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hola como puedo descargar el juego ashes of creation


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    If you dont have a package, availability to download the testing phase known now as Apocalypse will be available in the next 2-4 weeks estimated.
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    And soon everyone ca tray and test game for free... EVERYONE.
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    And soon everyone ca tray and test game for free... EVERYONE.
    I know a certain bear who might not be testing. 
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    @Sintu he can test. He just can't comment here or Discord about it. They let him back onto Reddit, prolly just to give him enough rope to hang himself again.
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    @Sintu he can test. He just can't comment here or Discord about it. They let him back onto Reddit, prolly just to give him enough rope to hang himself again.
    Haha, gotcha. I should have guessed you would have an answer because you always do. @UnknownSystemError
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    MResto1 said:
    hola como puedo descargar el juego ashes of creation
    Si no compraste uno de los paquetes para entrar al Alpha no podras descargarlo, pero mas o menos en unas 2 o 4 semanas podras bajar la fase "Apocalypse" para testiar.

    Just a rough translation of what Unknown said x)
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