Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Gay marriage possible in AoC EU with being a Russian company?



  • @Crymoar It's not an issue until you make one of it. I never claimed it would be gamechanging. I just don't believe in limitations.
    No limits?  Careful there.  What if someone wants to roleplay an incestuous relationship?  Say a son marrying his mother.

    I mean, if we're talking two consenting adults it has to ok if we're going down the no limits path, right?

    Don't laugh,  It wasn't THAT long ago than gay relationships were strictly taboo in almost every society.  No limits means no limits,
  • Why take the marriage system out of the game?
    If you don't want to use the marriage system, don't use it.

    I typically ignore general chat anyways.
    But, if people are going to debate about marriage, they will debate about regardless of whether it's a roleplay-only wedding or a marriage system which includes in-game benefits.
    Really there is nothing to debate since the game will have the system, regardless.
  • Dygz said:
    Why take the marriage system out of the game?
    If you don't want to use the marriage system, don't use it.

    I typically ignore general chat anyways.
    But, if people are going to debate about marriage, they will debate about regardless of whether it's a roleplay-only wedding or a marriage system which includes in-game benefits.
    Really there is nothing to debate since the game will have the system, regardless.
    You're right about what people will talk about in general chat.  It gets pretty awful sometimes.

    I just want to play a game and get away from all the real world crap.
  • Crymoar said:
    Dygz said:
    Why take the marriage system out of the game?
    If you don't want to use the marriage system, don't use it.

    I typically ignore general chat anyways.
    But, if people are going to debate about marriage, they will debate about regardless of whether it's a roleplay-only wedding or a marriage system which includes in-game benefits.
    Really there is nothing to debate since the game will have the system, regardless.
    You're right about what people will talk about in general chat.  It gets pretty awful sometimes.

    I just want to play a game and get away from all the real world crap.
    I will tell you a story. 

    I knew a gay couple who married in a RP setting in TERA online about 4 years ago because it was considered illegal in their country. They found a way to escape real life and create their happiness surrounded by their online friends. 

    That same type of escape can be true for someone else. Same way you want to get away from the real world, so do others.  It's just a different type of escapism.  
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Crymoar said:
    @Crymoar It's not an issue until you make one of it. I never claimed it would be gamechanging. I just don't believe in limitations.
    No limits?  Careful there.  What if someone wants to roleplay an incestuous relationship?  Say a son marrying his mother.

    I mean, if we're talking two consenting adults it has to ok if we're going down the no limits path, right?

    Don't laugh,  It wasn't THAT long ago than gay relationships were strictly taboo in almost every society.  No limits means no limits,
    Historically you're wrong. In some societies, royalty and nobility would marry and breed within their own families to keep the bloodline pure and money flowing. 

    In ancient societies, it was a status symbol for males to take on other male companions.  It's when we involve other factors such as religion, social status,  etc where homosexuality became taboo. 

    I am not attacking anyone's moral compass but I also don't believe in limitations. If we are looking to make these worlds a "fantasy" setting then be prepared for any and all fantasies to be present. Whether or not those fall under your personal beliefs or morality is another thing. 
  • In all honesty if someone wants to Marry their IG mother and RP it; I am totally okay with that.  As long as I can RP my total disgust with that fact. Go For It.
  • Xontian said:
    In all honesty if someone wants to Marry their IG mother and RP it; I am totally okay with that.  As long as I can RP my total disgust with that fact. Go For It.
    makinoji said:
    Crymoar said:
    @Crymoar It's not an issue until you make one of it. I never claimed it would be gamechanging. I just don't believe in limitations.
    No limits?  Careful there.  What if someone wants to roleplay an incestuous relationship?  Say a son marrying his mother.

    I mean, if we're talking two consenting adults it has to ok if we're going down the no limits path, right?

    Don't laugh,  It wasn't THAT long ago than gay relationships were strictly taboo in almost every society.  No limits means no limits,
    Historically you're wrong. In some societies, royalty and nobility would marry and breed within their own families to keep the bloodline pure and money flowing. 

