Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

I was excited to get my invite into the stress test last night until......

So I get home last night get my invite, load the game and jump into a battle royal. Graphics good, runs smooth, UI ok then I manage to get my hands on some upgraded weapons and armor and I'm all excited to fight someone until I see 3 guys bouncing around like bunny rabbits dropping AOE's all over the place and I think to myself " what the hell is this ?" Are you serious ? Cat drop boots ?
 I played 5 battles and only made it to the end of one of them but I observed them all to the end and each and every time the final players were all wearing cat drop boots, bouncing around like a bunch of jack as.. er jackrabbits and lobbing meteors.
 Melee combat was useless because if your feet were firmly planted on the ground you were a dead man. Aiming ? Don't need it if you can spam AOE's. The fact that this item combination is even in the game is a huge red flag for me. It tells me the developers have no idea what the hell they are doing when it comes to balance or creating any kind of tactical combat based game.
  If Cat Drop boots make it into the live MMO then you will have destroyed the game.
 Set aside the optics of elves and dwarves hopping around like kangaroos, that in itself is soul crushing enough but imagine a castle siege or an open field battle, with 40- 50 players on each side, all of them bouncing all over the place just spamming AOE's. Is that what we want ?
 Forget spending hours taking down castle walls with your siege engines all you need to do get one wall low enough for your army of rabbits to bounce over it.
 Why bother playing a tank what good is your sword and shield going to do to someone hopping all over the place ? Barrier spell ? Shield Charge ? Melee weapons ? Why bother ?
 Thought you were going to have epic bridge battles where the only place you could get through a wall or over a river or canyon was a bridge ? Nope. Just jump over them.
 Imagine trying to defend a caravan with 20 of your guild mates. You have tanks, healers, bards, a good mix of classes and a defense strategy on how you will disperse if you are suddenly ambushed but then 5 elves come bounding out of the trees lobbing meteors all over the place and within seconds your entire caravan is decimated and there was little or nothing you could do about it. Unless of course your guild also had bouncy boots and now all of a sudden that epic tactical fight you thought you were going to experience now turns into 40 pin heads bouncing around spamming AOE's, firing their bows and spells randomly in the air or for those poor souls trying to survive as a melee class, spamming their melee attacks in every direction hoping to somehow catch a bunny rabbit when they happen to land next to them.
 This is not the game I signed up for. Why bother having teams of game developers spending months and months designing melee based classes only to put an item in the game that will render them completely useless ? Any item that gives players the ability to avoid being hit by melee, move over or through barriers untouched and just generally makes the game look silly, needs to be removed.
 Sorry for the long rant but I've quit other games I've played that had "assault classes" in it that completely ruined melee combat and to see it already in alpha in this game makes me cringe.


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    You realize that the battle royal doesn't have classes and the MMORPG will,  right? 
  • Since they use this as a testing ground I doubt they put much thought in balancing it.

    It also doesn't make much sense to spend extra time balancing your testing ground if you are not actually interested in testing the balance but testing network and mechanics.

    In my opinion it is best to always remember what purpose thecurrent test has and then evaluate the topic of anger.
  • Most people who win currently use the "Catfall-Meteor-Dark Pact" combo.
    They only have to survive until the last stage, where the circle closes in fast, activate Catfall and Dark Pact and then book it into the corruption, while spamming meteor into the middle...
    A good way to "fix" this would be to give catfall boots higher stamina consumtion, so that two jumps would use up all stamina and make it so that dark pact wont ignore corruption.
  • Catfall boots are also super weak if your opponent has a bow and the ability to use it. The jumping and slow falling ensures you move in a predictable path. A charged bow shot can deal 308 damage as a headshot to anyone who thinks spamming Catfall is a good idea.

