Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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A Podcast thing!!!

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited 2018 09 in Fan Media

Hey my fellow Community Members,

as some of you know I host a podcast every two weeks, where I let active community members share their opinions, thoughts, and wishes for Ashes of Creation. The podcast is well liked by a good amount of people and even the guys from Intrepid listen in once in a while. I been doing it for close to a year now, and I do enjoy it quite a lot. And now I am looking to change the format up a bit, I already do have some ideas on what I would like to do. Thought i throw it out to the community and listen to any ideas or wishes you guys maybe have and things you would like me to do differently.




  • How about a debate? Get two community members who choose a side and discuss. 

    For example a person who favors the corruption system and one that doesn't. 

    I'd listen to that.

    Hell, I'd even be on that episode.
  • I was playing around with that idea, just finding always people for both sides will be hard.
  • What i also thought of would be to combine the podcast and the community plug !
  • What do you think about featuring face cams of guests in the podcast livestreams?

    Many people are intrested in the Podcast related towards Ashes of Creation.
    But plenty people like to hear and watch something, while the recent podcast livestreams only feature being able to hear with a background picture.

    This could increase certain things, which could favour you.
  • I thought about it, and i kinda want to do it. But i always have differnet people on and not everybody has a webcam.
  • Hmm tough one when the podcast is dedicated to a game that hasn't come out yet that's for sure. 
    I haven''t listened to every episode so forgive me if I suggest something you already have done.

    • Maybe a ''Master Class'' segment where you pick one of the 64 classes and talk about what you and your guests think that class will offer.
    • Maybe a  Community ART segment on video showing any community art work and its inspiration (if you can get people to send them in)
    Its a tough one thats for sure, when  the game is out though you'll have endless topics to discuss
  • I thought about doing something like a closer look on classes as soon as we know more. 
    yeah getting people to send in stuff might be the hard part :P
  • As long as you give me enough time to do some research, I will always be the "other" opinion.   
  • Jahlon said:
    As long as you give me enough time to do some research, I will always be the "other" opinion.   
    I might try to find a way to create a simple format for that.
  • I am trying to go down the "more Information" road, while still putting the community in first place. Which is hard because at this point, we talked all topics to death.
  • Jahlon said:
    As long as you give me enough time to do some research, I will always be the "other" opinion.   
    If he doesn't end up using the debate concept, I am also happily able to argue both sides of any issue. We could  definitely do a weekly debate.
  • I'd suggest formatting it as follows:

    First Section: Current Events (any new announcements)
    Second Section: Theme of the Podcast round table (IE: Crafting)
    Third Section: Dedicated shorter time windows for 1 topic each that a guest wanted to address.
    Fourth Section: Fan interaction. Adressing questions/comments, promoting fan projects, etc 
  • Khasiino said:
    I'd suggest formatting it as follows:

    First Section: Current Events (any new announcements)
    Second Section: Theme of the Podcast round table (IE: Crafting)
    Third Section: Dedicated shorter time windows for 1 topic each that a guest wanted to address.
    Fourth Section: Fan interaction. Adressing questions/comments, promoting fan projects, etc 
    Working on something similar atm, wont be this month but probably sometime next month.
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