Should stamina play a role in AoC?

I have played a couple games, as I wait on news for AoC, getting a few ideas what might work in this game. Mind you, it's just ideas that might work hand in hand with what is planned, or maybe not.

One idea is to add a Stamina gage. It would work like this.

You run and you lose stamina.

You fight a mob, you will lose stamina.

You carry over your weight limit, you lose stamina.

Now of course you can regain your stamina by the following.

1. rest

2. eating

3. drinking

4. potions

Some of you might not like this idea, but IMO it would add deeper game play to this game. Why/ It would make you think about what you can and can not do, mainly your not going to hold 2000 lbs of stuff for one. If you rush into a large mob of enemies, you will get tired fast while fighting, there by making you an easy target to be taken down. if you run away from danger, you can only run away so far, before you wear down.

True  you can eat or drink something to keep you going, but at the end of the day, you can only hold so much in your pack.

Again this just an idea to be added into the game, but I would love to hear others views on the topic.

so what do you think?


  • Do you think stamina should be something different than HP?

    I have also seen stamina in other games (survival games, and others) and usually, HP is much less of a concern. IMO, if you're running with a bunch of gear, and you're tired / winded... you should be easier to kill.

    My thought would affect HP in a manner that reflects your thoughts. HP should recover as well if you do 'stop'. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited March 2018
    OP is actually talking about fatique.

    On a first glance, fatique seems like something interesting, but in fact you get bored with it pretty fast, and it ultimately becomes an annoying feature.

    I never liked fatique bars in any game.
  • Kreioth said:
    Do you think stamina should be something different than HP?

    I have also seen stamina in other games (survival games, and others) and usually, HP is much less of a concern. IMO, if you're running with a bunch of gear, and you're tired / winded... you should be easier to kill.

    My thought would affect HP in a manner that reflects your thoughts. HP should recover as well if you do 'stop'. 

    Well when it comings to your HP, it shouldn't go down when your low on Stamina, but having said I agree your HP will suffer faster due to low stamina. What I never liked with a few games, you could run in and hit a few combo moves, and lay waste to a huge mob. But IMO if your doing that type damage to a group, you should take a hit to your Stamina, there by slowing you down a little, until your beat tired and you have to back out to regain some of your points. This will only come into play, if your swinging your weapons wildly, and/ or attacking huge groups. If your fighting one on one, you shouldn't take a big hit on your stamina, but you still should lose it, just a lot slower.  
  • Gothix said:
    OP is actually talking about fatique.

    On a first glance, fatique seems like something interesting, but in fact you get bored with it pretty fast, and it ultimately becomes an annoying feature.

    I never liked fatique bars in any game.
    Fatigue is just a by product of low stamina, as you gain high levels, you stamina will get better too. It only becomes a pain, if you don't plan your adventure out right, or if you try to do too much at one time.
  • I like the idea. By getting slower due to loss of stamina make movements gradually slow down ( like real subtle change that you dont notice unless you keep doing said action for over a minute straight). Eg if youre running, sprinting can be a thing but after a minute you notice your character jogging then eventually walking if you go too long. In terms of combat you could add like 0.25 seconds to ability cooldowns for every 30 seconds of combat. maybe more extreme in early levels but much more subtle when youre stronger.

    This way stamina is a thing in the game but not overtly annoying as it would be later on. Just some ideas 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited March 2018
    Well to balance things out, if you would lose stamina in combat which would add combat cool downs and what not then...

    ...stamina should also be used for gathering, fishing and stuff like that, so each time you pick a flower or a mushroom, next mushroom would take longer to pick up, after picking few mushrooms there would be a cool down before you can pick more, you would need to rest.

    So if gathering inclined people think it's cool to nerf combat, they should get gathering and crafting nerfed as well. ;)
  • I do not need more "realism" in this game.

    My imaginary fighter that can cast spells and survive multiple hits with a sword does not need to get tired while in a combat. This is not a survival MMO, there are plenty out there for this level of detail.

    There will likely be an inventory limit, so unless someone's skill set allows them to carry 2000lbs I don't think this will be a problem.

    For a game like Skyrim/Fallout/etc. sure, fatigue makes since. It limits the player to abide by the rules of the game. You can pause those games and refill your stamina.
    For any survival game this makes since and adds, on occasion, a level of fear that might not exist.

    Having a two hour siege window where your character has to stop to refill stamina would be devastating. Every battle would be like a Monster Truck Pull, everyone starts out strong and fast, but by the end it's just boring.

