Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What games are you playing now~?

I hope you're all doing well c: I was wondering what games you peeps were playing~ I recently quit playing RUST and this will be my first mmo! Just wondering what the community is playing and having fun with~ I'm pretty excited to try an mmo, but I'm saving myself for ashes uwu lol anyway thank you for commenting 
Or if you'd like to play anything in general with me, my discord is Poko#1183 and I'd love to meet and play with some of the community before Ashes even comes out

Oooooo~! Reading and painting? I've never heard of those other games but reading and painting seem nice and relaxing c:
Paint me like your French girls
I'm glad to hear n.n what do you usually paint and read ?
Oooooo~ sounds fun c: I've tried league myself but I mostly stick to csgo
That's awesome~! I have just been playing CS:GO. I wanted to try to get into reading but it's expensive for the books I want. I really enjoy the WoW LORE but I haven't ever played the game funnily enough. The game was before my time anyway, I just enjoy the lore a lot and looked at the books. especially since I've basically never read a book on my own accord
Yeah I love reading about lore as be honest it was one of the main points of ashes for me so I can't wait to see what the do. ^_^
I really hope they have some wonderful lore~! That really entices tons of people~! and adds a TON to the game~!
So very true for me too. Arthas could have been just an amazing raid boss in wow, but having played the games before wow, i was so much more involved, so confliced and a mess seeing his story come to an end. I was glad to finally beat him, but also so sad.
He was an amazing character just to name one.
Lore makes the world what it is. Being able to read about the races, creation, factions, traditions, heroes and villains of past and present. It just adds so much more to it all.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
FFXIV for Fun on the Malboro Server
right now only some gw2...but tbh i spend more time on Ashes alrdy wich isnt even released XD
As for what I'm playing right now, I recently subscribed to FF14 after leaving WoW (I had issues with the direction WoW had taken when it comes to end-game content).
While I play ESO every day I do actually spend more time following Ashes, discord, the forums any new CC content. Its a habit I have formed lol.
Well you know an easy way to break the LOL addiction? Get yourself banned, which is surprisingly easy to do. I recently received a 14 day ban for afking a 3v5 match when my remaining teammates refused to surrender....
I've been busy with some work so I haven't had the time to reply to everyone like I usually dooo..... buuuuutt... I'm still reading over all your posts~! I'm thankful for all the thoughts you put out and letting everyone know what games you're currently enjoying n.n