Alpha 1 Date Prediction Pool



  • October 26th, my wife's bday! So if A1 does release on this day, I'll be playing Ashes instead of celebrating her bday! haha, I'm just kidding....

    But seriously...
  • Yesterday !!
    crap my prediction is wrong again :'( 
  • Friday the 12th of October  
  • Late October/Early November :3
  • 18th October would be great for me and my gf on our 2 Year day
  • Soontm
  • Azathoth said:
    September 18th b/c why not.
    This may be the closest prediction!!
  • Karthos said:
    Azathoth said:
    September 18th b/c why not.
    This may be the closest prediction!!
    well he got the month right ^^
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Can't wait for Alpha 1!
  • I'm betting Aug 25. It's my lil bros BDay!

    So if before september 6th then heres the winner

  • According to the newsletter we got on Aug. 7th, it will be "next month." So my guess is September 10th, plus or minus a few days.
  • Im going to say Early November, They said 4th quarter is last i heard  which is October, November or December., 
  • I'm pretty sure it's confirmed for late September already.
  • To be exact Steven stated they were aiming for the third week of September.
  • Im going to say Early November, They said 4th quarter is last i heard  which is October, November or December., 
    You have some catching up till do... Lol
  • September 27th My Mum's birthday.  However as she has no PC and doesn't understand the concept of the interweb, rather than spend the reward money on gifting her this game I will spend it on cosmetics from the shop for me ;)
  • I predict the pool to be 17 feet deep so people can jump in from a diving board

    (Lost my forum gif) 
    I hate math 

  • Oct 18
  • Eleventieth of Septober, do I win?
  • I'm going to go with 29 September

    It will be Steven's birthday present to me
  • September 29 is my birthday to it be then he he
  • September 24th!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Karthos said:
    Im going to say Early November, They said 4th quarter is last i heard  which is October, November or December., 
    You have some catching up till do... Lol
    That doesnt surprise so im guessing they are dropping early then., Ill have to get caught up on the news. Can you point me to the latest on the alpha 1 ? all im finding when i look is still just Q4 which is October, November or Decermber. 

  • Karthos said:
    Im going to say Early November, They said 4th quarter is last i heard  which is October, November or December., 
    You have some catching up till do... Lol
    That doesnt surprise so im guessing they are dropping early then., Ill have to get caught up on the news. Can you point me to the latest on the alpha 1 ? all im finding when i look is still just Q4 which is October, November or Decermber. 

    The newsletter that was emailed out to everyone this week. 
  • October 420 ;)
  • Sintu said:
    Karthos said:
    Im going to say Early November, They said 4th quarter is last i heard  which is October, November or December., 
    You have some catching up till do... Lol
    That doesnt surprise so im guessing they are dropping early then., Ill have to get caught up on the news. Can you point me to the latest on the alpha 1 ? all im finding when i look is still just Q4 which is October, November or Decermber. 

    The newsletter that was emailed out to everyone this week. 
    TheMetro said:
    October 420 ;)

    Thanks for the info. 

    GRRRRRRRRRRR ! Damn Microsoft email system put the newsletter in the Junk Mail. Got it now. 

    Thanks for the info. 
  • As a 17 year SW Developer... I always blame the HW Guys for the delays... as the SW guys get to develop last and eat the schedule slips.   Realistically I am betting Q1 2019. 

    I do Wonder if Intrepid is using Agile development techniques?  Where I work it's just catching on but the rest is still *shudders immensly*  WATERFALL model Sw dev.  nonononnonnonnono
  • Mindseye said:
    As a 17 year SW Developer... I always blame the HW Guys for the delays... as the SW guys get to develop last and eat the schedule slips.   Realistically I am betting Q1 2019. 

    I do Wonder if Intrepid is using Agile development techniques?  Where I work it's just catching on but the rest is still *shudders immensly*  WATERFALL model Sw dev.  nonononnonnonnono
    It was announced this week that alpha 1 starts in September. 
  • lol i've been heavy in with work & life.  Time to play catch-up XD
  • Sep 21 is my guess. MOAR HYPE
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