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Amaze me! (for the devs and community of AoC)

While been following your journey with the game development, i've felt (for the longest time) a great anticipation for release.

I love the mechanics you've planned ahead, where the player's own decisions as a community drives the narrative (for ex. nodes system). I'm an old school D&D video games and pen & paper fan, and what made those games always so intriguing was the unpredictable future where the game is heading. What modern games lack these days, are the challenges of the social side in games, where the gaming experience is defined by how you interact with other people and you kinda make your own adventures. If you manage to do all this even half as good as it sounds, i'm propably gonna be the 15 year old little nerd once again.

After the great era of MMO's succession in the early last decade there hasn't been much of new ideas for the genre. Great work guys! Keep it up and keep it up as players like obviously you've been doing when implementing.
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