Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Crafted Arrows, Daggers and Catapult Ammo.
I have searched all the available info and found nothing about crafting my arrows. What mats and processes do you think should go into our " better than npc vendor" arrows?
VoidShadow illustrated how this thread has broader implications than just arrows so I edited the title. I invite all to give every argument for or against as these mechanics will effect every player regardless of style.
general consensus in the thread seems to be no extra effects , crafting in range/damage/speed and to have X types of siege machine ammo.
general consensus in the thread seems to be no extra effects , crafting in range/damage/speed and to have X types of siege machine ammo.
- Ordinary ammunication can be create by enchanted quiver, may be one each 20 sec, so if you fire too fast, you empty the quiver.
- Special ammunition, or high end one, wich must be bought/craft, and are in limited supply.
So if you go for a hard target you will need to prepare for it, buy special stuff, and for the leasurly exploration, you use enchanted quiver.
I agree about siege ammunication, it must not be free. War is expensive.
If i remember correctly one of the rangers abilities is a rainstorm of arrows in a target area. As much as i am in favor of ammunition, abilities like this don't exactly support it. Crafting bows now for different things like armor pierce, or extra range or multiple fires in one shot is much more plausible
Throwing daggers is another thing altogether. Despite being a fantasy game, a "rainstorm" or rapid fire of daggers is a bit unrealistic. Sure a rogue can have a throwing ability but to use it i think ammunition for throwing daggers makes sense and the ability damage will scale off of the weapon's stats. That being said, the throwing dagger weapon can technically never be a crafted to be a god tier weapon because its going to require some sort of easy mass production to function as ammunition. Thus the items used to craft can't be to rare.
This is a very interesting thread.
I don't mind an ammunition for arrows, but they would have to be easy to come by either from buying or finding in the wilds. I also think throwing daggers should be treated similarly even if they are not used as often as arrows will be. I do see the argument with the abilities not matching up with this idea. Just remember that with the arrow storm ability in other mmos the archer fires one arrow, but multiple come down. If you want a good example of arrow crafting for archers look at skyrim and how you could craft them, but also get them from enemies and shops. The idea of having to craft the ammunition for catapults, ballistas, and maybe even the oil for the burning oil pots is very interesting. I also like the idea of salvaging enemy siege ammunition. It will also be interesting to see what types of ammunition for siege equipment there will be. Of course, the usual boulders and bolts, but what about some of the other types seen in history. I.e. cages of small animals, burning boulders coated in oil, Sulphur, greek fire, and some that are unlikely to make an appearance.
You spend resources to create an enchant, however instead of enchanting certain gear piece, you enchant ammo slot, and your ammo gets small boost.
Ammo slot enchants could come with various bonuses depending on specific enchant used, from increasing range, adding DoT, adding critical chance increase, adding instant damage, adding slow effect to targets hit,...
Ammo slot enchants would be TEMPORARY and would expire after certain period of time.
That aside like SaINts_Shinobi said, i hope we get a large variety when it comes to sieging including siege towers, battering rams, ballistae for attackers and greek fire,boiling oil, spiked fences, defense catapults etc for defenders.
Even some of the stuff that was shown in the eso cinematic trailers would be cool.
The issue is, every class is supposed to get class based loot, and everyone can use a bow, supposedly. So everyone would need to have arrows as part of their common drops from chests, maybe a little bunch of special arrows every 5 chests could be enough to keep people going, if youve got the normal vendor arrows.
And I’m also in agreement with arrows having special abilities and effects.
This would make sense imo.
And when you have to us amunition like arrows and daggers what you need to buy we have 2 options.
1. Its cheap and you can buy around 200 and you can't get them from death enemy or get it back from someone what you just killed.
2. You can have only small amout like 20, and you can get arrows from death body with low % chance it will destroy.
Steven already told us you can use any weapon and armor on any class, it will give you some + and some -.
But when our skills use specific weapon they will change/block/or switch with other skills. That's our only 3 options.
Rangers would be severely disadvantaged for having to waste so much time traveling back to cities all the time to replenish ammo.
Typical in a vertical progression game higher quality items give you more damage as they are rarer and superior build.
But there is nothing saying
very rare tier 1 arrows give 100% damage
rare tier 2 arrows give 90% damage
unlimited tier 3 arrows give 80% damage
That way its not game breaking when you run out of arrows, but you are penalized for not preparing.
On the special ability arrows, that would have to be common abilities or class specific and tailored. IMO
Hit me with your logic hammer why don't you!
What Ollinwen said seems to be the most fun option to me whenever there is a need for crafting special arrows besides standard unlimited arrows that replenish over time.
Also... This system, if implemented would give me cause to gather materials for special ammunition, would create a feel of uniqueness if there are a lot different kinds of special ammunition to be made, but you're limited to have a certain amount of each with you, so that you have to think ahead in fights. .p.s. do not make special ammunition OP or a requirement to beat a boss.
An example of special ammunition could be; arrow with extra pierce or an arrow with a smokebomb attached to it, to create a cloud of smoke so that mobs see you less quickly (within 2 meters instead of 3 meters). - make it so that the materials to craft them are found in nature, without the need to go to a city.
While that is a perfectly valid concern...
this is a far better point in relation to AoC.
Ammo of any kind will have a negative impact on group play in AoC. If you are in a dungeon that takes an hour to get to from your home node, and half way through the zone the ranger runs out of arrows, do you wait for him to get more?
Gear and weapons will break and wear out.
Higher quality items may well suffer this sooner.
In such cases I would wear the lower quality gear and use lower quality weapons unless I had to swap out because of a greater risk environment.
The same thing can apply to ammo. Low quality items are far more abundant and unlikely to run out.
High quality ammo will be rarer and used sparingly for when it matters.
The the players.
So it can be made 'fair' from that point of view.
Now, if Intrepid made it so bows don't degrade at all and shifted that cost over to arrows, I could see that potentially balancing out which would fix up that one issue.
I do personally like any versatility that can be added to games, but it needs to be added in a fair and balanced manner in the added versatility it gives, the cost it incurs and the potential for player caused issues to arise. In my opinion, simply adding ammo for bow users doesn't meet all of these requirements to a satisfactory level, so shouldn't be added without further systemization.