven't watched all of the developers videos on their twitch feed you might want to check that out. If you have, and are still undecided, you might as well wait until you can see in-game footage during the alpha.
Welcome to the community!
Official statement by Intrepid.
BCGiant said: Damn that's a long time from now. I thought they were farther along than that! Guess there's no reason to rush buying it then.
Edit: They could also decide to keep the Intrepid Pack available after Alpha 1 ends and just change the tagline from "Access to Alpha 1" to "Access to current testing phase." while adding an exclusion for Beta 0. Once Alpha 0 winds down you can expect to see the key drawings to shift to Beta 0 access, which will be the next "free" access phase.
That said, I would like to welcome you to the forums and encourage you to be a part of the forum community. However, most all information is distributed through Discord, Twitch, and sometimes you can gain knowledge watching the Ashes YouTube Page.
I don't frequent those places often, but that might be a good place to look for statements from IS. There is also a "Quotebin - Quotes of Intrepid Team from Discord" thread in the general discussion area, that information might be there.