Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
The Ashen Forge Episode 15 - A Night With Steven Sharif
Hello all, I wanted to let everyone know that Steven Sharif will be joining us on The Ashen Forge tomorrow at at 9PM EST / 6PM PST for anyone that wants to join in. It is an hour long show and we hope to see you there!
Youtube link:
1. Corruption stat degradation affects pvp performance only.
2. Ships must be summoned from shore.
3. Items dropped from having high corruption are indeed lootable, not destroyed.
4. No "carrot" incentive for pkers.
5. Co-op caravans
6. No gifting of account cosmetic items confirmed again.
7. Separate crafting tools per crafting tier.
8. Castle siege guild winner is whoever completes the final long cast first.
9. No API exposure. Other ways for people to access resources like Twitch.
10. A big one here. Server bound citizenship. Main/alts on a single server have same node citizenship. Freehold single per account confirmed once again.
11. Cleric secondary may indeed be able to heal others to a lesser degree depending on augment chosen.
12. Dominant racial affects each node stage.
13. No plan on gender neutral pronouns. LBGTQ concessions through the marriage system.
14. Crafting systems available to be tested Alpha 1-Phase 2.
p.s loving Neurotoxin sipping a glass of wine~ ^^
You know someone did a good job when it's a really long video and there is no desire to skip though or stop watching. I enjoyed it from start to finish.
So many great questions asked by the Hosts and Steven did an amazing job answering the questions.
Really enjoyed how Steven explained things not just from a Developer view but also from a players view, so rare and refreshing.
It was nice to hear how intent Intrepid will be to minimise and stop things that could lead to PTW and comforting to hear more detail on how they plan to do it.
Look forward to more of your videos great job.
Really hope to see more on official interviews with Steven I think it would really help with some of the people that have doubts about the game.
While I have a strong dislike and lack of trust of cash shops in general. Steve does a lot to enlist trust in the game as a whole and I think it's great he takes the time to show up for non official interviews and can do nothing but help provide more interest in the game and dispel some of the doubts people may have.
Seeing Steve as he responds to questions is so much more effective than anything that could be written. You can see that inner gamer and child flow through.