Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Nights in Verra

Let discuss how the nightlife in Verra could have an impact on the game. Nights how long do people want a night of Verra to be in real life time and do you want additional features such as some raids/dungeons only open at night and some or all bosses are stronger at night and there is an achievement for beating them at night or getting mats at night. or even mounts/pets having a night or day form


  • For me
    1) 2-4hrs should be a full day in verra
    2) Yes to night raids would help with necromantic lore driven bosses themes or other such themes.
    3) Would make boss hunting more fun could lead to better loot
    4) depends on the boss and if there mechanics if is night
    5) logical its makes sense some stuff can only be obtained a night like some wildlife come out at night to scavenge so why not in aoc.
    6) angel/demonic forms or light or shadow forms would be awesome to see but should be a toggle if done since some people may like a certain form.
  • Now here is a question. Should shops be closed after hours, meaning at night time, and open again in the morning? I know some people might think it's a pain, but think of it as down time for the vendors to restock, or adjust what they are selling.
  • I would support it, hence the more realism that is added will make the world more immerse though I will not support walk speed to be like real life or stables like in bdo that will annoy me more
  • Great minds think alike. Day/night cycles with changes in activity confirmed. Timestamp 57:00
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2018 24
    No problem with shops closing. Lets you do other things as stated.

    I would expect day/night cycles to be species specific though.
    I woudlnt say more badass, just different to add variety to the game and make it feel alive....or dead in the case of the necros :)

    But I have no problem with player power ebbing and flowing either with time and place. So...
  • Granthor said:
    Now here is a question. Should shops be closed after hours, meaning at night time, and open again in the morning? I know some people might think it's a pain, but think of it as down time for the vendors to restock, or adjust what they are selling.
    That sounds like an idea that could really add to immersion, but I would hope such a mechanic would be excluded to NPC owned stalls/business's.  

    There may be players who want to roleplay their shops as "dark", "secretive", "furtive", "illiciit", and these themes are usually associated with taking place in either clandestine/underground places, or at night.  Those elements also add to immersion, imo.

  • WTB option to break into a closed shop to get the needed resources.

    With of course, a chance you will be seen by the guards, in which case, good luck. :)
  • WTB Seedy basement for night time fight club with no negative repercussions.
  • Xombie said:
    WTB Seedy basement for night time fight club with no negative repercussions.

    We should arrange it as a community XD 

  • Would be interesting if drop tables changed in certain dungeons depending on whether or not it's daytime or nighttime
  • Id like to see a night cycle of which the darkness was dependant on the moon. 
    Some creatures stronger during the night and some during day. Make loot tables and xp change accordingly.
    I think a good two hrs for day and two for night would be good.
  • NoeSparks said:
    Id like to see a night cycle of which the darkness was dependant on the moon. 
    Some creatures stronger during the night and some during day. Make loot tables and xp change accordingly.
    I think a good two hrs for day and two for night would be good.
    I 100% agree with that would make it very interesting 
  • Would be interesting if drop tables changed in certain dungeons depending on whether or not it's daytime or nighttime

    Sorry, I just can not like anything you post while you have that profile photo. ^^
  • EQ2 had a zone that almost completely changed its population between day and night.

    Since it was a very low level zone (level 5 - 10 iirc), and since it only happened when those zones were updated a few years after release, hardly anyone knew about it.

    What was cool about it was the pirates would be in the zone all day, and then at night the skeletons would spawn and kill them all. Then at 6am they would all die and the pirates would come back. Both had unique boss mobs with unique loot tables - but all level 5 loot.

    In terms of day/night cycle, what would be cool is if there are longer nights in winter and shorter in summer, and if the game has a polar region, maybe even make it so that it has daylight for all of summer, and night for all of winter - with autumn and spring both having somewhat normal cycles.

  • We need a Roxbury in game.
  • steven has posted this from record and stated certain mobs/resources  will only be available during the night. which is good because if you only play during the nights in verra you farm the night materials  and sell them to buy the day matetrials from people and vise versa good e commerce. 

    My friend okies has made this to help put it into perspective

    do the x4 our time
    would be interesting how do they plan holiday events I was thinking of doing tri lateral like halloween lore themed event happening every 3.5 years in verra time to make festive events more lore friendly.  

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2018 26
    How about black market during the night and normal market during the day. 
    Meaby corrupted player who can't enter into cites can use black market for buying items. Or in black market you can sell items what you can't normaly find in normal. 

    And in middle of night special word bosses or mosnter what will give you unique items or bigger chance drop for rare items. 

  • Rainer said:
    How about black market during the night and normal market during the day. 

    And in middle of night special word bosses or mosnter what will give you unique items or bigger chance drop for rare items. 

    anything for making a real living world more realistic i would support it so it would make sense that those sort of practices happens 
  • Night time mount street racing. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2018 27
    Xombie said:
    Night time mount street racing. 

    Illegal street racing ofc. Guards on their mounts running after you trying to rekt you.

    Guard on flying mount throwing spikes in front of you in your path.
  • Gothix said:
    Xombie said:
    Night time mount street racing. 

    Illegal street racing ofc. Guards on their mounts running after you trying to rekt you.

    Guard on flying mount throwing spikes in front of you in your path.
    So worth. We need this.
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