Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Offer on the game

1)make 3 servers:
Casual server: x2 experience and things. In cities and villages and neighboring neighborhoods there will not be pvp, weakened mobs and bosses, etc.
Server Hardcore: -x2 experience and all, enhanced mobs and bosses, pvp is prohibited only in cities (an enemy guild and there you can be killed)
Server norm: stable and homogeneous game
2)To the game there were clans, which can be only 50 peple and they can inflict guilds for pvp 3)When capturing cities, the guild receives money every week (5% of the economy is regulated by this place) and that it can establish a trade tax 4)I wanted to be able to build a village in which there would be vegetable gardens, animals. 5)Relationships: you can add to your friends only in person (the symbol fits into the "Friend", and then the "Add friends" icon lights up, and the second should confirm the request.) There will be several levels of relationships: 1) M and M: a) unfamiliar, b) seen, c) friends. D) friends, d) best friends. 2) D & D: a) the same as in men 3) M, F: 1) unfamiliar, 2) seen, 3) friends, 4) friends, 5) girlfriend, 6) girl, 7) wife M & M, D & D: To go from friend to friend, you need to go through a chain of quests and the same with a friend of your best friend M & W: From friends to girlfriend, from girlfriend to girl, you need to go through a chain of quests, and with a girl to his wife - a wedding. Pumping the relationship occurs by killing mobs, passing through dungeons, passing the quest. Bonuses (buffs are given only in the group, and they add up, because each person is especially considered) Friend + 5% of experience, best friend + 10% of experience Girlfriend + 12% of experience, Girl + 14% Wife: + 20% experience, the house becomes an ordinary phenomenon, a gift from the developers 40% discount on furniture, the wife has a wife's scream (cd 30 min.) Takes 4 energy from her husband if they both lie on the bed, the energy accumulates faster. You can get a child (player up to 20 lvls), if both players are 50 lvl. 6)Game store: sold for a tax for which the king was installed. You can hire people or an NPC. With people making payments, you have to pay every week. Minus NPC sells only certain resources (weapons, armor, wood, meat, berries, etc.) and asks for a lot of money. If a person sells, then all transactions will pass through the cashier, and the cashier will be connected to the chests in the pantry. All sales within 7 days (real) will be saved at the checkout, and the money will go directly to the cashier, and only the main and trusted people can take money from her. A person comes to the cashier, chooses the product that interests him, sellers are notified in the negotiating room they need, and to whom they come and sell this product. Purchase passes through the cash register, it includes 2 players, the seller puts the thing, the buyer's money and conducts the operation. Perhaps in one store up to 4 sellers. After purchase, the product automatically reaches the buyer in inventory. The seller must confirm the purchase price. 8)Domestication of animals: some of them will help in combat, some will help to gather resources (the wolf helps to collect grass, etc., etc.). In the file the original and several more sentences, but they are in Russian


  • 1) make 3 servers:
    Casual server: x2 experience and things. In cities and villages and neighboring areas, there will not be pvp, weakened mobs and bosses, etc.
    Server Hardcore: experience-x2 and all, reinforced mobs and bosses, pvp is prohibited only in cities (enemy guild and there you can kill)
    Server standards: stable and homogeneous game

  • Translated everything through google translate the current that I advise through it and translate into Russian.

  • From what I could understand and that is very little, the very idea of dividing servers into casual and hardcore is a bad idea as it divides the community, well thats just my opinion though :3
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    After translating your entire WordDoc ...

    Please do not open both Spoilers-tabs ... otherwise R.I.P. )