    In ancient societies, it was a status symbol for males to take on other male companions.  It's when we involve other factors such as religion, social status,  etc where homosexuality became taboo. 

    I am not attacking anyone's moral compass but I also don't believe in limitations. If we are looking to make these worlds a "fantasy" setting then be prepared for any and all fantasies to be present. Whether or not those fall under your personal beliefs or morality is another thing. 

    I believe they at least kept it to cousins and not brother-sister; parent-child type of stuff?

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Crymoar said:
    Xontian said:
    In all honesty if someone wants to Marry their IG mother and RP it; I am totally okay with that.  As long as I can RP my total disgust with that fact. Go For It.
    makinoji said:
    Crymoar said:
    @Crymoar It's not an issue until you make one of it. I never claimed it would be gamechanging. I just don't believe in limitations.
    No limits?  Careful there.  What if someone wants to roleplay an incestuous relationship?  Say a son marrying his mother.

    I mean, if we're talking two consenting adults it has to ok if we're going down the no limits path, right?

    Don't laugh,  It wasn't THAT long ago than gay relationships were strictly taboo in almost every society.  No limits means no limits,
    Historically you're wrong. In some societies, royalty and nobility would marry and breed within their own families to keep the bloodline pure and money flowing. 

    In ancient societies, it was a status symbol for males to take on other male companions.  It's when we involve other factors such as religion, social status,  etc where homosexuality became taboo. 

    I am not attacking anyone's moral compass but I also don't believe in limitations. If we are looking to make these worlds a "fantasy" setting then be prepared for any and all fantasies to be present. Whether or not those fall under your personal beliefs or morality is another thing. 

    I believe they at least kept it to cousins and not brother-sister; parent-child type of stuff?

    No, it was sometimes closer than cousins... :(
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2018
    Crymoar said:
    Methios said:
    Dygz said:
    Do you think it's a big deal to have the option to play as a female as well as a male or do you think it's fine to just have only male characters in this game?
    It's a MMORPG not a marriage simulator.  Honestly, I think it's just one more thing for people to complain about with I get people want that choice but I personally don't find it that big of a deal.  You are taking it to the extreme.
    @Glory has a great suggestion.  Just take the in-game marriage system out of the game and let people that actually role play do what ever they want to.

    Seems easy.

    Families that play together stay together.

    There are a lot of us out there; friends, couples, small or large groups of gamers who like each others company - enjoy building up a community in a variety of game worlds and enjoy playing with our husbands, boyfriends, friends and family - WE DO care about being able to have access to these social constructs and it shouldn't matter if I am a Ferengi or a Khatzit or a Twilek or a Unicorn - there should be a variety of character types to choose from and we should be allowed to roleplay and build our families and communities and guilds up to become even more amazing than they already are. 

    Unrestricted access to marriage and sharing of a title or name and often a homestead can be a huge gameplay element that increases how much effort we put in and balances it with experiencing the pure joy and fun we have in game.

    A wedding can be a huge community builder - just imagine the draw of planning a festival and inviting guests from near and far to travel to your node and prepare to celebrate with you - it can become part of an old fashioned barn raising - pulling the node forward and growing it intentionally out of joy.     

    Then we circle back to that first question - is it okay to have only males in game - HELLS to the No.

    I still won't log into my star citizen account as they only have male characters and keep pushing the female release dates into the future.  A man only world would be an android only world since that would give it some plausibility of existence.

  • Does anyone know if will allow gay marriage in AoC EU? I know Russia has very strict anti-gay law going on., being a Russian company, will probably have to adhere to Russian law. What are your thoughts?
    Can't believe this is even a thing in this day and age especially in a fictional game.

