Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Good In Game Glossary/Tutorial
There are many key moments in a mmo where it can loose or win a bunch of players . Like end game content . You loose many ppl there if you dont offer them good content . Its impossible to win everyone for a mmo cause you sometimes have to make decisions for one route or another but not in general things like end game content .
I think 1 of the key moments where you can loose or win many players, in special "noobs" or "unexperienced players", is when people try to learn how to do things and what posibilitys and systems exist in the game . Sadly its more the common thing to do skimpy tutorials and glossarys . Actually some of the more "elitist" players think thats a good thing, cause they want to spend tons of hours to get behind the systems, share and gather informations to be better prepared then others. Also they sometimes think its better like this cause it keeps the noob players away .
Guess i dont need to mention i dont think that way . Even though im so arrogant to say im a good player in tactic and in skill, i dont get why it has to be like that . Like in mmo's like eso you have the typical stats like crit, armor etc . But the ingame guides dont let you know what 100 armor rly mean for you or what caps are there soft and hard . No, i have to do research like i go study or something . And some not so experienced players quit mmo's cause they are just overwhelmed by the amount of information and no one ist telling them whats for what .
So i would love to see a extensive glossary and tutorial in AoC . I also think there should be unkown things to experience and i totaly agree with that . But systems like crafting, or things like stats and what they mean and how they influence each other . I would like to see such information avaiable to everyone.
Just somthing i had to speak out once . But sure i would like to listen to other opinions
I think 1 of the key moments where you can loose or win many players, in special "noobs" or "unexperienced players", is when people try to learn how to do things and what posibilitys and systems exist in the game . Sadly its more the common thing to do skimpy tutorials and glossarys . Actually some of the more "elitist" players think thats a good thing, cause they want to spend tons of hours to get behind the systems, share and gather informations to be better prepared then others. Also they sometimes think its better like this cause it keeps the noob players away .
Guess i dont need to mention i dont think that way . Even though im so arrogant to say im a good player in tactic and in skill, i dont get why it has to be like that . Like in mmo's like eso you have the typical stats like crit, armor etc . But the ingame guides dont let you know what 100 armor rly mean for you or what caps are there soft and hard . No, i have to do research like i go study or something . And some not so experienced players quit mmo's cause they are just overwhelmed by the amount of information and no one ist telling them whats for what .
So i would love to see a extensive glossary and tutorial in AoC . I also think there should be unkown things to experience and i totaly agree with that . But systems like crafting, or things like stats and what they mean and how they influence each other . I would like to see such information avaiable to everyone.
Just somthing i had to speak out once . But sure i would like to listen to other opinions

Actually, giving nodes the option to build a library that had interactive books with information would be a neat addition to see.
Further things i would like to mention to give examples . Aoe: is there a limit on how many mobs/players can be affected ? most games wont tell you that ingame . Buffs: Ok most games explain buffs at least sufficient . But in some games you get buffs and you have NO IDEA what they do xD . You just know the name of the buff . In that case the information most times is hiding somewhere you wouldnt expect . Not like you go to help, there is a category named buffs and a list of all of them and what they do exactly . No that would be to easy or something .
And pls dont give me unsatisfactory information on a buff . Random example: Your Attacks pierce through enemys armor . and thats all what the game says . I want to know how much exactly. Is it % or a flat value . And what is the meaning of "attck" for the game ? is it all my spells physical and magical + my aa or not ?
More the problems of serious gaming here but also important i think . Bothers me in lots of games if i want to tryhard on my build but i dont have enough information to make it good . So i have to wait for even more tryharding people to sit down take out their pocket calculator and do math ^^ . Probs to them .
Unless things have changed, which they probably have, wasn't at one point there mention of crafting recipes / discoveries being personal.
Ie, Andy's heavy 'guardian' armor has x stats when he makes it, but Bobs doesn't, he makes something different using the same recipe, but using different techniques his 'watchman' armor more than stands up to it stat wise.
I do heavily use guides, and do feel they should be in game.
But also should keep vital details out.
I want to work in a team to discover the best way to take on a challenge, not get shouted at by strangers because the less efficient method is 'the one you should know'