    bare mind for those who read these ... " Patience is a Virtue "
    1)PVP                                          PVE      
    1)Арена                                                                     1)Данжи
    2) Сбор редких ресурсов                                      2)Мобы в мире
    3)Войны                                                                     3)Профессии(ремёсла)
    4)Мировые боссы                                                   4)Мировые боссы
    5)Открытые данжи                                                  5)Открытые данжи
    6)Гильдия                                                                  6)Гильдии
    7)Ивенты                                                                    7)Отношения
    8)Морские бои                                                          8)Торговля
    9)Межрасовые войны и бои                                 9)Обустройства домов
    10)Война серверов                                                  1 0)Развитие города
    11)Налёты , грабежи                                               11)Ивенты
                                                                                           13)Прокачка персонажа
                                                                                          14)PVE Арена
                                                                                           15) приручение животных
                                                                                           16)животноводство и огороды
    2)Для казуальщиков и хардкорщиков будут разные сервера.
    Сервер Казуала: x2 опыта и выпадение вещей , В городах и деревнях и ближайших к ним окрестностям не будет пвп , ослабленные  мобы и боссы и т.д.
    Сервер Хардкор: -x2 опыта и вещей, Усиленные мобы и боссы , только нонтаргетная система , pvp запрещено только в городах(вражеская гильдия и там может тебя убить )
    Сервер Норм: Стабильная и равномерная игра
    2)Рецепты выпадают с боссов и мобов
    3)Этапы созревания растений
    4)Каждая вещь привязана к своему биому (Лес-деревья, травы ,животные и т.д.)
    5)Будут растения  которые созревают 12 ч
    6)ресурсы не будут подсвечены
    7) у каждой расы на острове будет 2-5 уникальных растений 
    2) После 28лвл с мобов и боссов будут падать только рецепты
    3)Крафт производится на определённых местах(броня и меч-кузница)
    4) Нужны навыки , чтобы крафтить более хорошие вещи
     5) уникальные ресурсы удешевляют крафт
    1)клан создаётся на 1 уровне города
    2)до 50 человек
    3)Могут быть наёмниками для гильдий
    1)Клан может апнутся в гильдию на 3-4 уровне города
    2)до 200человек
    3) исследования
    4) захват городов и деревень
    5) войны
    ... 7) гильдейские подземелья
    8)За захват городов , деревень гильдия получает деньги( 5 %  от экономике места которым правит)
    9) В замках будет божественная плавильня ( дешевле крафт)
    10)передача вещей бес % пошлины в между членами.
    1) на мобах
     2) на квестах
    3)за развитие городов
    4)в данжах
    Войны гильдий : Есть 2 типа. 1) Вражда: драться можно везде бес штрафов( там где сервер разрешает) . 2) Война: будет специальный день когда две стороны выдут друг против друга на
    арену , обе стороны должны согласится , обе команды должны поставить равноценные ставки ( если кто-то заставляет принять войну ,то скидываете видео ,скрины и другие доказательства и на ту гильдию будут ведены санкции)
    Закрытые данжи: они сделаны по типу лабиринтов или муравейников  ,там будут головоломки  , мобы, потайные ходы, несколько боссов . Каждый данж будет иметь историю ( которая будет рассказывается по ходу его прохождения), будут уровне для 1 человека.
    Открытые данжи: Лабиринт с мобами к мировому боссу
    Гильдия: много людей, бафы, захват замков , войны, гильд задания, ивенты.
    Вещи: будут делится на до 28 и после .До: это обычные шмотки которые падают с мобов .После: всев ещи нужно крафтить (даже комонки).  Прокачка (заточка) происходит поглощением шмоток тоговоже класса и уровня( уровень может быть выше , но не ниже) ,(сюрекен легендар 59 лвл поглатил сюрекен комон 59 лвл и получил 0,01% к прокачке, когда наберётся 100% оружие заточится и будет несколько уровней заточки)
    Рецепт легендарный с Мирового боссов ( 2 рандомных крафта  и 20% шанс ещё 1)