    This, of course, is just my opinion.
    I like the concept and appreciate it in a lot of the games I play, but for me, in this MMORPG, it seems like too much.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited March 2018
    Mentality what we currently have. Personally I prefer you to bias between health regen or health pool. And those in turn being composites of sub energy. Then you choose between a burst or sustain build in different areas.
  • When leveling, or depending on class and augment class, if there was a choice between health/mana regen and total health/mana pool, I think that would be cool.
  • I think Stamina would be your main stat in the in game brothel wouldn't it?
  • I can see stam being a thing but not like OP describes...cus thats not stam. I could see stam being a thing like gw2 or eso has. If we want fatigue thats a whole nother thing. Would also be a cool mechanic to see. 

  • Screenshot of the stats we've seen so far. From the alpha 0 stream :3
  • I would prefer if the game would pass on a stam attribute. 
  • Just woke up from my nap.

    I think stamina would work as a secondary gauge more for tanks, melee fighters and perhaps archers so that they can't attack relentlessly.  This gauge would take the place of say mana for magic users.  

    The reason I say to implement it this way, if at all, is that so mages and other classes don't have more gauges to look at then others.  Don't want to make one class too complicated by having it follow more after all. 

  • Diura said:

    Screenshot of the stats we've seen so far. From the alpha 0 stream :3
    This looks so  good am please. :)<3
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited March 2018
    Granthor said:

    I have played a couple games, as I wait on news for AoC, getting a few ideas what might work in this game. Mind you, it's just ideas that might work hand in hand with what is planned, or maybe not.

    One idea is to add a Stamina gage. It would work like this.

    You run and you lose stamina.

    You fight a mob, you will lose stamina.

    You carry over your weight limit, you lose stamina.

    Now of course you can regain your stamina by the following.

    1. rest

    2. eating

    3. drinking

    4. potions

    Some of you might not like this idea, but IMO it would add deeper game play to this game. Why/ It would make you think about what you can and can not do, mainly your not going to hold 2000 lbs of stuff for one. If you rush into a large mob of enemies, you will get tired fast while fighting, there by making you an easy target to be taken down. if you run away from danger, you can only run away so far, before you wear down.

    True  you can eat or drink something to keep you going, but at the end of the day, you can only hold so much in your pack.

    Again this just an idea to be added into the game, but I would love to hear others views on the topic.

    so what do you think?

    Image result for the office god no gif
  • Duninn said:

    I think stamina would work as a secondary gauge more for tanks, melee fighters and perhaps archers so that they can't attack relentlessly.  This gauge would take the place of say mana for magic users.  

    Mana gauge can be avoided by drinking pots.

    Also don't forget that mages, while having mana gauge also have a lot HIGHER DPS to counter for it (and usually more burst and CC).
  • I think Stamina may work but only if it is basically for physical Mana. Like @Gothix noted above. If you have stamina(mana) and it operates just like mana but is thematically called something else there is little concern.

    But if you want an additional restriction on movement, actions, etc, I think that we as a whole will get annoyed with it. The game is said to be 30x the size of Skyrim, or at least planned that way. Can you imagine running across 30 Skyrims on foot. Even when you have a horse it seems to take forever at times. And remember there is no meaningful fast travel planned in Ashes.

    What I imagine a mechanic like this would do is simply segregate the population. And woe be to any friend or guildie who started at the "wrong" divine gate and had to cross ALL of Verra just to start playing with you.
  • Stamina is only a problem if you make it one.
    You can have walking allow regen, jogging neutral, sprinting sap regen.
    Some games only apply stamina in combat mode.
    Horses and beasts of burden often have their own separate stamina independent of the players.
    Best way IMHO is to have stamina 'and' mana sapping movement CC and combat skills.
    Then you have the healing problem of course...what resource should healing use ?
    Do you let mana uses become OP because only they can heal without chugging pots ?
    The only way to solve that is to have healing using its own resource separate from mana, which takes us down the 1 resource/skill type road = 1 resource / attribute.

    When you throw all that crap on the table and try and rationalize it in a fair way. You are left with classes tied to attributes that are tied to resource pools. You want to access a resource pool and certain spec into that attribute. You want a hybrid.. no problem...spec into the attributes that enhance those resource pools to empower those class skills. Which in turn requires a distribution system to ensure balance and make certain a full on healer cant be a full on DD or tank too.

  • No. It is a big world with no fast travel so having fatigue would slow things down even more.....slow is ok but having to stop every minute to catch your breath would be a game killer.
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