    The only reason Catfall boots seem OP is because most of our player base is comprised of MMO players, as opposed to FPS/BR players. In other words: everyone kinda sucks.
  • The separation of skills into their individual classes will help with balance immensely. I believe the cat fall boots are a Ranger skill, while the meteor will undoubtedly be a Mage skill. So there's low to no chance that in the actual MMO individuals will be able to possess both abilities at once. And the Ranger's AOE skills we know of don't mix well with a jumping skill so they'll likely only use it as movement to either get away or find a good sniping point. I'll admit it does look kind of silly in the BR, but spamming AOE's does help with server stress testing in it's own way.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    The separation of skills into their individual classes will help with balance immensely. I believe the cat fall boots are a Ranger skill, while the meteor will undoubtedly be a Mage skill. So there's low to no chance that in the actual MMO individuals will be able to possess both abilities at once. And the Ranger's AOE skills we know of don't mix well with a jumping skill so they'll likely only use it as movement to either get away or find a good sniping point. I'll admit it does look kind of silly in the BR, but spamming AOE's does help with server stress testing in it's own way.
    You are wrong about Catfall being a Ranger skill ;D
    We saw in the halloween livestream that the mage had Catfall and he also used it xD
    (I still think Catfall should be a rogue skill!)

    *Edit: Oh wow i really thought it was the mage that used Catfall xD Sry for the wrong information! 
  • Ooh hi my friend i just should ve posted here instead making a new discussion lol. Well said. I agree with your post and this is what I was most afraid of as well. Mobility shouldn't be in any way boosted and  it should be kept to minimum in this game or it will end up into catch me if you can. Ranged character have their range, they can use it to their benefit before we get to them.  All those dashes, blinks and rolls. Hehe thanks but no thank you. Devs should ask themself what should divers, tanks, archers, healers and mages do and how are they going to fight each other. Cat boots is not a good idea. In PvP games must have skillshots that you can dodge and predict movements to be rewarded for. Otherwise it will change into unfun experience. I inv to my discussion about Meele combat as well in Battle System n Mechanics topic. Cheers All!
  • Thanks for taking your time about highlighting  the problems in the game Crepidus. This game might end before it starts and I don t want it since we don't have much mmo to chose from anyways.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    What is those cat fall boots supposed to be testing? why were they made? I really hope they don't make it into the MMO.

    To those who say that is only on the BR, look at Pyotr in this video, that is the MMO.

    I know this is alpha and many things will change, we are just asking why is that even a thing? The Boots in the BR and that Ranger skill in the MMO.
  • Damokles said:
    The separation of skills into their individual classes will help with balance immensely. I believe the cat fall boots are a Ranger skill, while the meteor will undoubtedly be a Mage skill. So there's low to no chance that in the actual MMO individuals will be able to possess both abilities at once. And the Ranger's AOE skills we know of don't mix well with a jumping skill so they'll likely only use it as movement to either get away or find a good sniping point. I'll admit it does look kind of silly in the BR, but spamming AOE's does help with server stress testing in it's own way.
    You are wrong about Catfall being a Ranger skill ;D
    We saw in the halloween livestream that the mage had Catfall and he also used it xD
    (I still think Catfall should be a rogue skill!)
    Whoops, my mistake then. Thanks for the catch, I need to go rewatch a few things I guess.
  • Damokles said:
    The separation of skills into their individual classes will help with balance immensely. I believe the cat fall boots are a Ranger skill, while the meteor will undoubtedly be a Mage skill. So there's low to no chance that in the actual MMO individuals will be able to possess both abilities at once. And the Ranger's AOE skills we know of don't mix well with a jumping skill so they'll likely only use it as movement to either get away or find a good sniping point. I'll admit it does look kind of silly in the BR, but spamming AOE's does help with server stress testing in it's own way.
    You are wrong about Catfall being a Ranger skill ;D
    We saw in the halloween livestream that the mage had Catfall and he also used it xD
    (I still think Catfall should be a rogue skill!)
    Whoops, my mistake then. Thanks for the catch, I need to go rewatch a few things I guess.
    No, you are right. that is a ranger jumping around, not the mage.
    Either way, what is that?
  • Well the boots need to be worked on but that's just what Alpha testing means, it's that you know testing 'w'

