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Combat mechanics

Hey first post

How about 2 different combat styles. Duell and Hunting
  1. Duell focuses on solo fighting mobs and other players by increasing the parrying game, timed attacks and maybe even an awareness level helping to anticipate for example slower enemy slams. A warrior-type has more defensive abilities, not making it a classical Tank but more like a darksoulsesk fighter (without the rolling)
  1. As Hunter he is more like the classical Aragorn type fighter with quick attacks or a static mage spellcaster which is good for pure dps when the target is taunted/ aggroed otherwise. So a Warrior Type class may use a onehanded weapon and can use his free hand to increase balance for dodges and parries or with a shield to time-block ablities, shieldslam etc while wearing some tough armor. As hunter variant he uses his second had to grab 2h his sword increasing the brute force on his swings and focuses in slamming the back of enemies.

One extra aspect would be the choice between heavy armor against projectiles and thrust weapons or lighter armor for dexterity and balance even maximising it to a pure sword duelist with cloth. A Mageclass may uses a wand for duells to generate reflective barriers, summon temporary eternal spirits or even use the wand as a 'boomerang' projectile while keeping the opponent on range. As hunter he may increase his damage against certain type of non material foes and creates pentagram circles increasing his might. Also i imagine some sort of nature mage who can root, drain life and wildgrowth wooden plants as weapons but has to staticly keep his staff in ground contact to get the power of nature flowing. A mage may also be able to wear heavy armor but ofcourse this makes him a magic-touched Warrior -> classical Paladin with light, death and decay defiler or someone with a glowing hot sword; not great for duels but one hell of melee output on hits.
One big aspect would be faction earned talents. For example you have a firecult where you gain reputation and learn fire based abilities throughout questlines.
If you for example get through a Water/ harmony based faction a Warrior can learn the way of the water, increase his dual wielding and get a bonus by fightin in shallow water or a river bed. Or a mage can get extra temporary water spirits out of the envoirmental source.

-> I played Rift for a long time which had a very straight forward themed sub class system. For example a Shaman using Brutal force of Blood and ice with blunt weapons. What i always missed was the more roleplay aspect besides the pvp- pve utility, i would have enjoyed alot more when you really become a shaman, master of a forgotten craft increasing his capeabilities by spending time with shamans etc.

By this duel/ hunter variation you gain an extra depth of strenghes and weaknesses. A Plate wearing beafy warrior may be able to deflect a mages ice shard but the freezing cold surroinding his metal plates expects a great willpower to overcome not to get slowed down. A mystical Archer may be able to get off unblock/unparryingable shots but the duelant swordfighter has increased prediction in the archers actions.

Also a Weapon based Talent and spec system would be one hell of an endgame experience. You may play a thrust heavy shieldclass with a sword which really starts to shine when you find this epic spear/ lance. You may wear an ancient epic warbanner as Cape which benefits on certain group buffing Talents or a nature mage may want a good Staff made of Wood; who otherwise uses his metallic wand, not limiting but refocusing the strenghs of the buld.

Imagine a Warrior class using a spear, no shoes and has a focus in nature bound abilities giving him rooting resistance light stealth and mobility but needs to watch out for fire.

Imagine a duelant with a thrustfocused sword cloth armor and a plate chest who is static but can parry 2 -3 attacks quickly using his free hand to grab push and disarm.

Imagine an archer who focuses on piercing damage and using a Warbow instead of a hunting bow making his shots slower and requires more strengh for insane critical hits and penetration in hunter stance making him an absolute beast in taking down dragons or footsoldiers.

Imagine a Mage with fire over time creating minions from the ashes and buffing his team in  cold envoirment but also gets damage out of nearby torches etc. The Same build may be able to swich to water, negating enemy fire and negating wound effects on multiple friends. also draining water from humid air to create cc fog wich gets more effective the humid (cave, rainforest) the envoirment is.

Imagine a Rogue figher with a chain specialisation whiping a small dagger on mediom range or using it with a pierce weapon to make it get stuck on targets or envoirment for movement. Or even using an 'empty' spiky chain for trying to disarm Soldiers/ catch and wildride a monster for a shot period :D that dagger-chain specialisation may increase by the way of the shadows, the stuck variant by the way of the blood cult and the spike weapon by the way of nature.
-> As duelant the whip helps him to dodge and negate damage as Hunter he may be able to cast Electricity on a stuck chain to stun and expose the back/ weakpoints.

The base combat remains a lock-on target with a high focus on faced direction and balance, meaning ground contact. If you jump towards and enemy you may be able to get more out of your axe attack but be easily pierced by a spear. Also a Person with reduced Balace (by a successful shield bash) takes more damage from certain attacks. When get hit by an arrow while running around you may also suffer balance.