    I'd imagine if they don't boycott it from movies, music or books why they would have issues with it in a game.
  • It would be very odd if should try and prevent gay married in AOC. It is a fantasy game. We are doing lot of things in fantasy games that is not allowed in most/a lot of countries.
  • That reasoning is really flawed, if that was the case you could have **** in the game 'cuz fantasy' sure they shouldn't block the gay marriages, let people do what they want to do :3
  • That reasoning is really flawed, if that was the case you could have **** in the game 'cuz fantasy' sure they shouldn't block the gay marriages, let people do what they want to do :3
    Exactly, if you say “It’s fantasy so anything goes!” you will kill your game right there.  Offending a majority of your potential playerbase and/or getting yourself banned from most or all nations is a really bad idea if you want a game to be successful.

    In modern times though, gay marriage is totally acceptable in most of the world.
  • Just keep it all RP. 
  • Does anyone know if will allow gay marriage in AoC EU? I know Russia has very strict anti-gay law going on., being a Russian company, will probably have to adhere to Russian law. What are your thoughts?
    why would you want to marry your own gender lol
  • i can't see this being banned anywhere other than russia and perhaps some asian countries.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    I don't knowing anything about, but I'm not sure they would have a say in it no matter what Intrepid allows as marriage in the game. Personally.. I'm sure Intrepid will allow Gay Marriage, they don't seem like the type to limit people in that way.
    On the subject of Taboo Marriages.. People have married, in recent years, their pets and inanimate objects (carnival rides, automobiles, inflatable water animals, ect) in real life; not just in the States but also in Europe. I still will not judge, who am I to interfere with someone's happiness.
  • It depends on whether or not the world in Ashes of creation has gods.
    If the gods clearly exist, there wont be homosexuality, as it makes no logical sense if the gods made everyone.
    Only point of sex is to reproduce.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018

    Only point of sex is to reproduce.
    You might be “doing it” wrong.   :p
  • That god comment really cracked me up, do all gods have the same values? What a god of pleasure that must be.
    Whatever the case, Ashes marriage brings certain perks and benefits/lifeeasing things like shared inventory spaces or helping out at each others freehold.

    You don't have to marry someone ingame because you are deeply connected in the real world. Just take a good friend and reap the rewards you know? Your friend just might not have a character of the opposite gender so it limits your options when you remove same sex marriage ingame.
    It doesn't look like some of you thought of that at all.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    For others it is a situation of if they are willing to compromise on something like that, what will they compromise on down the line. Will females not be able to ride mounts or travel without male characters on the Middle Eastern servers? (extreme examples of "mah cultural values overrule yours"). 
    Exactly. Looking forward to inter species marriage of undetermined sex.

    You know marriage was a religious ceremony to enable legitimised/sanctioned procreation to worship the mystery of creation right ? In fact if the world was gay, the human race would be extinct after one generation. Kind of defeats the churches objective of protecting the sanctify of life through love. I fail to see how same sex marriage can procreate. Perhaps I have to claim to have a male biased mental state with female physical genitalia because the mind has genitalia of some specified physical attribute type too ? I am so confused these days by the latest fashionable sense of entitlement.

    In other words. If the people of Russia refuse to promote gay marriage, respect it. If the people of some EU countries want to endorse gay marriage, respect that. But seriously, dont try to enforce one societies views on another. Respecting the continuity of life is just as important as respecting the right to love. You dont need to hijack and corrupt 50% of the meaning of a religious ceremony to satisfy a sense of moral acceptance. Even if you do get the governments to agree to it, many of the population will not. Because it promotes the end of the human species.

    You should have simply asked for a new type of ceremony to recognise love and commitment without the expectation of new life. Then everyone could have been happy. Silencing the masses views through positive discrimination, wont fix the problem. It will just drive resentment underground until if festers beyond control and explodes.
  • Grisu said:
    That god comment really cracked me up, do all gods have the same values? What a god of pleasure that must be.

    You do not want to know 
  • Grisu said:
    That god comment really cracked me up, do all gods have the same values? What a god of pleasure that must be.
    Whatever the case, Ashes marriage brings certain perks and benefits/lifeeasing things like shared inventory spaces or helping out at each others freehold.

