Pax Map

Here the map for PAX  what do you think of IS position


  • A for effort. But it too small to read. Took the image and blew it up, and still cant read it. You can make out general stuff like being next to Bethesda and Twitch, but just trying to figure out who the others were wasn't worth it. Good find though, since the main PAX page doesn't make it easy.
  • A for effort. But it too small to read. Took the image and blew it up, and still cant read it. You can make out general stuff like being next to Bethesda and Twitch, but just trying to figure out who the others were wasn't worth it. Good find though, since the main PAX page doesn't make it easy.
  • Yes I know a few people who know people in the industry thought I should share it man I don't like quotation XD messes me up @UnknownSystemError

  • I heard you can only see the map through the mobile app so maybe that might help? @UnknownSystemError

  • Look at you all well connected @Malgus

  • Xombie said:
    Look at you all well connected @Malgus

    yup but I will share what I have with everyone else  ;)
  • Not all heroes wear capes.
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