    Рецепт имортолок с Главных боссов ( 3 рандомных вещи)
    Рецепт красных с Боссов ( 1 рандомный и 20% на ещё 1)
    Рецепт комонок и рарак с мобов (10%)
    Город: есть несколько уровней ( 10 точно)
    открывает кузници , город даёт бафы от его специализации , в нём можно строить свои дома , магазины и таверны, специальные квесты , магазин NPC, король может снести ваше здание( я думаю вы быстро ему поможете сойти со трона),Гильдия может иметь 1 город и 1 деревню
    Деревни: Можно занимается сельским хозяйством и животноводством , квесты.
    Король: выставляет налоги на торговлю, имеет доступ к секретной почте , выбирает специализацию города, строет здания в городе, может в воровать( но врятле долго просидит на троне), ставит изучения  для города.
    Граф деревни: перечисляет 50% денег в город от заработанных, строит и т.д.
    Отношения: В друзья можно добавлять только лично(персонаж подходит нажимает на Другова и тогда загорается иконка добавить в друзья, а второй должен потвердеть заявку. Будут несколько уровней отношений:
    1)М и М:а)незнаккомы,б)виделись,в)знакомые.г)друзья ,д)лучшие друзья.
    2)Д и Д:а)тоже самое что и у мужчин
    М и М, Д и Д:Чтобы прейти с знакомого га друга , надо пройти цепочку квестов и тоже самое с друга га лучшего друга
    М и Ж: С друзья до подруги, с подруги до девушки надо пройти цепочку квестов ,а с девушке до жены проходит свадьба.
    Прокачка отношений проходит через убийств мобов, прохождений данжей, Прохождение квестов.
    Бонусы ( бафы даются только в группе и они складываются, для каждого человека специально считается)
    Друг +5%опыта,лучший друг +10% опыта
    Подруга +12% опыта, Девушка +14%
    Жена: +20% опыта, Дом становится общим , вещи обменивать можно бес %, подарок от разработчиков 40% скидка на мебель, у жены есть скил крик жены(кд 30 мин) отнимает 4 энергии у мужа, если они оба ложатся на кровать то быстрей накапливается энергия. Можно заводить ребёнка(игрока до 20 лвл) если оба игрока 50 лвл.
    Альянсы: Может быть 8 гильдий в альянсе, 1 гильдия может состоять в 1 альянсе , войну может объявить только главная гильдия . Всё награбленная за войну главная гильдия распределяет по другим гильдиям , а если она проигрывает , то со всего альянса снимаются одинаковое количество денег , и победители могут забрать 1 графство или 1 город.
    Расы: Люди, Эльфы, Монстры, Низкорослые ,Джины, Оборотни. Они разделены на под подрасы Люди,2)Эльфы:Лесные,Тёмные,Высшие.3)Монстры:Орки,Скелеты,Гоблины.4)Низкорослые:Гномы,Дворфы,Свирфнеблины.5)Джины:Ифрит,Амир
    [ … ] 5000 character limit above
    ,Шайтан,6)Оборотни:Кисунэ,Вервольф,Ракшас. Сразу хотелось бы сказать что расы не будут давать бонусы.
    Связь: Личного чата нет, есть связь локации , острова , группы ,гильдии, расы, торговли, торговцев, трактира чат с другими островами нет, мирового чата нет. Почта: Почтальон есть в каждом городе и деревне , он передаёт письма только по острову ,Главный почтальон есть только в замке и только правитель решает давать гражданам доступ к нему или нет .
    Магазин игрока: Продаётся по тому налогу по которому установил король . Можно нанимать людей или NPC. С человекам договорная оплата, платить надо каждую неделю. Минус NPC продаёт только определённые ресурсы( оружие, броня, дерево , мясо , ягоды и т.д.) , ещё просит много денег .Если продаёт человек то все операции будут проходить через кассу , а касса будет соединена с сундуками в кладовой. Все продажи за 7 день ( настоящий) будут сохраняться в кассе и деньги будут идти сразу в кассу, и только главный и доверенные люди могут брать деньги из неё. Человек подходит к кассе выбирает продукт , который ему
    […] 5000 character limit of Google Chrome
    ,Шайтан,6)Оборотни:Кисунэ,Вервольф,Ракшас. Сразу хотелось бы сказать что расы не будут давать бонусы.
    Связь: Личного чата нет, есть связь локации , острова , группы ,гильдии, расы, торговли, торговцев, трактира чат с другими островами нет, мирового чата нет. Почта: Почтальон есть в каждом городе и деревне , он передаёт письма только по острову ,Главный почтальон есть только в замке и только правитель решает давать гражданам доступ к нему или нет .
