Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Cosmetic skin exchange

Salutations everyone
Soo just wanted to talk about the idea of what if some of us who have been buying cosmetics faithfully every month (cause we know this games gonna be our forever home 😁),
Comes to find out some of us don't like how the models are rendered or the type of restrictions each skin has for what it can go over?
As we get closer to th games release and start seeing how things will look in game, i feel like we should have an option for all concept art purchases to either receive embers equal to what the skin cost or exchange for a previous or present months skin.
(Or idea you get 1 exchange for a previous months cosmetic and anything else you didn't like you get embers back)
I understand that nobody made me buy it, but i want to buy it and support the game. Im all for in game credit cause im here to stay and im sure some people have thought about.
Soo just wanted to talk about the idea of what if some of us who have been buying cosmetics faithfully every month (cause we know this games gonna be our forever home 😁),
Comes to find out some of us don't like how the models are rendered or the type of restrictions each skin has for what it can go over?
As we get closer to th games release and start seeing how things will look in game, i feel like we should have an option for all concept art purchases to either receive embers equal to what the skin cost or exchange for a previous or present months skin.
(Or idea you get 1 exchange for a previous months cosmetic and anything else you didn't like you get embers back)
I understand that nobody made me buy it, but i want to buy it and support the game. Im all for in game credit cause im here to stay and im sure some people have thought about.
I do like the Ember idea though
Exchange it for Embers, so that IS doesn't lose any money in the process, but customers still have a chance to get something else they actually like.
After a while past release (maybe 4 months?) you've had your chance and buyers' remorse is no longer an excuse.
I will give you one otter for one cursed charger!
Refund for any sort of real world money refund? No
Refund for an equitable amount of Embers? Sure
Formerly T-Elf
The disassembling of the skins would only be for the skins bought before the game released. At least that would be best in my opinion.
Come take a look at!
I have a rare cursed charger that can’t be purchased from the store anymore. I paid $20 for it six months ago. If you trade me your otter skin that anyone can get now on the store, and separately give me a thousand gold pieces of in-game currency, I’ll trade you this charger skin for it.
Now my $20 of RL money got me in-game money I can use to improve all my gear. I guess IS wasn’t serious about their stance against P2W after all.
(This is why everything you buy with Embers is account-bound and will always be.)
First: I never wrote anything about ember exchanging the hands. I said that it would be a better idea to trade the skins straight with each other (both wont be able to be bought ever again and in this case both cost 20$). It would be more like a trading card game
And second: Maybe I should have wrote the BIG FAT IRONY AND SARCASM straight out in the post.
I definitely agree on that
I also agree that there shouldn't be any p2w aspects of these transactions and i can live with not being able to exchange for a previous months soo its not chaos for them.
This is what im picking up from everyones comments as well. Maybe this is something to ask the Devs on their next live stream or something for discussion later on.
The topic of exchanging cosmetics we bought in the past for embers when we see the final product is important to discuss. I feel as though as systems are being developed we really don't understand what all the cosmetics are used for and we just have a general idea of what they could be for.
The description of what the skin is and does and most important when can we use it since we bought it, is just flavor text. It doesn't do well to explain the purpose of the cosmetic skin especially the buildings and mounts.
I will always support Ashes as the next big thing, that's why I think no one would complain about receiving embers back if the in game model they finally see wants to their liking. once everything has a in-game render I think all sales on those are fair to say final.
Thank you for listening to my opinion and I do understand it is up to the company.