Considering you can't throw anything underwater, the throwing stars are useless.
Secondly, both animals are smart, but the dolphins weigh considerably more and are used to groupinf up to hunt.
Would be hands down dolphin victory, even with the knifes.
Exactly! But octopuses have ink and camouflage. However, dolphins have body armor penetrating sonar. They might even be able to see with their electric powers. Dunno.
Dolphins, especially larger Orcas are apex pack predators, not to mention they are hyper intelligent. Both creatures have high intellectual capabilities but I don't think the octopi have the teamwork capabilities dolphins offer.
Nobody wins
Secondly, both animals are smart, but the dolphins weigh considerably more and are used to groupinf up to hunt.
Would be hands down dolphin victory, even with the knifes.
There can be only 1 The squids win!
I vote Dolphins.