    Магазин игрока: Продаётся по тому налогу по которому установил король . Можно нанимать людей или NPC. С человекам договорная оплата, платить надо каждую неделю. Минус NPC продаёт только определённые ресурсы( оружие, броня, дерево , мясо , ягоды и т.д.) , ещё просит много денег .Если продаёт человек то все операции будут проходить через кассу , а касса будет соединена с сундуками в кладовой. Все продажи за 7 день ( настоящий) будут сохраняться в кассе и деньги будут идти сразу в кассу, и только главный и доверенные люди могут брать деньги из неё. Человек подходит к кассе выбирает продукт , который ему
    интересен , продавцам приходит уведомление в чате , что надо и кому , приходит и продаёт этот продукт. Покупка идёт через кассу , 2 игрока заходят в неё продавец ложен предмет , а покупатель деньги и проводят операцию. Может быть в одном магазине до 4 продавцов . После покупки вещь автоматически попадает к покупателю в инвентарь. Продавец нужен чтобы подтвердить цену покупки.
    Торговая площадка: Продаётся всё кроме квестовых предметов. Налог за выставление 15% от стоимости вещи.
    корабли: Верфь можно построить на 4 уровне города и апается с городом, бес них не добраться до других рас боссы и мировые боссы, морские баталии, подводный контент
    1 уровень) Маленькая лодка,
    3 уровень) трирема и торговые лодки,
    5 уровень) галера и торговый корабль ,
    6 уровень) Фрегат и огромный торговый корабль.
    Маленькая лодка:max 4 человека и 2 ячейки для
    Трирема: max 12 ч. и 5 ячеек
    Торговая лодка: max 8 ч. 8 ячеек
    Галера: max 20 ч. 14 пушок и 16 ячеек
    Торговый корабль: max 15 ч. 10 пушек и 22 ячеек
    Фрегат: max 50 ч. 36 пушек и 38 ячеек
    Огромный торговый корабль: max 30 ч. 20 пушек и 50 ячеек.
    Всё работает на магическом двигателе, который надо заряжать в порту.
    Свадьба: Сначала идёт подготовка. М покупает кольца и парадную одежду, Ж покупает свадебную одежду .Могут пригласить гостей. Они оба подходят к NPC и сначала М подтверждает что готов женится ,а потом Ж приходит контракт и она соглашается .В мировом чате будут написано тот и тот поженились, пред ними начнется, солю, И их телепортнёт на медовый месяц в данж.
    Бос ивент: пока он жив, он влияет на город/остров/всю карту и пока не убьёшь эффект не будет убран( не обязательно эффект должен быть плохой).
    Торговля: деньги , защита караванов , перевозка вещей, разные виды повозок, экономика на каждом острове своя( у людей меч стоит 100р , а у эльфов 200р), игроки сами формируют экономику .
    Алхомия: кафтовый столик будет продавятся в  высоко уровневых данжей и продавец будет спрятан , даёт лучше бафы чем кулинария.
    Кулинария: даёт бафы , плита покупается у NPC в городе
    Строитель: крафтит вещи нужные для апа или строительстве чего-нибудь.
    Кузнец: крафтит браню и оружие , делает матерьялы для строителя.
    Собиратель: собирает ресурсы.
    Рыбак: ловит рыбу.
    Боевую систему можно выбрать.
    Пк играки портится карма,  но за убийства игрок получает 10% денег того кого убил , а если убьют пк игрока пока он не очистит карму все деньги возвращались  игрокам и кто его убил, получал 18% его денег.
    Приручение животных: Бафы они давать конкретные не будут , некоторые будут помогать в бою , некоторые будут помогать собирать ресурсы ( волк-помогает собирать травы и т.д ещё умеет драться , медведь- ловить рыбу и т.д.)
    Игра будет от 3 лица.
    Начало игры: Ты начинаешь играть и появляешься на одном из островов зависимо от расы , респавнов на острове будет несколько . Игра начинается с того что ты на берегу острова не чего ни помнишь , в ходе разговоров с NPC ты придумываешь внешность и имя, потом к тебе прибегает мальчик и отводит в город(1лвл) , ты встречаешь старейшину и выбираешь класс  и он отмечает на карте где остальные города ты выбираешь остатся в этом или пойти к другому и когда выбрал получаешь гражданство того или иного города , твои задачей будет развитие города , вспомнить кто ты , узнать секрет островов .
    Классы: класс выбирается сразу , потом на 40 лвл выбирается побочный и на 70 лвл выбирается стихия .
    На острове будет 10-20 городов , игрок может получить 1 прописку в каком-нибудь городе, можно переезжать.
    В данжи нужно ходить ради сюжета , лвл, вещами, создание тактик ,у каждого данжа будет мемориал с игроками прошедшими данж за минимальное время .
    Группу в данж  собираешь с чата.
    Топовый шмот надо обновлять каждые 10-12 лвл.
    Кочатся можно и одному ,но советуем найти себе партнёров
     Пока запланировано 79 лвл и 10 уровней города  