    You don't have to marry someone ingame because you are deeply connected in the real world. Just take a good friend and reap the rewards you know? Your friend just might not have a character of the opposite gender so it limits your options when you remove same sex marriage ingame.
    It doesn't look like some of you thought of that at all.

    I suppose there might be some sort of Sanguine Daedra style god who makes people gay in game, seems unlikely.
    I don't actually know much about AOC gods.
    My comment was based off of any logical being that creates a world, wouldn't create homosexuality.
    I guess we will find out.
  • Sintu said:

    Only point of sex is to reproduce.
    You might be “doing it” wrong.   :p
    I can't be arsed explaining the science behind sex but yes from a species point of view, pleasure has nothing to do with it.
  • you guys are overcomplicating it. Bringing real-world arguments into a video game as if they were facts.
    As of right now, the game doesn't have Sex or reproduction mechanics, only the marriage mechanic. I doubt the characters will even have any kind of genitalia at all. I'm sure the marriage itself will be an oversimplified mechanic, unlike real-world marriages. Its only purpose is going to be sharing some housing and storage, I mean. Come on! Many probably won't even live together, they will just marry to get the perks. Next, we will see a post talking about who should keep the kids after a divorce as if there are kids, or if gay marriages should be allowed to have kids, again as if there were KIDS! Geez!

    I will probably be playing a female character because they always get the most out of the customization options and I would like to be able to marry another female character.
    Hell, I'm sure interspecies marriage will be allowed and you're all arguing about same-sex marriage like it will extinguish all life on verra, get your head in the game!
  • Let's not turn this into something beyond the scope of a game. Same-sex and interspecies marriages would likely be easier to allow than to forbid. Making marriage an agreement between any two players would be simpler to code than adding a bunch of rules on who can marry. 
  • Sintu said:

    Only point of sex is to reproduce.
    You might be “doing it” wrong.   :p
    I can't be arsed explaining the science behind sex but yes from a species point of view, pleasure has nothing to do with it.
    You probably can’t be arsed because you have no idea what you’re talking about.  Here’s some easy reading:

    Multiple species exhibit sexual behavior outside of reproduction.  The urge toward sexual behavior comes from neurohormones (especially dopamine) that also stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain.  From an evolutionary standpoint it acts to encourage reproduction and in so doing, species survival.  But on an individual level, it’s most certainly about seeking pleasure, whether that means from the act itself or satisfying the urge to reproduce and have offspring (the biological imperative).  Either way it is always a pursuit of some kind of pleasure.

    As to the comments about gods being “logical beings”, it is very logical to use pleasure as an incentive to direct human behavior.  Whether that is to incentivize worship, or make followers attack those that displease you, or form a culture that you prefer.  Pleasure and fear are the “carrot and stick” a divine being would use to control people.  Remember that people aren’t robots or puppets but have free will and need to be goaded, not forced.
  • It depends on whether or not the world in Ashes of creation has gods.
    If the gods clearly exist, there wont be homosexuality, as it makes no logical sense if the gods made everyone.
    Only point of sex is to reproduce.
    The gods didn't make everyone.
    Sex is not the only point of marriage.

  • Sintu said:

    Only point of sex is to reproduce.
    You might be “doing it” wrong.   :p
    I can't be arsed explaining the science behind sex but yes from a species point of view, pleasure has nothing to do with it.
    I just felt cold. Like all of the fun was taken away
  • It depends on whether or not the world in Ashes of creation has gods.
    If the gods clearly exist, there wont be homosexuality, as it makes no logical sense if the gods made everyone.
    Only point of sex is to reproduce.
    I loled, I loled hard at this, gay relationships are not that rare in fantasy and there is always some sort of god of sex and debauchery honestly fits perfectly, what's more might I add the fact that gods are often symbols and oversee a domain and are not some sort of omnipotent beings just look at @na@nagash
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