Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
PvP PvE Or both~?

Hey~! I love hearing from the community, and since I'm completely new to MMORPGs I'd love to hear what you guys like more. PvP, PvE or a mix of the two. I personally have basically only played PvP games, CS:GO , RUST etc. I'd love to give PvE a chance in Ashes, seeing those huge groups of people taking on a super cool boss looks crazy fun~! Let me know what you guys have gravitated towards, or if you like to strike a balance~!

Hmmm... that makes sense~! I hope in Ashes though they will both be wonderful, so people will have desire to try them both out~! For me I play ONLY pvp games, but that doesn't mean I'm only going to PVP in the MMO. I'd love to try fighting huge bosses with lovely friends
PvE: Player vs environment
PvP: Player vs player
PvX: Player vs anything
I'll play PvX. Both is enjoyable and both I'll practise... with friends and new folks I think it will be fabulous :-D
Even if you don't want PvP, you better be ready for it, or be ready to hand over a lot of your hard earned gold to the other guy.
I'll probably be PvX ! I didn't even know that was a thing lol
That's great~! I want to do both so, that'll be awesome. Especially since I've never tried PvE so that should be pretty fun.
Well even if that's the case I'm definitely planning on doing them both~!
I do enjoy Lore myself! I love listening to stuff about WoW, but I just can't stand to play the game.
Hmmm... I like PvP and PvE as well, but I doubt the open world PvP will be that bad, I mean losing your GEAR that you farmed for, at least in WoW I've seen gear or mount or whatever be impossibly hard to get. I think risking that many hours and hours and weeks or even months of work is a pretty good deterrent myself. Imagine farming the same boss over and over for some amazing gear, only going to kill everyone and then lose it to some random player who loots it. Either way I guess we'll just have to see
Welcome to the club ^^
Lets just hope they get both parts and not just side with one
Yeah that seems awesome~! I've never played an MMORPG so I have no idea what I am, but I'd love to both PvE and PvP. I haven't PvEd before but I feel I'll enjoy it, and PvP is something I always enjoy so that's a no brainer.
Mhm~! I'm glad to hear you're open to it c:
Yeah that's what I've always seen, I tried WoW and then looked up how to get into a raid. I just walked around and 1 hit literally everything in there. I hope ashes will have a mix of static levels, and scaling. Without scaling places in the world become absolute ghost towns and meaningless to visit.
Well in AoC there are no level zones so if you think you can farm rabbits and be safe then think again because mommy slime will come with a 20 level lead and melt your ass to oblivion.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
wise words
pve should serve the purpose of gearing up for pvp while pvx is always there to keep u on the edge.