    This is the Eng Translation ( I really hope* i did not miss anything ... because my WordDoc was in protected view ... and yes ... i used Google Translate )

    1) PVP PVE
    1) The Arena 1) The Dungeons
    2) Collection of rare resources 2) Mobs in the world
    3) Wars 3) Professions (crafts)
    4) World Bosses 4) World Bosses
    5) Open dungeons 5) Open dungeons
    6) Guild 6) Guilds
    7) Events 7) Relationships
    8) Naval battles 8) Trade
    9) Interracial wars and battles 9) Arrangement of houses
    10) War of the servers 1 0) Development of the city
    11) Attacks, looting 11) Events
    12) Sailing
    13) Bleed the character
    14) PVE Arena
    15) domestication of animals
    16) livestock and vegetable gardens
    2) For kazualschikov and hardcore there will be different servers.
    Casual's server: x2 experience and loss of things, In cities and villages and the surrounding neighborhoods there will be no pvp, weakened mobs and bosses, etc.
    Server Hardcore: -x2 experience and things, Reinforced mobs and bosses, only non-orgt system, pvp is prohibited only in cities (an enemy guild and there can kill you)
    Server Norm: Stable and uniform game
    3) Collection:
    1) Quality
    2) Recipes fall from bosses and mobs
    3) Stages of plant ripening
    4) Each item is tied to its bio (Forest trees, grass, animals, etc.)
    5) There will be plants that ripen 12 h
    6) resources will not be highlighted
    7) each race on the island will have 2-5 unique plants
    1) Quality
    2) After 28lvl with mobs and bosses, only recipes will fall
    3) Kraft is produced in certain places (armor and sword-forge)
    4) Need skills to craft more good things
     5) unique resources make the craft less expensive
    4) Clans:
    1) the clan is created at 1 level of the city
    2) up to 50 people
    3) Can be mercenaries for guilds
    1) The clan can apnutsya in the guild at 3-4 level of the city
    2) up to 200 people
    3) research
    4) seizure of towns and villages
    5) war
    6) tournaments
    ... 7) guild dungeons
    8) For the seizure of cities and villages, the guild receives money (5% of the economy is governed by the place)
    9) The castles will have a divine smelter (cheaper kraft)
    10) transfer of things without duty in between members.
    5) Prorolling:
    1) on mobs
     2) on quests
    3) for the development of cities
    4) in the dungeons
    6) Processing
    Guild Wars: There are 2 types. 1) Enmity: you can fight anywhere without fines (where the server resolves). 2) War: there will be a special day when the two sides face each other on
    arena, both sides must agree, both teams must bet on equivalent bets (if someone forces to accept war, then skip video, screenshots and other evidence and sanctions will be imposed on that guild)
    Closed dungeons: they are made by the type of labyrinths or anthills, there will be puzzles, mobs, secret passages, several bosses. Each dungeon will have a story (which will be told in the course of its passage), there will be a level for 1 person.
    Open dungeons: Labyrinth with mobs to world boss
    Guild: many people, buffs, seizure of castles, wars, task guild, events.
    Things: will be divided into up to 28 and after. Up: this is the usual items that fall from the mobs. After: all you need to craft (even komonki). Bleed (sharpening) occurs by absorbing the gears of the same class and level (the level may be higher, but not lower), (legendary 59 lvl swallowed surrey komon 59 lvl and got 0.01% to pumping, when 100% weapon gets stuck and will be several sharpening levels)
    The recipe is legendary with World Bosses (2 random craft and 20% chance for 1 more)
    The recipe for an immortal from the Chief Bosses (3 random items)
    The recipe of the Reds from the Bosses (1 random and 20% for 1 more)
    The recipe for the komonok and raka from the mobs (10%)
    City: there are several levels (10 exactly)
    opens the smithy, the city gives buffs of its specialization, it can build its own houses, shops and taverns, special quests, the NPC store, the king can demolish your building (I think you will quickly help him get off the throne), the Guild can have 1 city and 1 village
    Villages: You can engage in agriculture and livestock, quests.
    King: exposes taxes on trade, has access to a secret mail, chooses a specialization of the city, builds buildings in the city, can steal (but vryatle long sit on the throne), puts the study for the city.
    Count of the village: lists 50% of the money in the city from the earned, builds, etc.
    Relationships: You can add to friends only personally (the character fits in with Drugova and then the Add friends icon lights up, and the second one should confirm the request.) There will be several levels of relationships:
    1) M and M: a) unfamiliar, b) saw, c) friends. D) friends, d) best friends.
    2) D & D: a) the same as in men
    3) M, F: 1) unfamiliar, 2) seen, 3) friends, 4) friends, 5) girlfriend, 6) girl, 7) wife
    M & M, D & D: To pass from a friend's friend, one must go through a chain of quests and the same with a friend of the best friend
    M & W: From friends to girlfriend, from girlfriend to girl, you have to go through a chain of quests, and with the girl to the wife is a wedding.
    The pumping of the relationship goes through the killing of mobs, the passage of dungeons, the passage of quests.
    Bonuses (buffs are given only in the group and they add up, for each person is specially considered)
    Friend + 5% of experience, best friend + 10% of experience
    Girlfriend + 12% of experience, Girl + 14%
    Wife: + 20% of experience, House becomes common, things can be exchanged without%, a gift from the developers 40% discount on furniture, the wife has a skill scream of the wife (cd 30 min) takes 4 energy from her husband if they both lie down on the bed Energy accumulates faster. You can get a child (player up to 20 lvl) if both players 50 lvl.
    Alliances: There can be 8 guilds in the alliance, 1 guild can consist of 1 alliance, only the main guild can declare war. All the looted for the war the main guild distributes to other guilds, and if it loses, then from the whole alliance the same amount of money is withdrawn, and the winners can take 1 county or 1 city.
    Races: Humans, Elves, Monsters, Low, Gins, Werewolves. They are divided into sub-races People, 2) Elves: Forest, Dark, High. 3) Monsters: Orcs, Skeletons, Goblins. 4) Low-growth: Gnomes, Dwarves, Svirfnebliny. 5) Gins: Ifrit, Amir