Armor has strenghs and drawbacks. Every piece of metal armor reduces stats like maximum runspeed or cloth simply has space for magical silvergarn used to conzentrate magigal energy. Also Armor may jsut be armor and those green end epic stats are mainly made by reforging them with powerful and rare elements. Powerful pieces like a helmet or diadem with sockets may be found but you can also upgrade your favorite looking default armor with gold plating, ornaments or expensive cloth pieces increasing your willpower or inspire your team. This lowers the gear gaps between players and focuses more on your weapon, playstyle and subchoice (way of elements, honor, blood etc)

Let me know what your honest opinion is about
I hope for a game where you are able to have Achilles vs Hector/ Aragorn vs Lurz  like fights without making it a full for honor combat system. I would also like to see magic being dumped down a bit  so the classical Fireball isn't a spamable ability but already something special in AoC's world. (Trust me the more basic and human your Charakter is the more Epic things can get)

Kind regards Shas


  • I just read the first bit but it seems to me that it is something that would suit a single player game more than an mmo since having really in depth combat is also something that might take away attention from what is happening on screen.
  • I think it will give poeple wildly running around in a combat only partially facing the opponent a penalty. Also its supports thinking through your team setup as a very specialized char can be part of a combat strategy. So it supports coordination and team effort without taking away 1v2 etc capeabilities
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    @Shas_ I think Combat should first focus more of a fundamental level. By all means, let out more ideas, but most of what you described/ depicted seems to be ... they seem to be more like " Additive Features " as opposed to a Generalized FrameWork

    Intrepid (obviously) wants a Hybrid-Action Combat & Tab-Target ... but what kind of Action of Combat ? How much freedom is Intrepids' Version of Action Combat ? As far as testing goes ... they should go all-out - since its practically BrainStorming what they can do .... no matter how ridiculously odd it may be. Only afterwords ... like in Alpha 2 or Beta 1 , thats when they should " tame " the Action-Combat from getting out-of-control ... but also applying Tab-target whereas needed.
    • As odd as this might sound .... combat should have (some sort of ) Social Aspects to them. Imagine showing-off/ RPing with Friends ... and each Archetype has a couple of Freeform-less Abilities that can be used without needing a Target. It won't trigger the Corruption-System because Intrepid states that you need to specifically target someone. But its all still being tested
    • Some FreeForm-less Abilities interacting with the Environment
    • Climbing Mechanics will additionally help " flesh-out " the idea above ... like climbing the Node Buildings, 
    Just some ideas that came to mind
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    ->oh yes thanks for the thoughtful response. Action combat is a scary word bc how to combine a atmospheric game with eastern beat em up cleave telegraph gamplay. It would end up in way to many effects and 'Super mario minigame - like glowing effects 'draging the attention away from the epic. I thought about all those tention preindustrial movie fights and the focus was always on single duells with alot of focus on the eyes, feetwork and parrycombos. Alot like what for honour tried to achieve. The success of wow's pvp (early versions) comes from the reduction and the amout of poker-like stakes by reducing the overall abount of spamable abilities, implement recources to manage (like my balance, willpower) and overall simplyfy magical visual effects but then go for absolute unique animations and spells to know what everyone around is doing.
    • my main idea was ito implement a second playstyle wich has way higher stakes in pvp and sologame. He is like the daemonologist controlling a daemon but his actual body is standing around in a pentagram quite vournable. If someone manages to get a hand on him he gets absolutely murdered like in a shooter game.
    • The less tab targeting you have the more you can focus on the atmosphere but also the more other indicators will show up on the screen. God of war even has a lock on mechanic so i think through the test of time this basic mmo feature will be a good choice.
    • Having voids ( gtae's) can already being considered action based combat since you use movement and prediction to dodge and avoind damage. I dont think simply projected glowing textures on the ground are up to date so having envoirnmental based special abilities like making a pyromancer able to use candles in a church more interesting instead of summoning random tons heavy meteorids from the sky for basically free.
    • also alot of mmos tend to have people maximised the movement speed and running around each other while jumping. Sure some consider this as advanced rogue play but gatting the back in a split second may also result in server sided display delays. If you make jumping more like in assasins creed where you actually take some steps to leap forward and also standing your feet on the ground while lock-target surrounding each other like swordsmen/ boxer gives a whole new focus on the enemy's actions making fights personal. And i think it would be a nice mechanic that when having a lock-down fight between people they may have a reduced vision due to camera angles etc of whats going on around. Same with marksmen who just can get caught off guard while shooting targets just like a sniper would (most archer tend to just backpaddel cheap shots while jumping which for my opinion doesnt belong in a unreal4 engine-game).
    • -> make it slow, make it intelligent and make it rewarding
    • So it automaticly comes to the Sp roleplay. The more intense each and every fight is the less 'kill 20 pigs- quest' you can implement. Rather get to know your bow by a hunting mission, take in more story and when a player feels like- oh boy i want this little more fighting, even level pvp gets populated.
    kind regards
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Shas_ said:
    " ... Imagine a Rogue figher with a chain specialisation whiping a small dagger on mediom range or using it with a pierce weapon to make it get stuck on targets or envoirment for movement. Or even using an 'empty' spiky chain for trying to disarm Soldiers/ catch and wildride a monster for a shot period :D that dagger-chain specialisation may increase by the way of the shadows, the stuck variant by the way of the blood cult and the spike weapon by the way of nature.
    -> As duelant the whip helps him to dodge and negate damage as Hunter he may be able to cast Electricity on a stuck chain to stun and expose the back/ weakpoints ... "
    This idea ... i feel as though this link would be the closest thing to it ( ends at 18:37 )

     so maybe >~>
  • Eragale said:
    This idea ... i feel as though this link would be the closest thing to it ( ends at 18:37 )

     so maybe >~>
    Thank you very much sir for searching it for me :)
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