Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Latest Live-stream!

Are you happy with the News from the latest Live-stream?


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    I believe we are coming to the end of a tunnel and there is light at the end. We will have wider options soon and all of our hard work has been appreciated. I appreciate the time Steven, Jeff and Peter give but i would have liked a fairer distribution of questions asked (Some from this forum too). I could gripe but i look forward to the MMO livestream next week. The updates about the MMO side were appreciated and it will be interesting to see how much has changed on the MMO side of things next week.

    As you can tell i'm talking about next week more than this week and that's because instructions could have been clearer for Apocalypse Beta but we deal with what we are given when we are given it.

    Edit: My favourite answer and question related to potential unarmed combat. It's cool it's a stretch goal and i hope everything goes smoothly so it can be added as a cosmetic change or maybe a full on weapon choice.
  • I'm not a fan of BR but i think that the way they are going with Apocalypse is good. 
    With this they have the ability to test Servers and get tons of feedback for bugfixing. And this 1 year before launch.
    With this one year stresstest of the systems i believe the MMO could run nearly bugfree during launch.
    No performance issues, no nerver issues, no no crashes. 
    I don't remember the last time i played a new game that had not some problems in the first few weeks.

    Also i think its good that they are doing another Livestream next week only about the MMO. 

    Love the new cosmetics even if i'm not a winter theme person.
  • Really impressed with the progress and how Intrepid have extended their product portfolio. The Battle Royale (which admittedly aren't my type of game) is a great way to get individuals interested in the MMO and it acts almost like a gateway.
  • It wasn't the best live stream as they kind of just updated us on the plan and didn't really show us anything new but it did leave me feeling like we are making progress. Some of the questions answered also interested me. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    Not a fan of BR type games in any way shape or form but if this helps with server login, account registration, server stability, greater stability and performance with ever increasing numbers of players in a pvp environment then I am all for it. They will have the next 12 months to make these servers stable and iron out all manner of kinks to hopefully provide a smooth release for the MMO.
    Now if the MMO is to be pushed back by many months or they fail to deliver on some of the games core concepts then I will start to hand out the pitchforks. So will just cool my heels until alpha1 phase 2 hits servers Q2 next year and then start to pass judgment.

    Edit: Next week they will hopefully show us just how the MMO is progressing, I think intrepid understand there is a good level of discontent within the community and are trying to provide information that may alleviate some of this discontent. 
  • It was ok I suppose. not much news about the MMO but any news is better than no news 
  • Between yes and no I have to say yes simply because some news is better than none and none of it was particularly bad so there is that.
  • Happy with the news

    News has focussed on
    Visual display of selected gameplay
    Discussion of mechanics

    I would like to see, if sufficiently designed, how some of the more pragmatic things in game as starting to flesh out

    What I would like to see include
    • Character screen
    • Equipment / Inventory screen
    • Various management screens
    • Character creation screen
    • Skill path/tree screens
    • Group Finding screen
    • Clan management screen
    • Manor control screen

    You get the idea

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