    We will probably see a lot of these type of game breaking items, I wouldn't worry too much about it, if it proves to be game breaking then it will be changed.
  • At least with catfall being limited to a single class it will be more limited than it is in the BR, but I should still be toned down a bit, maybe reduce it's duration or how high you jump.
  • I just watched gameplay from ashes and then fortnite. I saw no difference except that you can use meteors and that you are not allowed to build during fight. Oh and medieval setting if you are tired of modern one in fortnite. Correct me if I'm wrong but you can swap between magic, melee n archer on go. Even during jump LOL. Arrows seems to fly like bullets man. No need to aim higher lol. Dude melee only if u 're like super close in building so they hit calling while jumping. The one with bigger DPS n armor wins. Unless you press Left button first then maybe you win lol.  There is no weapons visible just hide them into invisible backpack whole armory.
  • Gadwar said:
    I just watched gameplay from ashes and then fortnite. I saw no difference except that you can use meteors and that you are not allowed to build during fight. Oh and medieval setting if you are tired of modern one in fortnite. Correct me if I'm wrong but you can swap between magic, melee n archer on go. Even during jump LOL. Arrows seems to fly like bullets man. No need to aim higher lol. Dude melee only if u 're like super close in building so they hit calling while jumping. The one with bigger DPS n armor wins. Unless you press Left button first then maybe you win lol.  There is no weapons visible just hide them into invisible backpack whole armory.
    Please understand the term 'testing' they are not balancing anything because they are not focusing on that you really think we will have br gameplay in a mmorpg ? 
  • This isn't my first game that I dealt with in testing phase. So please understand my dissapointment(too many bad experiences). Perhaps it will change but I think I imagined a different game in my mind.
  • I think this post backfired. The game you described sounds pretty fun. lol
  • Gadwar said:
    This isn't my first game that I dealt with in testing phase. So please understand my dissapointment(too many bad experiences). Perhaps it will change but I think I imagined a different game in my mind.
    You’re not playing the actual game yet.  What we’re testing isn’t the actual MMORPG at this point.  Yes, what they have now sucks (gameplay-wise, the graphics are great) but this isn’t the actual Ashes of Creation RPG that was in the Kickstarter.  This is an easier, simpler game that’s using the same engine and servers, and they’re using it to test those aspects until the real game is ready to test.  That won’t come for quite some time.
  • Gadwar said:
    This isn't my first game that I dealt with in testing phase. So please understand my dissapointment(too many bad experiences). Perhaps it will change but I think I imagined a different game in my mind.
    steam early access doesn't count ;) jokes aside right now the abilities on items and so on are just there to see what works and what doesn't I mean we are playing a br mode when the game will be an mmo at the end, you should expect to see this stuff during alpha phase, if this was beta then your worries would be a bit more justified.
  • Welcome to video games

    Where there's a meta and people use it.
  • Gadwar said:
     Perhaps it will change but I think I imagined a different game in my mind.
    Of course you have a different game in mind, Apoc is a testing environment. Ashes of Creation is a year out still deep in development. You're getting WAY ahead of yourself if you have issues with game balance in the game that doesn't exist yet.
  • I hope this bullshit jumping won't make it in the actual game. Maybe 1 jump every 30 seconds is ok but more would make the game absurdly annoying for melee classes.
  • I'm just waiting to see a group of people jumping over castle walls and taking out people on the ramparts.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    The BR just gives us something to do while we're testing mechanics and that the abilities actually work. At this point, balance is mostly irrelevant.
    I can make it to 3rd place with no gear and avoiding combat.

    Mages will be able to fly/glide in the MMORPG, so I dunno why people are complaining about jumping in the BR.
  • I sware I need to go to every post "everything is subject to change as this is alpha gameplay"
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