Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Has Steven/Intrepid consulted with Raph Koster? He lives in San Diego!
I just learned that Raph Koster is still around and he lives in San Diego, where I am pretty sure Steven and Intrepid are based.
For those who don't know, Raph Koster was the Lead Designer for Ultima Online and Creative Consultant for Star Wars Galaxies. This guy has a shit tonne of knowledge and experience, particularly when it comes to designing complex open-world MMORPGS with PVP elements.
There were considerable lessons learned from the days of Ultima Online, and I have seen the same mistakes play out time and time again with other MMOs who have tried to do the open-world sandbox PVP thing. I think open-world PVP can be done right, but very few games have done so, in my opinion.
For those who don't know much about Ultima Online, put simply, it was the first extremely successful graphical MMORPG that hit the market back in the 90's. It thrust MMO's into the limelight, but was quickly superseded in popularity by Everquest. Ultima Online and Everquest represented to competing MMO pathways. The latter represented what would soon become the classic themepark MMO (i.e. WoW) and the former epitomised the open-world sandbox ethos (i.e. put the tools in the hands of the players, and let them create their own games).
What I find particularly interesting is that still to this day, no MMO has matched the depth and complexity of Ultima Online, particularly when it came to its sandbox elements. You could interact with everything, if you wanted to make gigantic pyramids out of old boots, you could!
The breadth of different styles of game play it allowed for was huge. That's not saying it didn't have issues of its own
Nevertheless, I am sure that some of you will not agree with my assessment; if so, I'd be interested to know what games you think might have surpassed UO in sandbox freedom and meta-gaming.

In any case, I think it would be great if Steven/Intrepid (if they haven't already done so) had some consultation with Raph Koster. He lives in their area, so I think it is a no brainer
I think he could bring an extremely experienced eye to what you guys are doing.

For those interested, here is a really interesting and informative interview with Raph Koster -
The current Devs have insane industry experience having worked on those games listed. I'm not sure there has been a mmo built yet using this much talent and experience. The more I think about it, the more it impresses me.
That is a very interesting interview. I'm tucking this away for safe keeping. Thank you for sharing.
Another interesting fact, Ultima Online's success earned it several Guinness World Records in 2008, and in 2012 Time Magazine designated it as one of the 100 greatest video games of all time.
What you are doing now is the same thing people used to say to us when we started out. you are belittling them due to there experience or in this case lack of. I would hope a gamer as experienced as you would understand better than most.
<Grandpa Voice> Back in my day we had corpse runs where we had to run naked thru dangerous zones to get our equipment back... Dying meant experience loss and possible loss of a level... No hand holding, Feathers, Icons or even Maps for that matter.. No wiki.. You needed help you had to ask in a chat channel... Dial up modems.. Days to download.. Installation thru physical disks... </Grandpa Voice>
Note my first MMO was Everquest summer '99...
I am not too sure what was entitled about me or my approach? I feel entitled to my opinion and the freedom to debate my position, but apart from that, I am at a loss as to where else you feel that I am acting entitled?
SaintJ said: I mean, it genuinely makes me cringe. I am also unfamiliar with Ultima Online - maybe I've heard the name a few times, but nothing more than that. The above quote, however, is something special. I feel like in a book titled "How NOT to Think", this sort of philosophy would rightfully earn an entire chapter.
Don't take it as people harassing or bullying some hapless person, think of it as people correcting a severe case of "I know everything" syndrome. Parents do it all the time to their kids. It would be irresponsible not to do the same for the youth of our forums.
Note that it wasn’t an MMO like you know them today. It wasn’t a first-person 3D game, it was a 2D isometric game. Here’s a screenshot to give you an idea.