    [...] 5000 character limit above
    , Shaitan, 6) Werewolves: Kisune, Werewolf, Rakshas. At once I would like to say that the races will not give bonuses.
    Communication: There is no private chat, there is a link location, island, group, guild, race, trade, merchants, tavern chat with other islands there, no world chat. Mail: The postman is in every town and village, he sends letters only on the island, the main postman is only in the castle and only the ruler decides to give citizens access to him or not.
    Player's shop: For sale by the tax on which the king installed. You can hire people or NPCs. With people a contractual payment, you have to pay every week. Minus NPC sells only certain resources (weapons, armor, wood, meat, berries, etc.), and asks for a lot of money. If a person sells, then all transactions will pass through the cashier, and the cashier will be connected to the chests in the pantry. All sales for 7 days (real) will be saved at the box office and the money will go directly to the cashier, and only the main and trusted people can take money from it. A person comes to the cashier chooses a product that
    [...] 5000 character limit of Google Chrome
    , Shaitan, 6) Werewolves: Kisune, Werewolf, Rakshas. At once I would like to say that the races will not give bonuses.
    Communication: There is no private chat, there is a link location, island, group, guild, race, trade, merchants, tavern chat with other islands there, no world chat. Mail: The postman is in every town and village, he sends letters only on the island, the main postman is only in the castle and only the ruler decides to give citizens access to him or not.
    Player's shop: For sale by the tax on which the king installed. You can hire people or NPCs. With people a contractual payment, you have to pay every week. Minus NPC sells only certain resources (weapons, armor, wood, meat, berries, etc.), and asks for a lot of money. If a person sells, then all transactions will pass through the cashier, and the cashier will be connected to the chests in the pantry. All sales for 7 days (real) will be saved at the box office and the money will go directly to the cashier, and only the main and trusted people can take money from it. A person comes to the cashier chooses a product that
    interesting, sellers are notified in the chat, which is necessary and to whom, comes and sells this product. The purchase goes through the cash register, 2 players enter into it the seller lays the thing, and the buyer money and conduct the operation. Maybe in one store up to 4 sellers. After purchase, the item automatically reaches the buyer in inventory. The seller needs to confirm the purchase price.
    Marketplace: Everything is sold except for quest items. Tax for exhibiting 15% of the value of the thing.
    ships: The shipyard can be built on the 4th level of the city and apaetsya with the city, without them getting to other races bosses and world bosses, sea battles, underwater content
    1 level) A small boat,
    3 level), the trireme and trading boats,
    5 level) galley and merchant ship,
    6 level) Frigate and a huge merchant ship.
    Small boat: max 4 people and 2 cells for
    Of things Trireme: max 12 hours and 5 cells
    Trading boat: max 8 h. 8 cells
    Galera: max 20 h. 14 fuzz and 16 cells
    Merchant ship: max 15 h. 10 guns and 22 cells
    Frigate: max 50 h. 36 guns and 38 cells
    A huge merchant ship: max 30 h. 20 guns and 50 cells.
    Everything works on a magic engine, which must be charged in the port.
    Wedding: First there is preparation. M buys rings and dresses, M buys wedding clothes. Can invite guests. They both go to the NPC and at first M confirms that they are ready to marry, and then F comes to the contract and she agrees. In the world chat, the one will be written and they got married, they will start, the salt, And their teleport on the honeymoon in dungeon.
    Bos Event: while he is alive, he affects the city / island / the whole map and until you kill the effect will not be removed (not necessarily the effect should be bad).
    Trade: money, protection of caravans, transportation of things, different types of carts, the economy on each island has its own (people have a sword 100p, and the elves have 200p), the players themselves form the economy.
    Alchemy: the kaftovy table will be sold in high-level dungeons and the seller will be hidden, gives better buffs than cooking.
    Cooking: gives buffs, the plate is bought from the NPC in the city
    Builder: crafting things you need for apa or building anything.
    Blacksmith: I craft weapons and weapons, make material for the builder.
    Collector: collects resources.
    Fisherman: catches fish.
    The combat system can be selected.
    PC gambles spoils karma, but for killing the player gets 10% of the money of the one he killed, and if they kill the player's pk until he clears the karma all the money returned to the players and who killed him, received 18% of his money.
    Domestication of animals: they will not give specific bows, some will help in combat, some will help to gather resources (the wolf helps to gather grass, etc.), even knows how to fight, bear-fishing, etc.)
    The game will be from 3 persons.
    Beginning of the game: You start playing and appear on one of the islands depending on the race, respawns on the island will be several. The game begins with the fact that you do not remember anything on the island's shore, during conversations with the NPC you invent an appearance and a name, then a boy comes to you and takes you to the city (1Lv), you meet the elder and choose a class and he marks on the map where the rest of the city you choose to stay in it or go to another and when you choose to get the citizenship of a city, your task will be to develop the city, remember who you are, learn the secret of the islands.
    Classes: the class is selected immediately, then by 40 lvl, the side is selected and the element is selected for 70 lvl.
    The island will have 10-20 cities, a player can get 1 residence permit in a city, you can move.
    In the dungeon you need to walk for the sake of the plot, lvl, things, creating tactics, each dungeon will have a memorial with players past dungeons in minimum time.
    You collect the group in the dungeon from the chat.
    The top shmot must be updated every 10-12 lvl.
    You can go to one, but we advise you to find partners for yourself
     While planned 79 lvl and 10 levels of the city


     what you want displayed in most of these Pages ...
    • The Node Leader having too much Control on the Node.
    • to much control in regards in wanting to " know everything " - its almost as if you want to strangle any sense of Mystery and/or element-of-surprise out of the MMORPG.
    • ( for more context in the above bulletin ... ) There should be a sense of achievement ... and getting to ...  " that point of achievement " should hard to get there - it should not be easy to obtain  ... not in the slightest. Removing the difficulty of achieving something will essentially lessen the Content via players finishing things too quickly.
    • I do not approve of +EXP Gains in any way

    Your idea of heavy-taxation is ... well at first it was almost odd, but I DO recall some timestamps to where Steven actually has a plan for how Taxing the Node
     ( and its' citizens ) will work . Despite this I am neutral about this, but that would ultimately need some testing - so touché ( ends at 8:26 )
    ( this link mentions more on Taxing - i highly suggest you read this @lexais_ ( ends at 37:35 )
    ( this is also about Taxes ) 

    Steven already said he wants PvE Players, PvP Players and Role-Play Players to all be in the same Server ... because he says each type of Player has an important role. In other words ... despite the tension that Each three-types of Players MAY have of one another .... the Diversity of each type creates the Community for each Server. ends at 36:58 
    ( Jeff & Steven understands your Concerns about that )

    Call me wrong but, i'd always thought Ashes of Creation wants Strategy in regards to everything involving the Nodes and it's relationship with other Nodes

    which would be based on Guild Relationships and other things ...

    But i do like these ideas though

    • I really admire you desire to have more mechanics for RPing via Marriage System. I'm pretty sure Intrepid will take a look at it ... or it might need to be mentioned at some point during Testing Phases. BUT ... If the Marriage System granted EXP ... then Players would just " Marry players from their own Guild " just for the EXP Boost ... literally spamming it/ abusing the Marriage-System just for the +EXP . So no, definitely not for the +EXP gains 
    • You idea of wanting more Sub-types for each Class ( mainly the Tulnar ) ... i really like them . At the same time, when it comes to the Tulnar ... i think Intrepid wants it to be more broader, rather than specifying the Tulnar-Class. In other words, i think each combination mention will be possible ... but it won't be apparent. Because the Tulnar seems to be a " Wild Card " - having many different possibilities via the Utmost possibilities in Character Creation ( which would make sense into why we haven't seen the (default) Tulnar Class ) . But i think ... even if Intrepid wanted to add more Classes ... it could be part of an Expansion. but for now, they want to focus on the Fundamental-part of the MMORPG 1st . In my opinion ... idk, probably not
    • You idea of Chat is neat - I've thought of an idea similar to it as well .. but idk tbh
    •  ( not sure what you mean by " postman " .. do you mean the Kings' / Queens' personal Delivery Man for Mail ? idk . not even sure how this would work ... in fact i THINK intrepid said they're still discussing about the Mailing System. But you're talking a " Discreet Mailing System between Node Leaders only " ...right?
    • Domestication of Animals .. i do not think Pets should add Stats to the Character - having pets do most of the Activities that the Player would do ... it sounds like a Feature from Bless Online T.T ... so no ... Mounts is a different story ... but again, it should *NOT* be so casual to where the Pets and/or Mounts do most of the Work. I personally feel thats a No ... otherwise the Game would get too easy. Still ... Breeding/ Animal Husbandry will be the closest thing to this. It will still need some testing regardless though
    • Your idea of .. " Closed Dungeons " ... i have a feeling that this would be apart of the Open-World Dungeons ... and maybe Instanced-Dungeons
    • Players being PKed = 18% of in-game-currency ? ....idk it might get out of control
    • You idea of Players not being attacked in Node is reasonable -  I personally think of all the problems that DarkScape and/or RuneScape had with that ... but I'm overall neutral about that
    • I think Player-Stalls / Player-created-Vendors should solely be Players only and no NPCs ... maybe a Few though if need-be. I am ( kind of ) Neutral about this one 

    ... I really hope i did not miss anything (;へ:)

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Thank you for your comments, now I would like to correct the translator, the animals were meant not for pets, but for Mounts. About marriage and attitude, you are also right, but we must not forget that bonuses must be given for pumping otherwise they will not be looked at by anyone. About the mail is not a person, and the NPC is engaged in it and suggested to the heads of the node to make a secret mail. Of the kings and I think a good idea that everything was in the king's authority (in the Middle Ages everything was under his authority). If you notice or do not understand the words, write, I'll figure it out. did not know how to send it correctly

  • Eragale said:

    Thank you for your comments, now I would like to correct the translator, the animals were meant not for pets, but for Mounts. About marriage and attitude, you are also right, but we must not forget that bonuses must be given for pumping otherwise they will not be looked at by anyone. About the mail is not a person, and the NPC is engaged in it and suggested to the heads of the node to make a secret mail. Of the kings and I think a good idea that everything was in the king's authority (in the Middle Ages everything was under his authority). If you notice or do not understand the words, write, I'll figure it out.

  • This is some weird twilight zone shiz. Have you ever tried to talk to one of those old AIM bots that could "Have a conversation" with you. 

    Thats what this feels like

    me>hi, how are you?
    bot>>good, we a0re. You- do good sam+e?
    bot>>Pleasure, thiOnk we like color sa|me?
    bot>>sorry, dont' understand~~11~
  • I thought the title said, "Otters on the Game." Yes, I want otters. Otters please.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    thats understandable. But each Node will be different from another - so they'll be ruled differently - even appointing a Node Leader will be different for each of them. 

    I blame Google Translate - it usually doesn't translate the past-tense ,  present-tense and/or future-tense of word when used in a Sentence. Plus their might be some Slang

    For example
    • Kind of = kinda 
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